HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2016-10-03 Special PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION . Work Session 1. The Work Session was called to order at 5:35pm with the following people in attendance: Chairman David O’Farrell Commissioner Craig Lovell Commissioner Sally Branson Commissioner Tony Annan Commissioner Richard Sasson Commissioner Rhonda Neel Aubrey Harbin, City Planner Arnold Polanco, City Attorney Absent: Borghese 2. Discussion with City Council regarding findings of Large Retail Uses Study Craig Lovell presented a Power Point presentation to City Council explaining the ordinances currently in place to address large retail uses and examine the deficits from Council’s request. Mayor Holland requested a buffer between large retail uses and residential zones. 3. The Work Session adjourned at 6:05pm. Joint Public Hearing 1. The Joint Public Hearing was called to order at 7:00pm with the same people in attendance. 2. Receive comments from the public, both oral and written, regarding: a. A zone classification change request to change from Light Industrial (LI) to Light Industrial/Specific Use Permit (LI/SUP) to allow NAICS #312140 Distilleries at 4370 FM 2351, being .485 acres, also known as Reserve C out of the Final Plat of Clearwood Business Park, according to the map or plat thereof recorded in Volume 676, Page 200 of MINUTES OF A SPECIAL & REGULAR MEETING HELD MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2016 AT 5:30 PM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS & 2ND FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM 910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS 2 October 3, 2016 P & Z Meeting the Map Records of Harris County, Harris County File Number 20150479307, City of Friendswood, Harris County, Texas Rilley Ford, applicant, proposed a business to remove impurities from alcohol, similar to a alcohol distillery use. There were no public comments either for nor against the proposed use. 3. The Joint Public Hearing adjourned at 7:12pm. Regular Meeting - (2nd Floor Conference Room) 1. The Regular Meeting was called to order at 7:14pm with the same people in attendance minus the City Attorney. 2. Communication from the public/committee liaisons (To comply with the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, the Commission may not deliberate on subjects discussed under this agenda item. However, the Commission may direct such subjects to be placed on a later regular Commission agenda for discussion and/or possible action.) None 3. Consent Agenda A. Approval of the minutes for the meeting held: 1) September 12, 2016 Motion to approve: Branson Motion withdrawn. Motion to approve correcting item 4 to read as “failed”: Annan Second: Sasson Vote: 6 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried 4. A zone classification change request to change from Light Industrial (LI) to Light Industrial/Specific Use Permit (LI/SUP) to allow NAICS #312140 Distilleries at 4370 FM 2351, being .485 acres, also known as Reserve C out of the Final Plat of Clearwood Business Park, according to the map or plat thereof recorded in Volume 676, Page 200 of the Map Records of Harris County, Harris County File Number 20150479307, City of Friendswood, Harris County, Texas Motion to approve: Neel Second: Lovell Amend motion to approve with understanding that regulatory requirements for all regulatory agencies are met as well as screening requirements for any outside storage are met: Neel Second: Annan Vote: 6 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried 3 October 3, 2016 P & Z Meeting Neel asked to clarify if the Specific Use Permit would allow only the treatment of beverage products and not industrial products. Harbin stated the SUP was specifically for the treatment of beverages while the underlying zoning would remain Light Industrial and had uses by right. Lovell asked if the product would be transported via 18-wheelers. Ford stated he did not anticipate the need for such large trucks with the volume he would be treating. He said most of the product would be transported in totes on bobtail trucks that usually consisted of 8 wheels and 3 axles. Lovell asked what the delivery rate to the facility would be. Ford said during busy times, probably twice per month. He explained he could treat roughly 6,000 gallons per week. Lovell asked what fire safety precautions would be in place. Greg George, Process Chemist, said the ethanol used was treated with low temperatures but would have a sprinkler system installed above the tanks using ethanol resistant foam. There would be another suppression system at the loading area as well as infrared monitoring. Lovell asked Staff if the Fire Department was equipped to handle a chemical fire, should it occur. Chairman O’Farrell determined that area of discussion did not fall under the purview of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Annan asked if the building would contain multiple tenants and whether they would store any equipment outside. Ford stated the treatment facility would be the sole tenant. He said CO2 tanks would be stored outside of the building but no product. Harbin stated outdoor storage would need to be screened per the Community Overlay District requirements. Mr. George said nitrogen would also be stored outside. Annan stated he would like to see the storage areas and screening details on the site plan. He stated the mechanical equipment (A/C units) would also need to be screened. Annan asked if any product would end up in the City’s sewer system. George said the residue is biodegradable and below the allowable limit for environmental quality. He said ethanol is low in carbon and not an issue for sewage treatment plants. Neel asked how the impurities were trapped after being removed from the alcohol. George explained the amount expelled was minor and could safely be released into the air, burned off or trapped in an activated carbon filter. He said a carbon filter could be added to their facility but the cost increase would need to be examined. Sasson asked the chemist to describe the process, to which Mr. George did, in entirety. Sasson asked if the tanks would be flushed between treatments. George said the tanks could be flushed with water, sometimes detergent and/or steam cleaned with an onsite boiler. Sasson stated the Commission did not have purview over environmental regulations to which Harbin confirmed. George said the treatment produced byproducts far below the allowable limits for inspections to be needed. O’Farrell suggested the motion be amended to reflect that the applicant would abide by all the rules and regulations of any applicable regulatory agencies. Neel so motioned. Annan asked to include that outdoor screening be included in the motion amendment, as well. Sasson asked the applicant if they were required to pay sales tax to the City. Ford stated 4 October 3, 2016 P & Z Meeting they did not sell any product but provide a service. Harbin said they would be paying personal property taxes. 5. Consideration and possible action regarding a site plan for JSC Federal Credit Union to be located at 307 N. Friendswood Drive Motion to approve: Branson Second: Lovell Branson Withdrew Motion to approve Motion to Table: Branson Second: Annan Vote: 6 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried Annan said he did not support the use of siding on commercial buildings. He said a lot of residential areas did not even allow siding. He stated it was a subpar construction material. Sasson asked why the applicant was proposing a wood fence. Harbin said she assumed it was for cost reasons. She said the fence is very far from the roadway and some other commercial properties had been allowed to use wood as fencing material. O’Farrell said he appreciated the letter the architectural firm submitted explaining their request to use siding instead of masonry. O’Farrell said he did not feel siding accentuated the design of the building, though. Branson also stated the design is not what she had in mind when thinking of allowing siding. She said it appeared the builder was cutting corners. Sasson said there were several redundant and out of use telephone poles on the property he would like the applicant to remove. Annan agreed the poles should be removed. Harbin said her concern would be the applicant may not have any control over the placement of the poles. Sasson applauded the applicant for saving some of the large trees on site. 6. Consideration and possible action regarding proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance Section 7.P.6. to add architectural requirements for Large Retail Uses Motion to discuss: Lovell Second: Branson Annan mentioned Mayor Holland suggested a buffer zone between large retail uses and residential areas. O’Farrell said he was not in favor of having hard and fast rules since each property is different. Sasson said he agreed with a comment previously made by Lovell that developers benefit from hard and fast rules because they need to know what to plan for. Sasson said everyone seems to like the HEB design and suggested looking at the layout. Annan stated HEB was built prior to the neighboring Hunters Creek subdivision. 5 October 3, 2016 P & Z Meeting Lovell suggested reconvening the subcommittee to discuss changes per Council’s input. Branson stated she would like to look into noise and light pollution restrictions. Annan mentioned delivery truck headlights. Lovell told the Commission that regardless of any new requirements, commercial properties will always have noise such as dumpsters and delivery trucks. Lovell said he was mainly concerned with making sure the developments look good from all sides, commercial and residential. O’Farrell said a Specific Use Permit would guarantee that some citizens always speak out they “don’t want it” whether it be a fast food restaurant or a large retail building. 7. Consideration and possible action regarding future Planning and Zoning Commission meeting dates Motion to move Nov. 3 meeting to Nov. 7: Branson Second: Neel Vote: 5 to 1 (Annan opposed) Motion Carried Harbin said the next regular meeting would be held Thursday, October 20th. She said the APA Conference was being held Nov. 2 – 4 and the November 3rd meeting would need to be moved. She said a Joint Public Hearing was scheduled for November 7th already and suggested combining the JPH and regular meeting. Sasson said he would be unavailable on the 3rd and 7th. Annan spoke against combining meetings. 8. Communications from the Commission Lovell said the Library Board met and that the Library expansion was great. He said they did a great job of decorating the children’s area and managed to keep the library open while under construction. Neel said Keep Friendswood Beautiful met and requested copies of the Downtown District amenity requirements. Harbin would send to Community Services staff member Kim Ramirez for distribution. Branson announced the FISD tax increase was approved. Annan said his Parks Board liaison position had been dissolved into Keep Friendswood Beautiful. Harbin will put the liaison schedule on a future agenda. Annan wants to discuss the City’s tree ordinance. Harbin will email Annan the current regulations. 9. Reports A. Council Liaison – Attending City Council meeting B. Staff – Skipped 10. The meeting was adjourned at 8:29pm. 6 October 3, 2016 P & Z Meeting These minutes respectfully submitted by: Becky Summers Becky Summers Development Coordinator/P&Z Secretary