HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2013-05-16 Regular PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
1. The regular meeting was called to order at 7:02pm with the following people in attendance:
Chairman Mark McLean Commissioner Jim Gibson
Commissioner Arthur Triplette Commissioner Chris Brown
Arnold Polanco, City Attorney Aubrey Harbin, Development Specialist
Mona Miller, Planner Nick Haby, PIO/Planning Manager
Absent: O’Farrell, Nye, Tibbitts
2. Communication from the public/committee liaisons
(To comply with provisions of the Open Meetings Act, the Commission may not deliberate
on subjects discussed under this agenda item. However, the Commission may direct such
subjects be placed on a later regular Commission agenda for discussion and/or possible
3. Consent Agenda:
A. Approval of minutes for the meeting held:
1) May 2, 2013
Motion to Approve: Gibson
Second: Triplette
Vote: 4 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried
4. Consideration and possible action regarding Appendix C – Zoning Ordinance, Section 7.
Permitted Use Table and possibly appointing a sub-committee to review the Permitted
Use Table for the Zoning Ordinance rewrite
Miller explained that this goes along with the Zoning Ordinance re-write. She stated that
this is the last section to be reviewed and that currently, the Permitted Use Table references
the NAICS 1997 edition and the 2012 edition is now available. She explained that all of
the uses and zoning districts they are allowed in need to be reviewed.
May 16, 2013 P&Z Meeting
McLean stated that the reference to the 1997 edition makes us 13 year behind the updates.
He verified with staff that this would be a tedious task better suited for a subcommittee
which would then report back to the remainder of the Commission.
Haby stated that Karen Capps informed him that CEDC would also like to be a part of the
PUT review process.
McLean stated that their input would be welcome and the other Commissioners agreed.
McLean stated that from a procedural standpoint, the subcommittee would meet and come
up with a recommendation and then discuss with CEDC prior to bringing it back to the
McLean appointed a subcommittee consisting of himself, Gibson and Brown and asked
staff to set up a meeting to begin discussions.
5. Update from the Substandard Buildings and Structures sub-committee
Harbin explained that all of the changes requested for the Substandard Structures ordinance
have been made and that a final draft was provided this week as well as the
recommendation memo. Brown and Triplette agreed; Nye was absent.
6. Consideration and possible action regarding proposed amendments to Chapter 14 of the
Code of Ordinances, Buildings and Building Regulations, Article VII. – Substandard
Buildings and Structures
Motion to submit the final draft of the proposed Substandard Buildings and Building
Regulations ordinance to City Council: Triplette
Second: Brown
Vote: 4 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried
Gibson verified that the search warrant procedure was addressed the way Council wanted.
McLean verified the privacy issues and not wanting code enforcement officials to enter
structures has been addressed and that a code enforcement official would have to obtain
approval from the city manager prior to going to the magistrate to obtain a search warrant.
He verified with City Attorney Polanco that probable cause must be present and an
affidavit filed to obtain a search warrant. He also verified that notice would be provided to
the property owner that there is a problem with a structure on their property.
McLean asked Polanco what the City would lose if we do not have a Substandard
Structures and Building Codes ordinance.
Polanco stated that the Local Government Code gives the City the authority to adopt an
ordinance such as this in order to have options and flexibility to abate substandard
No minimum standards – city’s options would be limited and no standards to judge
whether the city’s actions are reasonable.
May 16, 2013 P&Z Meeting
McLean stated that the comparison chart and checklist for staff should be forwarded to
Council as part of the package/recommendation.
Polanco stated that a couple of bills are making their way through legislature right now that
may affect provisions of the state statute. They do not think at this time that it will affect
the judicial review process, but anything can happen. He stated that his office is
monitoring and at this time, the proposed changes are regarding the rights of lienholders
and the priority of liens against the property as opposed to municipal liens.
7. Consideration and possible action regarding proposed amendments to Appendix C –
Zoning Ordinance, Section 8.M.2., regarding farmers markets
Miller stated the farmers markets have been a hot topic lately in surrounding cities and
could be either on public or private property. She explained that Community Services
prepared an application for farmers markets on city property and those applications will be
processed/approved through their office. She explained that this proposal would address
farmers markets to be held on private property and adds a definition from county health
office that states what types of items can be sold. Previous discussion included concerns
that a farmers market not become a flea market or sell used items similar to a garage sale.
She stated that the proposal also limits farmers markets to be held one weekend per month
for a period of 6 months. It also requires information regarding traffic and security
agreements, county health district vendor’s permit, and janitorial and cleanup
plan/agreements. She stated that this is a starting point and that staff is looking for input
from the Commissioners on any other issues or concerns.
Brown asked if more than one market could be permitted at a time and staff replied that
there is not anything prohibiting more than one market going on.
Brown asked if this ordinance proposal is similar to surrounding communities. Miller
stated that Pearland has an ongoing farmers market on city property and that Seabrook had
a SUP approved for one, but it never started.
Haby stated that this is a preemptive action. He added that no one is asking right now, but
staff would like to be prepared and have a policy in place.
McLean stated that there was a site plan that came through previously and there was
nothing allowing it per the Permitted Use Table/Zoning, but this would allow for them to
be in commercial districts.
Gibson stated that the permit would be good for 6 months/1 weekend per month but he did
not see anything about requiring them to tear down booths each month. Miller stated that
should be addressed in the janitorial/cleanup agreement but that a statement could be added
to address this specifically.
McLean asked Commissioners to think about this and bring some suggestions back at the
next meeting. He also stated that he visited Washington and the farmers markets were
very nice and even had several public streets blocked off for the event.
May 16, 2013 P&Z Meeting
Gibson asked if this definition precludes baked goods. Miller stated that it requires
packaged foods to be packaged in a licensed manufacturing facility.
McLean also verified that craft items will not be allowed to be sold.
Brown clarified the difference in park events versus this process. Miller explained that
events held in the city parks, such as Fig Festival, are different and are not restricted to the
definition of farmers market. Miller also explained that there is a special event process for
the craft shows.
Haby explained that events held in the parks also require a deposit for any damages that
might occur in the city parks. They also have a ratio of number of officers required per the
number of attendees. Haby stated that the applicant can either provide or hire their own
security or the Police Dept. will provide it and bill the applicant.
8. Consideration and possible action regarding future Planning and Zoning Commission
meeting dates
Motion to move the June 6 meeting to June 3: McLean
Second: Gibson
Vote: 4 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried
The next regular meeting will be June 20.
9. Communications from the Commission
McLean reported that City Council passed all three façade ordinance changes. He also
stated that the Gardens at Friendswood Lakes PUD was approved at the 1st reading. He
stated that the 2nd reading would be in July (delayed at the request of the applicant).
10. Reports
A. Council Liaison - None
B. Staff - None
11. The meeting adjourned at 7:45pm.
These minutes respectfully submitted by:
Aubrey Harbin
Aubrey Harbin
Development Specialist/P&Z Secretary