HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2016-12-15 Regular PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
Regular Meeting
1. The Regular Meeting was called to order at 7:01pm with the following people in
Chairman David O’Farrell Commissioner Craig Lovell
Commissioner Rhonda Neel Commissioner Rich Borghese
Commissioner Tony Annan Commissioner Sally Branson
Aubrey Harbin, City Planner Becky Summers, Dev. Coordinator
Arnold Polanco, City Attorney
Absent: Borghese
2. Communication from the public/committee liaisons
(To comply with the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, the Commission may not
deliberate on subjects discussed under this agenda item. However, the Commission may
direct such subjects to be placed on a later regular Commission agenda for discussion
and/or possible action.)
3. Consent Agenda
A. Approval of:
1) December 5, 2016 special and regular meeting minutes
2) Chateau LeBlanc Final Plat
3) Johnson Hills Final Plat
Harbin said the Commission Rules of Procedure allowed for final plats to be placed on
the consent agenda. She explained plat approval is an administerial duty. She stated the
item could be removed from the consent agenda if it needed to be discussed.
Motion to Approve only the minutes: Annan
AT 7:00 PM
December 15, 2016 P & Z Meeting
Second: Sasson
Vote: 6 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried
Harbin explained Chateau LeBlanc was an existing lot that just needed to be platted.
Motion to Approve subject to staff comments: Annan
Second: Branson
Vote: 6 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried
Harbin said the lot was being divided into two lots.
Motion to Approve subject to staff comments: Annan
Second: Branson
Vote: 6 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried
4. Update from the Large Retail Subcommittee
Lovell presented the Subcommittee’s findings to the rest of the Commission via a
slideshow presentation. He said the subcommittee had addressed the visual issues but
found a problem with the noise created by large retailers.
Sasson mentioned a business would not have any control over ambient noise. Annan said
a residential air conditioning unit was roughly 60dB which would violate the current
ordinance. Annan said it would be expensive and short-lived for a commercial property to
install equipment that would be quiet enough to meet a lower sound ordinance. He also
said it would be unachievable to lower basic operational noise at night.
O’Farrell said he was afraid of creating unintended consequences by altering the noise
ordinance. He said he would not support that part of the proposal.
5. Consideration and possible action regarding proposed changes to Zoning Ordinance
Section 7.P.6. to add architectural requirements for Large Retail Uses
Motion to discuss: Branson
Second: Neel
Harbin explained that changes had previously been presented to the Commission but
since then the subcommittee had added the requirement of a noise mitigation plan and
had clarified that the building projections were only applicable to the front of the building
and sides facing a right-of-way.
Annan said he spoke with several retailers to see how the proposed changes would affect
them. He said Sprouts grocery store was not in favor because they like to use a standard
building design. He explained stores are proud of their designs and know what to expect
with a standard design. He suggested changing the square footage limit to 75,000 sq ft
instead of 50,000 sq ft.
Branson said building designs are different depending on the area they build in because
of the governing body’s architectural requirements. Sasson asked if the subcommittee
benchmarked other cities’ criteria to which Lovell said they did not. Sasson said he liked
December 15, 2016 P & Z Meeting
the flexibility of the applicant having choices of architectural designs to choose from.
Harbin said the item would be on Council’s agenda for workshop on January 9, 2017.
O’Farrell thanked the subcommittee.
6. Consideration and possible action regarding a recommendation to change Chapter 54-
95 Maximum permissible sound levels (a)(1)b. Residential during night time hours
from 58dB to 55dB
Motion to approve: Branson
Second: Lovell
Harbin stated the Noise Ordinance was not a Planning and Zoning ordinance so the
Commission would only be making a recommendation to City Council. She said there
would be several other departments that would need to provide input, as well, primarily
the police department.
Polanco explained the change was outside the jurisdiction of the Planning and Zoning
O’Farrell said a change to the noise ordinance could be a very real change for businesses
such as HEB. He asked if staff had taken a night time reading of the noise coming from
the outside a/c units. Harbin said staff had not. Branson suggested tabling the item until a
night time reading could be obtained.
O’Farrell agreed they needed readings. He said he did not want to make a change that
would essentially make the entire City out of compliance. Branson asked if the change
would be only for new buildings. Harbin said a change to the noise ordinance would
affect the whole city, new and old. Branson withdrew her motion to approve.
Motion to table: O’Farrell
Second: Annan
Vote: 6 to 0 (unanimous) Motion carried
7. Update from staff regarding research of Fences, Walls and Hedges including
identification of number of large lots and violations potentially affected by ordinance
Harbin explained the map provided showed areas of the City that had been reviewed in
the color yellow. She said Summers used Google street view to “drive” the City and look
for violations. She explained over 1,250 lots were surveyed and out of those, 14 violated
the current ordinance. She said the proposed change to remove hedges from the ordinance
would eliminate 3 of those violations. Harbin said there was another 9 violations on lots
that met the estate size frontage of 150-feet.
O’Farrell said it was a great start and asked staff to continue surveying the city.
8. Consideration and possible action regarding proposed changes to Zoning Ordinance
Section 15. Amendments to allow for P&Z and Council to hold separate public
December 15, 2016 P & Z Meeting
Motion to discuss: Annan
Second: Branson
Branson said the Joint Public Hearings confuse the applicants and citizens. She said it
creates a conflict because Council is waiting on a recommendation but the citizens need
time to be heard.
Lovell stated when the Commission meets upstairs there is no legal counsel present. He
said he feels like the meeting loses transparency since it is not video recorded, either.
Lovell said the Commission also does not have a representative to report and explain
their recommendations to Council.
Annan said the simultaneous meetings make it so the Commissioners and residents
cannot attend those Council meetings.
Neel said she was in favor of separate public hearings for the same reasons the other
Commissioners spoke of.
Sasson asked how long separate meetings would slow down the process for applicants.
Neel answered about a month.
Councilman Rockey told the Commission that Mayor Holland had history on the
Planning and Zoning Commission and worked hard to change and speed up the
development process. O’Farrell said the Mayor was part of a larger overhaul of P&Z of
which the majority of changes were beneficial. O’Farrell said this particular change is not
working out very well. He said the benefits of having separate hearing outweigh the
additional processing time. O’Farrell stated he had history with real estate development
and that 30 days is a blink of an eye in the grand scheme of things.
Motion to approve: Annan
Second: O’Farrell
Vote: 6 to 0 (unanimous) Motion carried
9. Consideration and possible action regarding future Planning and Zoning Commission
meeting dates
Harbin said the next regular meeting would be Thursday, January 5th but no applications
had been submitted for that date. The Commission would be holding a Joint Public
Hearing with City Council on January 9th.
10. Communications from the Commission
Sasson said the Community and Economic Development Committee (CEDC) met and
was given a history of the Friendswood panhandle area.
Branson said she attended the CEDC bus tour.
Neel commented that she is still amazed at how much Keep Friendswood Beautiful
December 15, 2016 P & Z Meeting
O’Farrell said kudos to Richard Sasson for working with the City and the power company
to get unnecessary power poles removed throughout the City.
11. Reports
A. Council Liaison – Rockey said he looks forward to the discussion regarding
separate public hearings. He said the Large Retail information has been fascinating.
Rockey said the City does not receive many noise complaints and suggested the
subcommittee ask for a noise plan without changing the noise ordinance.
B. Staff – None
12. The meeting was adjourned at 8:41 pm.
These minutes respectfully submitted by:
Becky Summers
Becky Summers
Development Coordinator/P&Z Secretary