HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2016-02-18 Regular PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
Regular Meeting
1. The Regular Meeting was called to order at 7:00pm with the following people in
Chairman David O’Farrell Commissioner Craig Lovell
Commissioner Rhonda Neel Commissioner Tony Annan
Commissioner Rich Borghese Arnold Polanco, City Attorney
Aubrey Harbin, City Planner Becky Summers, Dev. Coordinator
Absent: Branson, Triplette
2. Communication from the public/committee liaisons
(To comply with the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, the Commission may not
deliberate on subjects discussed under this agenda item. However, the Commission may
direct such subjects to be placed on a later regular Commission agenda for discussion
and/or possible action.)
Skip Evans/CEDC read a prepared statement and said the Commercial and Economic
Development Committee agreed with the proposed changes to the Downtown District uses.
Gary Caye/CEDC said they agreed with the Commission’s recommendation regarding the
proposed changes to the uses allowed in the Downtown District. He mentioned CEDC was
also interested to hear what the Commission had to say about the proposed large retail
3. Consent Agenda
A. Approval of the minutes for the meeting held:
1) February 1, 2016
Motion to approve: Lovell
Second: Borghese
Vote: 5 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried
AT 7:00 PM
February 18, 2016 P & Z Meeting
4. Consideration and possible action regarding the Final plat of Willowick Estates, a plat of
.959 acres being Lots 3, 4, 23, and 24 of Unrecorded Hoover Subdivision, in the Sarah
McKissick League, Abstract 151, Galveston County, Texas
Motion to approve subject to staff comments: Neel
Second: Annan
Vote: 5 to 0 (Unanimous) Motion Carried
Harbin explained the plat would combine two lots in the Downtown District into one lot.
Annan asked why the bank was required to sign the plat. Harbin explained all property
owners and lienholders were required to acknowledge plats.
5. Consideration and possible action regarding the Final Plat of Friendswood Complex, a
tract of 1.666 acres of land, Lot 2 and 3, in the Harvey and Stout Subdivision of Lots 6, 7
and 8 inclusive, in Block 2 of Friendswood Subdivision, Galveston County, Texas, being
recorded in Volume 315, Page 79, of the County Deed Records in the Office of the County
Clerk of Galveston County, Texas
Motion to approve subject to staff comments: Lovell
Second: Neel
Vote: 5 to 0 (Unanimous) Motion Carried
Harbin said the Commission had previously approved the preliminary plat of
Friendswood Complex. She said the plat combined the existing Roberts Business Park
with the vacant lot next door.
Sel Thint/developer said the project would be a total of 20,000 square feet of buildings
constructed in phases. He explained the project would help alleviate the parking deficit at
Roberts Business Park, as well.
6. Consideration and possible action regarding a recommendation to extend the Specific
Use Permit for Tires By Design to be located at 3516 FM 528 (Ordinance 2014-13)
Motion to approve: Annan
Second: Lovell
Vote: 5 to 0 (Unanimous) Motion Carried
Harbin stated the Specific Use Permit for Tires By Design was originally approved in
2014. She said the owner had been building another location and ran into setbacks which
delayed the construction of the Friendswood location. She said the applicant was
requesting more time.
Martin Walsh/owner explained his Seabrook location was 95% complete when the Fire
Marshal relayed the need for a booster pump which ended up costing more than $250,000
and roughly six-months time.
O’Farrell told the Commission this project was a good example of when ordinances do
not always work for every site. Harbin explained the site was unique in that it abutted a
private driveway into an apartment complex. She said the applicant went through the
February 18, 2016 P & Z Meeting
variance process and ultimately the ordinance was amending to allow for use buffer
exemptions when abutting a 30-foot private road, ditch, open space and the like.
7. Consideration and possible action regarding a recommendation to City Council
regarding a Personal Care Facility to be located at 505 N. Clear Creek Dr.
Motion to approve subject to staff comments: Borghese
Second: Lovell
Vote: 5 to 0 (Unanimous) Motion Carried
Harbin explained the facility would be run in an existing home with no exterior changes
and parking provided behind new fencing. She said the facility would have their trash
picked up like any other residential home. Harbin stated the State will not process the
facility’s application without City approval. Harbin further explained the care facility was
permitted by right under Federal law having six residents and two staff members.
Lovell asked if the facility would be in compliance with the HOA rules. Jon Pulvino and
Kris Barton/owners answered they had been researching whether the HOA was active or
not. They said they had been unable to locate any HOA members yet. Lovell asked about
deed restrictions to which Ms. Barton said they have yet to locate any deed restrictions,
either. She stated they would continue searching.
Chairman O’Farrell asked City Attorney Polanco to explain the Federal mandate in
regards to personal care facilities. Polanco said care facilities were permitted by right in
residential areas and the HOA/Deed Restrictions may be preempted. Polanco told the
applicants deed restrictions could be found through the County Clerk’s office.
O’Farrell asked if the business would be recognizable from the outside. Mr. Pulvino
explained that DADS (Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services) required the
exterior to appear as a home. Barton said the only outside change to be made was
installing a circular driveway.
Annan asked if the Commission had any choice but to approve the request since it was
federally regulated. Harbin responded “correct” and explained the Permitted Use Table
listed the use as S1 requiring site plan approval by the City in addition to the federal
requirements being met.
O’Farrell thanked the applicant for the attractive idea and for reaching out to their
neighbors in advance.
8. Consideration and possible action regarding a site plan amendment for Towne Square
located at 3700 FM 528 – shared parking proposal
Motion to approve: Lovell
Second: Neel
Vote: 5 to 0 (Unanimous) Motion Carried
Harbin explained this amendment was being sought for a new building which would like
to occupy the second floor but required additional parking. She said the adjacent property
owner had agreed to sign a shared parking agreement allowing for the installation of
February 18, 2016 P & Z Meeting
more parking spaces on their property to be used by Townes Square Center. The owners
would install directional signage and construct an ADA sidewalk connecting the two lots.
O’Farrell asked the City Attorney about the durability of the shared parking agreement.
Polanco said the agreement read better than most and, once recorded with the County, the
agreement would continue in perpetuity.
9. Consideration and possible action regarding Amendments to Appendix C Zoning
Ordinance Section 8.N. Downtown District 4. Architectural standards
Motion to approve: Lovell
Second: Neel
Motion to amend to have staff provide options: Neel
Second: Borghese
Vote: 5 to 0 (Unanimous) Motion Carried
Harbin stated there was a recurring issue regarding the Downtown District fenestration
requirements and wanted to discuss changing the requirements with the Commission. She
gave examples of several recent projects that had difficulties complying. She said Dunn
Bros Coffee needed a variance to install the drive-thru as opposed to 40% fenestration;
banks had security concerns; medical facilities had security concerns due to the
pharmaceuticals they keep on site; energy code compliance was more difficult and
expensive, etc. She said even the City library had difficulty installing so many windows
because bookshelves generally line the walls.
Neel asked if other districts/zones had fenestration requirements to which Harbin
answered only the Downtown District regulated window and door openings.
O’Farrell asked Harbin to get ahead of the problem and said a lot of good developments
were coming.
Lovell suggested the developers who could not meet the fenestration requirements seek
variances. He stated it did not seem fair to the other developers who already made it work
and spent the money to comply. O’Farrell explained ZBOA cannot grant variances for
financial reasons. Harbin said a lot of applicants did not want the hassle and uncertainty
of going before the ZBOA and would rather build elsewhere.
Neel asked if the fenestration language was original to the Downtown District ordinance.
Harbin said the requirements had actually changed a few times over the years. She said
the idea seemed to stem from old Texas downtowns where brick buildings abutted each
other. She said Friendswood’s downtown is mainly free standing buildings and the
fenestration does not work quite as well.
Borghese asked if the fenestration requirements had deterred any developers. Harbin said
there is a proposed development that does not want to rezone as Downtown District
because of the fenestration.
O’Farrell asked staff to draft language to give the Commission flexibility on a case-by-
case basis. Lovell said he did not feel ordinances should be rewritten every time someone
February 18, 2016 P & Z Meeting
complains. He said Downtown should be nice developments, not cheap developments.
Harbin said staff felt the need to bring the recurring issue to the Commission’s attention.
She said staff can bring back several options for the Commission to discuss. She stated
another recurring issue pertained to the façade requirements in Downtown and asked to
discuss allowing siding or Hardie plank back in the Downtown District. Chairman
O’Farrell said facade could be discussed at a later date.
10. Update from the Subcommittee regarding a possible ordinance amendment and a
recommendation to City Council regarding whether or not to require a Specific Use Permit
for retail uses 100,000 square feet or larger
Harbin said the subcommittee used Councilman Rockey’s AI memo to identify which
items were already addressed and which needed to be addressed then created a plan of
Subcommittee Chair Lovell said they reviewed the gaps and would like to get input from
local developers. He said, in the end, the subcommittee and the commission would come
up with a recommendation and provide Council with options to move forward. Lovell
estimated the process would take five months before reporting to the Commission.
Borghese asked if five months would be too long since Council had asked for the
Commission to work quickly. O’Farrell said moving too fast could make mistakes that
would take years to correct. He suggested going slowly and carefully. Lovell answered
that Councilman Rockey had since then said the timing was not as critical. Lovell said
staff found 24 potential sites for large retail centers and the Commission needed to pay
close attention to what was at stake.
Harbin went through the AI Memo and listed what items were currently covered by
existing ordinances.
Lovell said the subcommittee intended to coordinate with a lot of people over the next
few months. He mentioned that, at the end, one option could be to do nothing. He said the
Subcommittee would like to delve into the 528 Strategy. Lovell said part of the strategy
report describes the lack of utilities in certain parts of town. He said a potential developer
would be paying to install infrastructure, run utilities, etc. and the proposed ordinance
would then have the developer pay for environmental studies, impact analysis’ plus
politicize their project. He finished by saying the proposed ordinance may not appear
business friendly and they needed to be careful.
Chairman O’Farrell said it looked as though the subcommittee was heading in the right
11. Consideration and possible action regarding future Planning and Zoning Commission
meeting dates.
Motion to move March 3rd meeting to March 7th: Neel
Second: Borghese
Vote: 5 to 0 (Unanimous) Motion Carried
February 18, 2016 P & Z Meeting
The next regular meeting would then be March 17th.
12. Communications from the Commission
Neel said she attended Parliamentary Procedure training last week and found it to be most
13. Reports
A. Council Liaison – Jim Hill (Rockey absent) said he appreciated all the hard work
the Commission does.
B. Staff – Harbin said the Land Use Conference was coming up in March. She said
early registration saved the City money and requested Commissioners wanting to attend,
to please notify her as soon as possible.
14. The meeting was adjourned at 8:12pm.
These minutes respectfully submitted by:
Becky Summers
Becky Summers
Development Coordinator/P&Z Secretary