HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2015-12-17 Regular PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
Regular Meeting
1. The Regular Meeting was called to order at 7:00pm with the following people in
Chairman David O’Farrell Commissioner Craig Lovell
Commissioner Sally Branson Commissioner Rich Borghese
Commissioner Tony Annan Commissioner Rhonda Neel
Aubrey Harbin, City Planner Arnold Polanco, City Attorney
Becky Summers, Development Coordinator
Absent: Triplette
2. Communication from the public/committee liaisons
(To comply with the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, the Commission may not
deliberate on subjects discussed under this agenda item. However, the Commission may
direct such subjects to be placed on a later regular Commission agenda for discussion
and/or possible action.)
3. Consent Agenda
A. Approval of the minutes for the meeting held:
1) December 3, 2015
Motion to approve: Branson
Second: Lovell
Vote: 5 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried
Borghese arrived at 7:01pm
4. Update from staff regarding duties and responsibilities of the Planning and Zoning
AT 7:00 PM
December 17, 2015 P & Z Meeting
City Attorney, Arnold Polanco, gave a PowerPoint presentation on the duties and
responsibilities of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
5. Consideration and possible action regarding site plan amendments for Friendswood
Professional Building A located at 107 Woodlawn Dr.
Motion to approve: Branson
Second: Lovell
Vote: 6 to 0 (unanimous)
Scott Davis, developer, stated the owner was requesting to change screening material on
the mechanical equipment due to budget constraints. He said due to a large amount of
rain, the project had to spend extra money on lime stabilization.
Chairman O’Farrell asked staff to provide background information on the project. Harbin
explained the commercial site plan was approved in June 2014 with special permission
from the Commission to install metal louvered screening for the mechanical equipment.
Hector, representative of the architecture firm, stated the material they were now
proposing was similar but perforated instead of louvered. He said the material was
commonly used on high-rises because of the high windstorm rating. He said the material
was also more available than the louvers which made them easier to purchase and more
cost effective.
O’Farrell asked staff what the screening requirement was in the Community Overlay
District. Harbin answered the screening must be of the same material as the building or
an alternate or better material could be approved by the Commission. Hector said stucco
would be even more cost effective and easier to install than perforated metal. He said
they would gladly install stucco screening since the original metal louvers cost around
Mr. Davis said they were trying to continue with quality products and give the building
architectural presence. He said they wanted to economize without sacrificing style.
O’Farrell asked Harbin if stucco would be in compliance to which she said it would be.
He then asked Annan for his opinion on which material was better. Annan said stucco
and metal were different materials. Neel asked what color the metal screening would be.
Hector said the perforated metal screens came in many colors. Neel suggested making the
metal color match the stucco building. O’Farrell asked if the metal was paintable. Hector
said it could be painted be would need to be maintained. Lovell said he did not have an
issue with the metal structurally but thought the original louvers looked better. Branson
Annan said the request to change the metal screening was not unreasonable and was a
small design change. He said he would support the amendment request. Neel said the
perforated metal did not look as nice as the louvers but was not an objectionable design.
She stated either metal was better than stucco screening.
Hector explained the metal louvers were shown without knowing the cost of them.
Chairman O’Farrell said the developer’s bottom line should not be considered when
December 17, 2015 P & Z Meeting
discussing the quality of a development.
Harbin said there were a couple other minor changes that she wanted to make the
Commission aware of. She said the shape of the monument sign was no longer going to
be arched and the courtyard walls were not being installed.
Lovell asked how far back the mechanical equipment sat on the rooftop and Hector
provided the measurements. Lovell opined a person would have to be pretty far from the
building to be able to see the equipment.
Borghese brought up that the material change was being discussed and wondered about
the color being used. Annan said he thought the architect had done a great job so far and
to let him decide the best color for the screening. Hector said a contrasting color would
look nice. O’Farrell said the original louvers were aluminum/gray. Borghese said based
on Annan’s comment, he would agree to let the architect decide without Commission
input. O’Farrell commented the project rendering looks gorgeous and would be a great
compliment to the City.
6. Discussion and possible action regarding amendments to Appendix C Zoning
Ordinance Section 7.P.6. Permitted Use Table and Section 6. Non-Conforming uses,
structures and lots
Motion to discuss: Branson
Second: Neel
Vote: 6 to 0 (unanimous)
Motion to recommend changes as proposed: Branson
Second: Neel
Vote: 4 to 2 (against Borghese and Annan)
Harbin explained this agenda item was workshopped with City Council who raised
concerns about how to protect existing businesses that would become non-conforming
uses. She said staff did some research and presented their findings at the last Commission
meeting but since several members were absent she would present again and proceeded
with the PowerPoint show. Harbin stated the businesses in question seem established and
Branson commented that regardless of whether the use was allowed or non-conforming,
if a business was destroyed by a natural disaster, the structure would be required to be
built to current City codes.
Borghese said he still thought the Rental and Leasing Services category was too broad
and suggested expanding the NAICS codes. Neel said she was okay with the proposed
changes. Annan said he would prefer making the uses require SUPs instead of not
allowing them to avoid boxing the Commission in too much. Branson agreed with Neel.
Lovell said he agreed with the proposed changes. Borghese said not allowing the uses
could force property to sit vacant and the City would lose revenue. He suggested SUPs
for gas stations, prohibiting storage facilities and expanding rental services. O’Farrell
stated he liked the proposed language.
December 17, 2015 P & Z Meeting
7. Consideration and possible action regarding proposed amendments to Appendix C
Zoning Ordinance Section 7.P.6. Permitted Use Table regarding large retail
Harbin explained the agenda item was requested by Councilman Rockey for the
Commission to draft language requiring SUPs for large retail centers.
Rockey stated big box retailers cause an enormous impact to cities, good and bad. He
said he had received a lot of feedback from the public regarding the subject. Rockey
asked the Commission to research and draft language for an ordinance that would require
large retailers to apply for Specific Use Permits. Rockey said any vested projects would
not be affected.
Borghese asked if there were currently any vested projects in the City to which Rockey
answered he would not speculate. Borghese stated he would have a big issue with the
request if there was currently such a project happening. Rockey said if there is a big
retailer in process, more will follow. He asked the Commission to not rush the ordinance
but also to not take too long. O’Farrell reiterated that the ordinance change is a priority
and Rockey said to work aggressively.
Lovell said growth is the future of the City and this request seemed to be anti-business.
He stated the City needs revenue. Lovell said a big box retailer may be scared off by the
SUP requirement and just move to another City that does not require a City Council vote.
He said the comments on social media lately regarding a rumored big box store in
Friendswood have been pure snobbery.
Annan asked what spurred the request for a SUP requirement. Rockey said there were
concerns about the level of control City Council has over those types of businesses.
O’Farrell said he read an article provided by Councilman Rockey regarding the square
footages of retailers to which he would forward to the Commission. Annan said this
seemed contrary to City Council promoting the “Year of the Business”. Rockey stated the
change was not a ban but to give more control to Council.
O’Farrell told the Commission they would draft the change then debate the pros and cons
at the Commission level. Neel stated it seemed like a reasonable request. Borghese said
he had some questions for staff in order to research the proposed change. Annan stated it
seemed contrary to the CEDC bringing in businesses. Lovell reiterated he had concerns
but agreed to research the request. He said the City needs to think about its future and not
think small boutiques will sustain it forever.
O’Farrell asked staff to gather information for the Commission as well as the
Commission gather questions for staff.
8. Consideration and possible action regarding future Planning and Zoning Commission
meeting dates
Harbin suggested moving the next regular meeting to coincide with the Joint Public
Hearing scheduled for January 11th. There was a consensus amongst the Commission to
combine meetings.
December 17, 2015 P & Z Meeting
9. Communications from the Commission
O’Farrell recounted how during the Bus Tour he compared several projects to
“Pottersville” and “Bedford Falls.” He explained the references come from the movie,
“It’s a Wonderful Life” and gave all the Commissioners a copy of the DVD as Christmas
10. Reports
A. Council Liaison – none
B. Staff – none
11. The meeting was adjourned at 8:51pm.
These minutes respectfully submitted by:
Becky Summers
Becky Summers
Development Coordinator/P&Z Secretary