HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2013-03-04 Special PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
1. The JWS was called to order at 6:15pm with the following people in attendance:
Chairman Mark McLean Commissioner Jim Gibson
Commissioner Chris Brown Commissioner Arthur Triplette
Mona Miller, Planner Steve Weathered, City Attorney
Nick Haby, Planning Mgr/PIO City Council
Morad Kabiri, Asst. City Manager
Absent: Nye, O’Farrell, Tibbitts
2. Discussions with City Council regarding:
A. Proposed amendments to Chapter 14 of the Code of Ordinances, Buildings and
Building Regulations, Article VII. – Substandard Buildings and Structures
Kabiri explained that the International Property Maintenance Code was repealed by
Council and Council asked P&Z to evaluate the IPMC and the Substandard Structures
portion of Chapter 14 in the Friendswood Code of Ordinances and determine whether or
not a hybrid form of the IPMC is necessary and to research current processes regarding
substandard structures. P&Z created a subcommittee consisting of three members – Jim
Nye, Chris Brown and Arthur Triplette. The subcommittee worked with city staff and the
city attorney to craft the proposed ordinance. The recommendation from the Commission
is based on changes in state law and current case law. Kabiri explained that the proposal is
not a property maintenance code, but that it is an ordinance that can be used to address
buildings in danger of falling down or that are determined to be a nuisance. He explained
that the proposed ordinance designates ZBOA as the Building and Standards Commission
as required by state law whereas the current ordinance designates City Council to hear
cases regarding substandard structures.
March 4, 2013 P&Z Meeting
Mclean stated that two of the subcommittee members are here, but that the proposed
ordinance revision was written by legal counsel and staff to ensure that the proposed
ordinance is consistent with state law. He explained that this proposal supplants the current
section of the ordinance that addresses substandard structures.
Weathered stated that the proposed ordinance is intended to provide efficiency and
flexibility for staff. He explained that under the current ordinance if a hurricane or other
catastrophe were to strike, City Council would be responsible for the public hearings
regarding substandard structures and that the number of potential hearings that may be
required is a concern as well as the time required to conduct the hearings; there is also the
decision as to whether or not the structure could be repaired or if it must be demolished.
Weathered explained that this proposal also retains flexibility for building codes that
Council might adopt in the future. He stated that in accordance with Chapter 54 of the
Local Government Code, the proposed ordinance designates the Zoning Board of
Adjustments to also serve as the Building and Standards Commission and also allows the
municipality to assess civil fines for non-compliance with an order issued by the Building
and Standards Commission, if necessary.
McGinnis asked how many cases ZBOA has now and if they can they handle the work
load. Kabiri stated that ZBOA had 2-3 cases last year and that no substandard structures
hearings have been held in the past few years.
Rockey confirmed with Kabiri that the same process would still take place as far as the
code official working with a property owner to resolve issues and only referred to the
BSC/ZBOA for a substandard structures hearing if they cannot resolve the issue.
Hill asked if the proposed ordinance gives the code official the ability to go into someone’s
house. Weathered explained that there is a reference to Section 18.05 of the Criminal Code
to allow a code official to obtain a search warrant based on probable cause, if it is
necessary to go inside a structure.
Hill stated that he does not care for language in the proposed ordinance that gives the city
permission to tear down someone’s house. He stated that there is currently a property
owner who is working with the code official to remedy an unsafe building. He also stated
that in the case of a fire, it takes 6 months to get insurance money. He stated that he is
happy with the way things are being handled currently and that this is not a rampant
problem in Friendswood and he urged Council to be cautious of making substantial
Holland verified with the building official that he is not comfortable going inside a
person’s home. Holland suggested that under Section 14-322, items 1-15
Frank request engineer’s report to confirm whether or not for structurally sound
Morad if direction of City Council they could give direction to only do what you can do
from outside
Rockey verified that even if items 1-15 were left as is, the code official would still need
owner’s permission or court order to go inside the structure.
March 4, 2013 P&Z Meeting
Enochs verified that the complaint driven process would not change. City staff is not going
to proactively seek out buildings that are substandard.
Kabiri explained that it is current policy that code enforcement is done on a complaint-
driven basis.
Weathered explained that this ordinance would not be used very often, but when it is, it
would most likely be a structure damaged from fire or a large storm, which in determining
whether or not the structure is more than 50% destroyed, an owner may invite an inspector
or code official inside the building.
Scott verified that the ability to go inside a structure is not being prohibited, so in the case
explained by Weathered, a code official could enter a building if invited by the owner.
Rockey asked who makes decision to obtain a court order to go inside a structure. Kabiri
stated that the code official would make the request but obtain approval from upper
management. Rockey suggested adding to the proposed ordinance a statement that it is
complaint driven, that the code official will not go inside, and add an explicit process to
follow to obtain a court order.
Holland stated that he is comfortable with current staff.
McGinnis asked legal counsel if a property owner has the right to provide input when a
court order is being obtained or if it is done without them knowing.
Polanco stated that a court order is typically obtained without any advanced notice to the
property owner.
Weathered explained that this is the quasi-judicial process and that there is nothing that
prohibits a citation being written and the owner having to go to municipal court for a trial.
Manigold stated that typically code enforcement is only on violations that can be seen in a
direct path from the street. He explained that when a complaint is received, staff makes
every effort to give proper notification to the property owner either by talking to the person
or leaving a red tag for them to contact the city and informing them of the complaint and
giving them time to remedy the situation.
Holland stated that he is in agreement with items 2, 7, 8 and 13. He stated that the code
reference in item 3 is okay, but he is concerned with the word “within” as he does not want
staff going inside of a structure.
Hill stated that he is concerned that the ordinance allows the Fire Marshal to go inside a
structure. He stated that if building officials and fire marshals are given authority to go
inside, they should be peace officers.
Scott stated that if signs of substandard structures are visible from street and there is reason
to obtain a warrant to enter the premises, there is a procedure in place to obtain a warrant.
Scott stated that he is concerned with neighbors complaining against neighbors and that
March 4, 2013 P&Z Meeting
city staff does not need to be in the business of working out issues that are not actual
McLean stated that the only enforceable action by the city is to identify violations of public
health, safety and welfare issues.
Holland stated that staff people change and he would like to keep the ordinance simple.
McLean stated that this proposal will accomplish property owner protection by bringing the
city ordinance in compliance with current state law. He explained that the Supreme Court
Case of Dallas vs. Stewart case ruled in favor of the property owner.
3. The JWS adjourned at 6:43pm.
REGULAR MEETING (7:00 pm, 2nd floor conference room)
1. The regular meeting was called to order at 7pm with the following people in attendance:
Chairman Mark McLean Commissioner Jim Gibson
Commissioner Arthur Triplette Commissioner Chris Brown
Mona Miller, Planner
Absent: O’Farrell, Tibbitts (Nye entered late)
2. Communication from the public/committee liaisons
(To comply with provisions of the Open Meetings Act, the Commission may not deliberate
on subjects discussed under this agenda item. However, the Commission may direct such
subjects be placed on a later regular Commission agenda for discussion and/or possible
Ruth Piper, stated that she has spoken previously in regards to the IPMC. She stated that
although she is not familiar with the proposed changes to Chapter 14 that were presented
tonight, she thinks there is a fine line between a real nuisance and a mad neighbor
submitting complaints. She is concerned with property rights and individual rights and that
she is not comfortable with city staff going inside buildings. She would like the regulations
to be minimal. Regarding the issue of who is in charge here now and the fact that that will
change in the future, she stated that when making rules, policies should be considered, not
3. Consent Agenda:
A. Approval of minutes for the:
1) February 4, 2013
Motion to approve: Brown
Second: Triplette
Vote: 4 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried
4. Consideration and possible action regarding a request for a one time six month extension
for the commercial site plan for King’s Kids Daycare at 209 S. Friendswood Drive
March 4, 2013 P&Z Meeting
By unanimous consent, this item was postponed until later in the meeting.
5. Consideration and possible action regarding a commercial site plan for Masa Sushi
Restaurant at 102 Hunters Lane
Motion to approve with staff comments: Gibson
Second: Brown
Vote: 4 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried
Miller explained staff comments on compliance memo.
Staff comments:
1) The owner is requesting to pay into the sidewalk fund for the portion of
sidewalk that is required along FM518. The 4-foot sidewalks along Hunters
Creek are shown on the site plan and will be installed.
2) Pending approval of driveway on FM 518.
3) Pending GCCDD approval.
McLean verified that the property is located in the COD and that the façade complies with
the requirements. Miller confirmed that the roof is a metal seam roof and the exterior
façade is exterior grade, sealed wood planks. McLean explained that the current façade
changes to the Zoning Ordinance that are being discussed with Council would not allow
this material to be used.
6. Consideration and possible action regarding proposed amendments to Chapter 14 of the
Code of Ordinances, Buildings and Building Regulations, Article VII. – Substandard
Buildings and Structures
Brown stated that understood in the meeting downstairs that Councilman Rockey wanted
more detail, and that obtaining a court order should require city manager approval. Intent
was to leave the ordinance as flexible as possible, and adding the step for obtaining city
manager approval to get a court order adds another step, but that these instances do not
happen very often so probably not a big deal. He stated that he understands the concern
about staff going inside structures, but that he is concerned with taking everything
allowing inside enforcement out of the ordinance. He stated that unsafe living conditions
are inside the structure and that we need to find the balance to still allow for safety of
residents and not violate property rights. Brown stated that he would like some input
from legal counsel regarding a scenario brought up by a councilmember about an angry
neighbor launching a complaint against another neighbor. Weathered stated that an angry
neighbor launching a complaint would probably not sign an affidavit which is required to
obtain the court order.
Nye entered the meeting at 7:12pm.
McLean stated that due to the limited time that Council can spend studying a detailed
ordinance such as this, he feels that maybe Council does not comprehend the ordinance
as a whole. He suggested that providing them hypothetical scenarios with explanations.
March 4, 2013 P&Z Meeting
McLean stated that he would like to turn this back over to subcommittee to tweak the
ordinance as they suggested and give some hypothetical examples and explain how the
process would work including duties of the building official and city manager.
Gibson asked if this is already in ordinance, what is actually being changed.
Weathered stated that the proposed ordinance is adding a quasi-judicial board to the
process, adding the ability to asses fines for non-compliance with the ordinance and to
allow staff flexibility to determine when to bring a case before the board as opposed to
the way it is written now.
Gibson asked if there is any advantage of ignoring emotional issues and focusing on
those few issues and let them know that this is already in the ordinance.
Weathered stated that he was afraid that if Council was unfamiliar with this ordinance
that they may have repealed it and it is the only safety net that is in place for now, even
though it is outdated. He also stated that there is a misconception about what is in the
existing code. He explained that state law does not require administrative warrants to
search property, so adding that option in our local ordinance is an added protection.
There was an overall consensus that Council does not understand that this ordinance is
adding more protection than what state law requires and that the Commission needs to
provide examples and explanation to Council.
Weathered restated that what is in the ordinance now is outdated and requires Council
approval rather than a quasi-judicial body to make a determination to demolish a building
and the ability to assess civil fines.
Nye asked Manigold if he has encountered a situation where he could not tell it was
substandard from outside. Manigold stated that only on one occasion has that happened.
Weathered explained that one of the first cases he worked was a teacher reporting rat
bites on children. As a result, state agencies got involved and investigated the home that
the children lived in and they discovered holes inside the building that could not be seen
from the outside where the rats were getting inside the house at night.
Triplette stated that we should consider both the city’s responsibility and the property
owner’s responsibility and not just one point of view.
Brown stated that he is concerned with striking all of the items that the mayor requested
to be stricken simply because electrical deficiencies could exist on the outside of a
structure but it still needs to be in the ordinance. He stated that he understands nobody
wants to go inside, but if it is necessary we may need some provisions in the ordinance.
He stated that he is also concerned about future staff changes and how they will enforce
this ordinance.
McLean stated that providing hypotheticals and an explanation of how many people have
to look at a structure and how long the process actually takes may help explain how the
ordinance will work.
March 4, 2013 P&Z Meeting
Brown recused himself from the meeting at 7:27pm.
4. Consideration and possible action regarding a request for a one time six month extension
for the commercial site plan for King’s Kids Daycare at 209 S. Friendswood Drive
Motion to approve: Gibson
Second: McLean
Vote: 4 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried
Brown re-entered the meeting at 7:30pm.
7. Consideration and possible action regarding future Planning and Zoning Commission
meeting dates
Miller explained that the next regular meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 21 but
several staff members and commissioners will be at the UT Land Conference. She
explained that other optional dates to hold a meeting are March 18 or March 25.
The Commission unanimously agreed to hold a special meeting on March 25th, if there are
items that need action.
Next regular meeting after that is scheduled for April 4, but we also have Joint Work
Session and Joint Public Hearings with Council on April 1.
The Commission unanimously agreed to move the April 4 meeting to April 1.
8. Communications from the Commission
9. Reports
A. Council Liaison - None
B. Staff - None
10. The regular meeting adjourned at 7:35pm.
These minutes respectfully submitted by:
Aubrey Harbin
Aubrey Harbin
Development Specialist/P&Z Secretary