HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2015-08-20 Regular PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
Public Hearing
1. The Public Hearing was called to order at 7:03pm with the following people in attendance:
Chairman David O’Farrell Vice Chairman Arthur Triplette
Commissioner Rhonda Neel Commissioner Tony Annan
Commissioner Craig Lovell Commissioner Sally Branson
Commissioner Rich Borghese Arnold Polanco, City Attorney
Aubrey Harbin, City Planner Morad Kabiri, Asst. City Manager
Becky Summers, Development Coordinator
2. Receive comments both oral and written regarding the Partial Replat of Lot 1 Oak Creek
Forest being a Replat of Lot 1 and Restricted Reserve A, Oak Creek Forest a Subdivision
Plat recorded at Plat Record 2006A, Map Number 28, G.C.M.R. J.T. Perry and E.M.
Austin League, A-20 City of Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas
3. The public hearing was left open.
Regular Meeting
1. The Regular Meeting was called to order at 7:05pm with the same people in attendance.
2 Communication from the public/committee liaisons
(To comply with the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, the Commission may not
deliberate on subjects discussed under this agenda item. However, the Commission may
direct such subjects to be placed on a later regular Commission agenda for discussion
and/or possible action.)
3. Consent Agenda
AT 7:00 PM
August 20, 2015 P & Z Meeting
A. Approval of the minutes for the meeting held:
1) August 3, 2015
Motion to approve: Neel
Second: Lovell
Vote: 7 to 0 Motion Carried
4. Consideration and possible action regarding the Partial Replat of Lot 1 Oak Creek
Forest being a Replat of Lot 1 and Restricted Reserve A, Oak Creek Forest a Subdivision
Plat recorded at Plat Record 2006A, Map Number 28, G.C.M.R. J.T. Perry and E.M.
Austin League, A-20 City of Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas
5. Consideration and possible action regarding a preliminary plat of Fountains at
FriEndswood (formerly Friendswood Place), a subdivision of 18.703 acres of land being
a portion of Lot 1, Berean Baptist Subdivision, Volume 18, Page 202, G.C.M.R. and out
of lots 10-12 of Burgess Subdivision, Book 119 Page 14, G.C.M.R. and located in the
George W. Peterson Survey No. 6, Abstract No. 645, City of Friendswood, Galveston
County, Texas
6. Discussion regarding sidewalks and sidewalk funds
Harbin stated Commissioner Annan requested this agenda item and said examples would
be discussed during the upcoming Bus Tour. She explained the Sidewalk Fund was
created to assist commercial developers with open ditch properties and when sidewalk
installation is not feasible. The money would be held until such time the City decides to
install said sidewalks. She said the Planning and Zoning Commission could approve
Sidewalk Fund payments during Commercial Site Plan consideration.
Annan asked if the amount of $20,000 seemed accurate for what was currently in the
fund. Harbin said yes and the money was limited to being used on the specific property it
was paid in for. She said the owner may request a refund after 10 years, if the sidewalks
are never installed. She stated the only two properties to pay into the fund since its
creation have been Chara Dance Studio and Masa Sushi.
City Attorney, Arnold Polanco, explained the City could expand on the 10-ye ar limit and
the applicant has 1-year to request the refund. Lovell asked if the money could be used in
other areas of the City. Polanco explained a change in the ordinance outlining the way
funds were used would require City Council action.
Assistant City Manager, Morad Kabiri, provided background information, explaining the
fund was created in 2008 to address concerns by developers when sidewalks were not
feasible. Kabiri said, as Commissioner Lovell stated, the City using those funds to install
sidewalks at a later date was hard to do in reality. He said if the Commission was
interested, we could discuss making changes to the ordinance.
Chairman O’Farrell asked if the money could be used to fund brick paved sidewalks in
August 20, 2015 P & Z Meeting
the Downtown District. Attorney Polanco explained using the funds offsite from where
the payment was made for would require City Council action. He said the Sidewalk Fund
is akin to the Park Dedication Fund but there was currently no language to allow regional
spending. He said to be careful with the language – the use of funds needs to offset the
impact of development.
Annan asked who oversaw the fund to which Kabiri answered the Administrative
Services Office managed the account and reviewed it annually with the budget. He said it
would cost the City millions to convert all open ditches to curb and gutter streets.
O’Farrell asked who initiates installing the sidewalks from the fund to which Kabiri
answered the City would determine if or when a sidewalk needed to be installed.
O’Farrell said the rating of Friendswood’s pedestrian/bike paths was very low.
Kabiri said the City would prefer the developer install sidewalks at the time of
construction. Commissioner Borghese wanted to know who determines the fund cost and
asked about inflation. Kabiri said the developer turns in three bids and an average is used.
He said inflation is a problem because the cost of a sidewalk install now is lower than it
would be in the future.
O’Farrell asked who authorized payment into the Sidewalk Fund to which Kabiri said the
Planning and Zoning Commission approved fund payment at the time of Commercial Site
Plan approval. He said it was not very common.
O’Farrell encouraged the Commission to walk and bike whenever they had the
opportunity. Annan told the Commission we had a community with no sidewalks and
pedestrians are pushed to walk in the streets. He said the school district does not bus
children if they are within a certain distance from the school. He proposed all future
developments be required to install sidewalks. He said currently open ditches are allowed
on 120’ lots. Kabiri explained that larger lot subdivisions generally prefer open ditches.
He also said the cost of setting culverts impacted the overall sidewalk installation cost.
Kabiri mentioned this is not a new ordinance.
O’Farrell stated 90’ lots are the norm now. He said people move to Friendswood for large
lot neighborhoods.
Annan said the lack of sidewalks endangered children and the handicap could not travel.
Borghese mentioned it would be hard to make an impact by making new developments
install sidewalks without being retroactive on existing neighborhoods. Annan said he
wanted to stop future developments from being open ditch.
O’Farrell stated there are grants that could be applied for. Kabiri said one grant is called
Safe Route to Schools but does not apply to high schools, which is one of the areas
Annan talked about.
Annan asked the Commission if they would like to amend the ordinance allowing open
ditch streets. O’Farrell asked Staff to work on language for changes. Harbin said Staff
would work on it and look into other ordinances that may be affected by the proposed
August 20, 2015 P & Z Meeting
O’Farrell said there was not much land left in Friendswood and the trend was towards
smaller lots now. Annan said there were still houses being developed in existing
neighborhoods. Kabiri explained those subdivisions have already been platted and the
infrastructure has already been built. He agreed that lot sizes are trending to smaller lots
and estimated around 1,000 residential acres are remaining.
O’Farrell told the Commission one of the worst examples was the Dominion. He said the
developer argued it would cost too much money to close in the ditches and install
sidewalks. He cautioned the Commission against helping developers with their bottom
Polanco explained this was not an action item and the Commissioners could explain their
position. O’Farrell said Planning and Zoning decides if sidewalks go in or not. Kabiri
reminded all that the Commission can make a recommendation to City Council and
Council will make the final decision. Harbin said the Commission had discretion on
commercial properties being allowed to pay into the Sidewalk Fund.
O’Farrell asked staff to draft language to strike open ditches from the current ordinance.
Annan said he would like the exemption struck. Neel said she was okay with discussing
changes but would like more information on what else would be affected. Branson agreed
to discuss but would also like to know the additional impacts. She asked how much
property was left and if the end result would be worth the change.
Kabiri said since the trend is towards smaller lots, open ditches would not be an option;
sidewalks are required on residential lots smaller than 120’.
Commissioner Lovell asked if there would be enough future development to make a
change. He said it may be too much effort for too little a reward for the City. He pointed
out you cannot retroact and the high school area is not eligible for a grant. Vice-Chairman
Triplette said he would consider the change after hearing more information.
Harbin said she would put together information for the next meeting. She also directed
the Commission to review the monthly DRC reports sent out. She said the three largest,
bare residential areas were being pursued by developers and they were all interested in
small lots. She explained the next step would be to schedule a Joint Work Session with
City Council to see if they would like to move forward with changes.
O’Farrell asked if Staff could provide a 20 year history of lot size trends and how many
lots have been approved.
Annan mentioned adding new sidewalks into the Capital Improvement Plan. Kabiri said
City Council approval would be required. Annan expanded that he would like new
sidewalks added to the CIP and make funding proposals for adding sidewalks near
schools and retirement communities. Kabiri said the current CIP only allows for sidewalk
maintenance. Annan asked about using impact fees to fund new sidewalks. Kabiri
reiterated what Attorney Polanco said about being able to tie the use of funds back to the
development that paid the fees.
O’Farrell requested a 20 year history of auto-pedestrian accidents. He requested to see
them as dots on a map. Harbin stated she asked for input from the Police Department in
August 20, 2015 P & Z Meeting
preparation for the current discussion and PD said sidewalks have not been a safety issue.
PD stated crossing guards are provided for the schools. They also said auto-pedestrian
incidents generally occur when pedestrians fail to use crosswalks or try crossing busy
thoroughfares. Harbin stated staff may need more time to prepare backup information.
Councilman Rockey advised the Commission to pressure City Council on items the
Commission felt strongly about. He said not to fear the word “No” from Council.
O’Farrell told the new commissioners to be on record with their beliefs. He said not
everything will be accomplished but to at least try.
Annan said citizens would like to speak up about items. Harbin explained that Item 2 for
Public Comments would be an appropriate time to discuss items not on the agenda. She
said Work Sessions will not be open to public discussion. She also advised that City
Council has an agenda item for Public Comments, as well. Harbin said Joint Public
Hearings would be the opportune time for the public to speak up.
7. Consideration and possible action regarding future Planning and Zoning Commission
meeting dates
Harbin said the next regular meeting would be held Thursday, September 3rd at 7:00pm.
She said there were currently no items slated for a Joint Public Hearing so the next regular
meeting would be September 17th. Borghese, O’Farrell and Annan all mentioned they had
conflicts with that date.
8. Communications from the Commission
O’Farrell said all P&Z meetings use to be held in Council Chambers and encouraged the
Commission to take their time while deciding on agenda items.
Branson thanked City Council for their move to install brick paved sidewalks in front of
City Hall, Fire Station No. 1 and Stevenson Park.
9. Reports
A. Council Liaison – Councilman Rockey explained City Council use to hold two
meetings per month and in recent years, decided to hold only one meeting per month. He
said Special Meetings were intended for short, easy items and encouraged the
Commission to inform Council when a Special Meeting item would take deliberation so
Council could then table the item.
Rockey announced the Police Department did a great job today and caught all bank
robbery suspects involved in the Patriot Bank job.
Rockey said he enjoyed the discussion regarding sidewalks and encouraged
Commissioners to bring those types of items to Council’s attention.
B. Staff – Harbin said the upcoming APA Conference dates are October 8-9 with early
registration deadline of September 1st. She said responses have already been received
from Commissioners Annan, Neel and Lovell.
O’Farrell said he feels this conference is the most valuable for Commissioners.
August 20, 2015 P & Z Meeting
10. The meeting was adjourned at 8:02pm.
Work Session
1. The Work Session began at 8:10pm with the same people in attendance.
2. Training Session 1: Discussion and presentation on City of Friendswood departments,
boards and commissions, development processes and City resources.
3. The Work Session ended at 8:55pm.
These minutes respectfully submitted by:
Becky Summers
Becky Summers
Development Coordinator