HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2013-12-02 Special PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION . JOINT WORK SESSION 1. The Joint Work Session was called to order at 6:33pm with the following people in attendance: Vice Chairman Mark Tibbitts Commissioner Jim Nye Commissioner Arthur Triplette Commissioner Jim Gibson Steve Weathered, City Attorney Commissioner Chris Brown Aubrey Harbin, Planner Commissioner David O’Farrell Becky Bennett, Dev. Coordinator Nick Haby, PIO/Planning Manager Absent: Chairman McLean 2. Discussion regarding proposed changes to Appendix C Zoning Ordinance, Section 7. Schedule of District Regulations regarding changes to the Permitted Use Table and Section 8.J. 4 through 9 and L to relocate language below the Permitted Use Table Haby showed City Council a Power Point presentation summarizing the proposed changes regarding the PUT. Rockey inquired whether the City would be opening itself up to takings claims by changing zones from Permitted to Specific Use. The City Attorney stated he could go into more detail in an Executive Session but, generally speaking, it would not be considered a taking. Gustafson asked what the City was gaining by changing gas stations to SUPs. He opined developers may be scared off by the need for a Public Hearing. Brown stated the reasoning behind the change was mainly due to the amount of traffic gas stations produce. A SUP would not take away the use but rather allow some oversight by City Council and the P&Z Commission. Rockey stated the SUP and Public Hearing would provide the public and City Council a chance to view projects ahead of time and shape the City for the better. MINUTES OF A SPECIAL & REGULAR MEETING HELD MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2013 AT 6 PM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS & 2ND FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM 910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS 2 December 2, 2013 P & Z Meeting Hill said too much opposition at a Public Hearing could sway City Council to deny a project. O’Farrell showed concern for the commercial property owners that are currently permitted to build gas stations “by right” who would then be subjected to a Public Hearing. Gibson countered by saying he personally notified his neighbors regarding construction of the Corder’s Convenience store, a convenience store that was recently presented to the P&Z Commission, and none of them opposed the new gas station. Councilman Enochs said he viewed the updates as 15 years of experience by the Planning and Zoning Commission as well as a matter of updating the PUT. Brown stated part of the reason for SUPs in certain categories is due to the broadness of the category. There may be dozens of uses in one category and it helps the City avoid a “gotcha” situation where a use is permitted because it is part of a category, but it might be a potential nuisance in some way whether that is traffic, safety, or impact on adjacent uses. Mayor Holland asked the Commission to pay closer attention to the affect the changes may have on potential revenue for the City and draft an ordinance. Councilman Rockey stated he approved the PUT changes as is. Gustafson and McGinnis planned to review the changes in more detail. Scott commented he did not believe it was time for an ordinance yet. Gibson explained that the subcommittee spent more than 15 hours studyi ng the document and they are looking to Council for what was missed, not so much what was changed. Hill opined the subcommittee and the P&Z Commission did the work already therefore City Council should not need to question each change. City Council decided to take time to review the changes then respond to the Planning and Zoning Commission with written/verbal notes before requesting an ordinance be drafted and presented. Another work session will follow. 3. The Joint Work Session adjourned at 7:19pm. REGULAR MEETING – 2nd floor conference room 1. The Regular Meeting was called to order at 7:27pm with the following people in attendance: Commissioner Mark Tibbitts Commissioner Nim Nye Commissioner Arthur Triplette Commissioner Jim Gibson Steve Weathered, City Attorney Commissioner Chris Brown Aubrey Harbin, Planner Commissioner David O’Farrell Becky Bennett, Dev. Coordinator Nick Haby, PIO/Planning Manager Absent: McLean 2. Communication from the public/committee liaisons (To comply with provisions of the Open Meetings Act, the Commission may not deliberate on subjects discussed under this agenda item. However, the Commission may direct such subjects be placed on a later regular Commission agenda for discussion and/or possible action.) None 3 December 2, 2013 P & Z Meeting 3. Consent Agenda A. Approval of the minutes for the meeting held: 1) November 21, 2013 Motion to Approve w/comments: Brown Second: Gibson Vote: 6/0 unanimous Approved with comments Gibson suggested specifying those “property owners” in Comments from the Commission from Brown. 4. Consideration and possible action regarding the preliminary plat of Austin Chase at West Ranch Section One being 17.4 acres of land out of the John Dickinson Survey, also being a portion of lots 137, 138 and 153 through 160 of the Slone Subdivision, a subdivision plat filed for record under Volume 3, Page 61A (Volume 254A, pg 6) of the Galveston County Map Records, City of Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas Motion to Approve w/Staff comments: Gibson Second: Nye Vote: 6/0 unanimous Approved with comments Harbin presented the preliminary plat as being the first section on the east side of West Blvd. 1. Change the owner name to John Hammond and include his title. 2. Instrument numbers on the plat and the title report do not match. Please make corrections. 3. Approval is conditional upon removal of lease agreement or other resolution prior to plat recordation. 4. Approval is conditional upon providing original Galveston County tax certificates prior to final plat submittal. 5. Consideration and possible action regarding amendments to Appendix C, Zoning Ordinance Section 7. Schedule of District Regulations regarding changes to the Permitted Use Table and Section 8.J. 4 through 9 and L. to relocate language below PUT No Action. Nye recommended waiting for City Council’s comments before revisiting the PUT. O’Farrell suggested giving Council a list of the changes to narrow the scope and make it easier to review. The Commission requested Staff compile some change summaries for City Council. 6. Consideration and possible action regarding future Planning and Zoning Commission meeting dates The next Regular Meetings of the Planning & Zoning Commission will be held on Thursday, December 19th and Thursday, January 2nd. 4 December 2, 2013 P & Z Meeting Motion to move the Regular Meeting from Thursday, January 16th to Monday, January 13th: O’Farrell Second: Triplette Vote: 6/0 Unanimous Approved 6. Communications from the Commission Nye said Merry Christmas. O’Farrell expressed his thanks to the PUT subcommittee. Brown said Happy New Year. And, lastly, Tibbitts concluded the meeting saying Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. 8. Reports A. Council Liaison – not present B. Staff - none 9. The Regular Meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission adjourned at 7:50pm. These minutes respectfully submitted by: Becky Bennett Becky Bennett Development Coordinator