HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2016-10-20 Regular PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
Regular Meeting
1. The Regular Meeting was called to order at 7:00pm with the following people in
Chairman David O’Farrell Commissioner Craig Lovell
Commissioner Rhonda Neel Commissioner Sally Branson
Commissioner Rich Borghese Commissioner Richard Sasson
Commissioner Tony Annan Arnold Polanco, City Attorney
Aubrey Harbin, City Planner Becky Summers, Dev. Coordinator
2. Communication from the public/committee liaisons
(To comply with the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, the Commission may not
deliberate on subjects discussed under this agenda item. However, the Commission may
direct such subjects to be placed on a later regular Commission agenda for discussion
and/or possible action.)
3. Consent Agenda
A. Approval of the minutes for the meeting held:
1) October 3, 2016
Motion to Table: Borghese
Second: Annan
Vote: 7 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried
4. Consideration and possible action regarding a site plan for JSC Federal Credit Union
to be located at 307 N. Friendswood Dr.
Motion to remove from table: Branson
Second: Neel
Vote: 7 to 0 (Unanimous) Motion Carried
AT 7:00 PM
October 20, 2016 P & Z Meeting
Motion to approve subject to staff comments: Branson
Second: Sasson
Vote: 7 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried
Harbin stated the applicant changed the building façade to brick which is an approved
material in the Community Overlay District. She said the wooden fence would still need
Commission approval, though.
Amy Harris/architect showed the Commission samples of the brick and stone to be used
on the building.
Sasson commented he was pleased the designers saved as many trees as they could. He
asked if the multiple power poles along the front could be consolidated or removed.
Harris stated their new utility lines would be underground and the ones in the right-of-
way she was not sure if they could be removed but would check into it.
5. Consideration and possible action regarding the Preliminary Plat of Sterling Creek
Section 3 (a gated, private subdivision) being 32.9346 acres of land out of a called
194.21 acre tract of land known as Tract A and being recorded in Clerk’s File No.
2010059686, comprised of a subdivision recorded in Volume 118, Page 417 and being
situated in the Mary Fareau Survey, A-69, and a Partial Replat of Sterling Creek Section
2 Reserve D, recorded in Clerk’s File No. 2016021773, City of Friendswood, Galveston
County, Texas
Motion to discuss: Lovell
Second: Annan
Adam Hill/developer explained he was continuing with the 1990s master plan of
Friendswood Lakes. He proposed the second access point be a gravel road connected to
Sandy Lakes Drive for emergency use, equipped with a Knox box.
Harbin said staff met earlier in the week and discussed the proposed gravel road as
temporary solution until Friendswood Lakes Blvd. is built through.
Morad Kabiri, Assistant City Manager, explained this was a phased subdivision and
multiple points of access would be achieved. Lovell asked if the City had granted an
exemption like this for any other subdivision. Kabiri said several other subdivisions had
been developed with alternate access points.
Lovell asked how long the temporary road would be in place. He suggested platting only
75 lots to meet the access point requirement while holding the remainder in reserve for
future build out.
Annan asked Mr. Hill why he would not build the road to access the proposed
subdivision. Hill answered he has approached the County about having a bond election to
fund the road. Hill said he already spent $1 million on the road extension and creek
crossing to access the last subdivision he built, Sterling Creek Section 2. He also said if
they plat and build the second access, rollback agriculture taxes would become due.
October 20, 2016 P & Z Meeting
O’Farrell asked Kabiri for an estimated time frame of the County having the road on a
bond election. Kabiri said hopefully in 2017 and mentioned the roadway was a high
priority. He estimated 24-36 months for completion of the boulevard.
Lovell asked Hill how long Sterling Creek Section 3 would take to build out. Hill
answered about four years. Lovell asked what happens if the bond does not happen. He
said almost 100 homes would be using one permanent access point. Lovell asked why
Hill did not build the road. Hill stated developers do not build boulevards, only roads.
Annan stated he could not support the project while it had a gate, temporary second
access for that many rooftops.
Branson asked if Hill could build a road instead of a boulevard. Hill said he could but it
costs money.
O’Farrell said Friendswood has always relied on developers to extend roadways.
O’Farrell pointed out that if Hill sold the Section 4 property, the new owner would then
be saddled with building twice the road to be able to access his property. O’Farrell was
struggling with the issue of fairness.
Borghese asked who built the League City Parkway. Kabiri answered the developer and
the City and the County all paid into that expansion. Hill said that area has MUD taxes
and he does not have the amount of money the “big guys” do.
After the Chairman visually gauged the Commissioners’ stances, Hill withdrew his
application as opposed to having the plat denied.
6. Update from the Subcommittee regarding Large Retail Uses
Lovell presented findings in relation to noise and light pollution produced by large retail
businesses. He said the noise issue seemed to be larger than the façade issue and stated the
subcommittee would do additional benchmarking then update their report.
7. Consideration and possible action regarding proposed amendments to the Zoning
Ordinance Section 8.B. Fences, Walls, and Hedges and Section 20. Definitions
O’Farrell stated the ordinance in question had been in place for 24-years and ZBOA had
heard 9 cases. He said the proposed change was too big without serious thought and
proposed a subcommittee be formed. Annan, Borghese and Sasson all opined that
subcommittees needed to be prioritized. O’Farrell told the Commission that City Council
was urging a change to the fence ordinance.
Kabiri explained an application for a non-conforming fence was denied by the Zoning
Board of Adjustment and then by the Planning & Zoning Commission so a Council
member was approached by the applicant for a resolution. Council discussed decreasing
the minimum 2-acre requirement to 120’ lot frontage instead.
O’Farrell stated he felt the best way to sway Council would be to form a subcommittee
and provide them with plenty of information.
October 20, 2016 P & Z Meeting
Councilman Rockey said a lot of people in town are out of compliance by having fences
past the front build lines even though they do not meet the lot size requirement.
Motion to create subcommittee: O’Farrell
Second: Branson
Vote: 5 to 2 (Annan, Borghese against) Motion Carried
8. Consideration and possible action regarding the Liaison Schedule
Richard Sasson was appointed to be liaison to the Community and Economic
Development Committee. Tony Annan became the Zoning Board of Adjustment liaison.
9. Consideration and possible action regarding P&Z Commissioner responsibilities;
attendance; promptness; liaison participation; and meeting formats
The Commissioners each stated their understanding of what it means to be a P&Z
Commissioner. O’Farrell asked Harbin to provide information on the Commission’s role
with the Capital Improvement Project plan review. O’Farrell asked the Commissioners to
be prompt and attempt to be at the meeting 10 minutes ahead of schedule.
The Commission discussed the pros and cons of having Joint Public Meetings on the
same night as City Council meetings. Neel commented a set schedule would be more
effective and Branson said less confusing for applicants. Borghese stated the Commission
prefers meeting in Council Chambers but was concerned about the additional time it
would add for applicants.
Harbin said she would look into having the Mayor explain during the meeting about P&Z
moving upstairs to meet. She said staff would discuss moving the meeting to a different
weekday and come up with proposed schedules.
10. Consideration and possible action regarding future Planning and Zoning Commission
meeting dates
Harbin said the next regular meeting was scheduled for Thursday, November 3rd but
Early Voting was being held at City Hall and Planning Staff would be at a conference.
She said a Joint Public Hearing was scheduled for November 7th at 7:00pm and stated the
meetings would need to be combined due to a pending final plat application.
11. Communications from the Commission
Branson said the Friendswood School Museum had their Grand Opening.
11. Reports
A. Council Liaison – Councilman Rockey left during Item 8.
B. Staff – Harbin said the APA Conference was being held Nov 2-4 and
Commissioners O’Farrell, Lovell, Branson and Sasson were attending along with Staff
Members Harbin and Summers.
October 20, 2016 P & Z Meeting
12. The meeting was adjourned at 8:42 pm.
These minutes respectfully submitted by:
Becky Summers
Becky Summers
Development Coordinator/P&Z Secretary