HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2015-02-19 Regular PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION . REGULAR MEETING 1. The Regular Meeting was called to order at 7:02pm with the following people in attendance: Chairman Mark McLean Vice Chairman David O’Farrell Commissioner Arthur Triplette Commissioner Sally Branson Commissioner Jim Nye Commissioner Rich Borghese Arnold Polanca, City Attorney Nick Haby, PIO/Planning Manager Aubrey Harbin, City Planner Becky Summers, Dev. Coordinator Absent: Lovell 2. Communication from the public/committee liaisons (To comply with provisions of the Open Meetings Act, the Commission may not deliberate on subjects discussed under this agenda item. However, the Commission may direct such subjects be placed on a later regular Commission agenda for discussion and/or possible action.) Greg Penner, architect for Clear Creek Community Church, introduced Pastor Chris Alston who gave a Power Point presentation of the proposed development. He stated 135 acres is too much for the church so they assembled a team to create a mixed use development on the remaining land. A letter of intent has been executed to outline the chain of purchase. Amber Rothwell, Lee & Associates, continued the presentation showing the proposed layout, architectural renderings of similar projects, a use comparison between the existing PUD and the proposed PUD, a traffic analysis and an economic analysis. Greg Murphy, resident, stated he is in favor of the project. Allison Swenson, resident, stated she is in favor of the project. MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING HELD THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2015 AT 7:00 PM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS 2 February 19, 2015 P & Z Meeting Robert Bentley, resident, stated he felt Class A type buildings would be good for the City. He also said the mixed use development would bring something new; a mid-level user as opposed to a big box store would be beneficial. The development also introduces a waterway type park space. Mike Cornett, West Ranch resident, spoke in favor of the zone change saying he felt the church would bring a quality development. Gary Bonner, resident, spoke in favor of the project saying he was excited about what the vacant land could become. He then thanked the Commission for sign regulations throughout the City. Paul Alfonso, resident, said he was for the PUD. He stated the increased tax base would be good for the City. He said as a business owner, he felt the proposed design would attract high-end business owners. Deirdre Brown, resident, spoke against the mixed use development. She said apartments themselves do not beget crime and high end, to her, is not $900-$2000. She said apartment complexes also do not sustain themselves over time. She said apartments concern her due to the traffic and density. She suggested partitioning the property to allow the Church to be built and do separate PUDs for the church and the mixed-use development. She mentioned she reached out to the Church via email since their website did not contain any project information and was directed by the Church to contact City Staff. She had grave concerns with the response that City Staff worked diligently with the applicant. She said if City Staff is sponsoring and endorsing projects there is a big problem; that Staff is not to take a position one way or another. She concluded saying she felt there was more research and information necessary to make a workable PUD. 3. Consent Agenda A. Approval of the minutes for the meeting held: 1) February 2, 3015 Motion to approve: Branson Second: Triplette Vote: 6/0 Unanimous Motion carried 4. Consideration and possible action regarding a zone classification change request at 3801 FM 528 (also known as the Whitcomb Property), a tract of land containing 135.778 acres out of the Sarah McKissick Survey, Harris County, to change from Planned Unit Development (Ordinance No. 2004-13 and Ordinance No. 2005-34) to Planned Unit Development (new) Motion to take off table: McLean Second: Borghese Vote: 6/0 Unanimous Motion carried Motion to table: O’Farrell Second: Branson Vote: 6/0 Unanimous Motion Carried 3 February 19, 2015 P & Z Meeting Harbin stated additional documents had been submitted by the applicant including the projected residential population, a partnership letter outlining the purchase and a comparative analysis. The PUD has since been revised to include the addition of Specific Use Permits. She stated a Traffic Impact Analysis would be required prior to development. The property would need to be platted, as well. McLean asked to clarify if Clear Creek Community Church would be the sole purchaser from Wells Fargo to which Greg Penner answered it would be. He said the church would purchase the property then sell the unneeded acreage to its partners. Mark Jensen/NRP said they primarily develop multi-family complexes in 8-10 states, about 50% of which is in Texas. He said NRP has completed some small mixed use developments. McLean questioned if NRP had any commercial developers. Jensen answered they do have a front runner. Borghese asked when NRP would purchase the acreage from the church to which Jensen stated the purchase would be after the church closed on the property. O’Farrell asked when the open space would become public park space. Morad Kabiri, Assistant City Manager, stated the property could be dedicated to the City via plat but would require agreements with the Parks Board and Council. O’Farrell said the rents did not seem to reflect high end prices and showed concern with the lack of purchase agreement. Jensen said NRP was very comfortable with the church and their partnership. He said the amount of money, time spent and the team present should depict how committed NRP is to the development. O’Farrell inquired about the uses listed requiring Specific Use Permits. City Staff member Harbin explained the applicant was directed by Staff to list SUPs to coincide with the City’s Permitted Use Table. O’Farrell mentioned alcohol sales would invoke setbacks from the churches and school. Harbin stated the applicant is aware of the distance requirements. O’Farrell expressed his hesitance to add more apartments to the City and asked if provisions could be included to be sure the complex stayed a taxable property. Morad Kabiri, Assistant City Manager, said the City Attorney could address that concern. Commissioner Nye asked the applicant how much rent was on properties depicted in the slide show. Mr. Jenner/NRP went through the properties citing rents from $900 to $2800. Nye asked if the market analysis showed the surrounding areas could support the proposed rent to which Jenner answered it would. Mr. Johnson/Tellus said the PUD language was drafted carefully to ensure the product will be what is proposed. O’Farrell asked if the property would be eligible for tax credits. Jenner stated the City would need to agree prior to the development for tax credits. The City At torney reminded the room to be sensitive to the Fair Housing Act. Commissioner Triplette inquired about the comment made regarding the lack of information on the Church’s website about the apartment project. Pastor Alston answered there are no renderings of any part of the project online. He said the Church distributes information to their congregation via email and the Land Use Plan was included. He stated the project is not official yet; the sale is pending. Commissioner Nye said he was 4 February 19, 2015 P & Z Meeting not concerned with the project not being on the Church’s website. He said he feels it would be out of place. McLean asked about the location of the church being along the frontage rather than commercial development. Greg Penner said it worked well due to the pipeline in the area plus the Church likes the area. Jensen added that area would be more difficult to development per the feedback received from potential retailers. Jensen said ideally the Church and the intersection at Blackhawk would acts as “bookends” for the retail development. McLean stated the existing PUD contained more retail. Jensen said their research showed the existing PUD to be too ambitious. Branson mentioned the City has seen the rooftops come in the past but the commercial never followed. Jensen said single family has that tendency but the multi-family needs the commercial so it’s a different situation. O’Farrell asked whether NRP has ever done a mixed use development. Jensen said they have done smaller projects before but this scale would be new to NRP. Johnson/Tellus added that was the reason for Tellus’s participation. Motion to table the item was made by O’Farrell. Chairman McLean said the next meeting will be held March 5th and the Commission will then make an official recommendation to Council. 5. Consideration and possible action regarding a discussion about sidewalks in the City of Friendswood Motion to take off table: Branson Second: O’Farrell Vote: 6/0 Unanimous Motion carried O’Farrell said he feels the need for sidewalks from FM 2351 to Stevenson Park. He wants to narrow the scope of improvements to purely sidewalks and not include any other amenities such as benches or underground electric lines. He said the current process of having individual developers add sidewalks is too slow. Borghese stated Friendswood did seem to be lacking in sidewalks. He asked about funding ideas and suggested “Adopt a Sidewalk” areas as a possible avenue. Branson offered to speak with representatives from surrounding cities for ideas. Chairman McLean appointed a subcommittee comprised of Commissioners O’Farrell and Branson. He suggested they work with City Staff in Planning and the Parks Department. 6. Consideration and possible action regarding future work sessions and/or training for Commissioners O’Farrell stated he was looking forward to the City tour. McLean explained the Tour provides an opportunity to discuss the process for each of the developments. He said the new Commissioners would benefit from training on administrative duties versus discretionary duties. 5 February 19, 2015 P & Z Meeting Commissioner Triplette stated he would appreciate seeing where the city limits are. 7. Consideration and possible action regarding future Planning and Zoning Commission meeting dates. Harbin said the next regular meeting will be on March 5, 2015 at 7:00pm. 8. Communications from the Commission Commissioner Nye responded to a comment made by a member of the public accusing Staff of bias or advocacy. Nye said he did not see any of that, in particular with the Whitcomb property. He complimented staff members for all they do on everything. Branson thanked Staff for the help they provide. O’Farrell thanked the Commissioners for their support on the sidewalk discussion. Chairman McLean said he saw nothing inappropriate with the help Staff provided in regards to the Whitcomb property. He then asked the Commissioners to please be present at the March 5th meeting citing the applicant deserves a well informed decision about their project. 9. Reports A. Council Liaison – not present B. Staff - Harbin reminded the Commissioners about the Land Use Conference in Round Rock March 25-27. She also stated the DRC report was sent out the beginning of February. 10. The Regular Meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission adjourned at 9:23pm. These minutes respectfully submitted by: Becky Summers Becky Summers Development Coordinator / P&Z Secretary