HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2013-11-21 Regular PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
1. The Regular Meeting was called to order at 7:04pm with the following people in
Chairman Mark McLean Commissioner Mark Tibbitts
Commissioner Jim Nye Commissioner David O’Farrell
Steve Weathered, City Attorney Commissioner Chris Brown
Aubrey Harbin, Planner Nick Haby, PIO/Planning Manager
Becky Bennett, Dev. Coordinator
Absent: Triplette; Gibson
2. Communication from the public/committee liaisons
(To comply with provisions of the Open Meetings Act, the Commission may not deliberate
on subjects discussed under this agenda item. However, the Commission may direct such
subjects be placed on a later regular Commission agenda for discussion and/or possible
3. Consent Agenda
A. Approval of the minutes for the meeting held:
1) November 4, 2013
Motion to approve: Tibbitts
Second: Brown
5/0 Unanimous Motion Carried
4. Consideration and possible action regarding amendments to Appendix C, Zoning
Ordinance Section 7. Schedule of District Regulations regarding changes to the Permitted
Use Table
November 21, 2013 P & Z Meeting
Motion to approve with the following comments: 1) Remove the * from the footnote 5
so that the note will apply to the entire table 2) Remove “which are incorporated by
reference” from footnote 5 3) On use 7224, Drinking places – remove “bars with”
from the description: McLean
Second: Nye
4/1 Approve O’Farrell Motion Carried
Harbin explained she made minor changes as requested at the last Commission meeting.
The PUT was presented to CEDC and they only had one comment which was to allow
trade contractors into CSC with an SUP.
Weathered counseled to remove all asterisks to apply the footnote to the entire document.
Harbin changed 512 Motion Picture & Sound Recording Studios to require an SUP in I, LI
and BP for conformity with other large assembly uses.
Brown talked about not striking LNC since the zone is referenced in other ordinances.
When the zoning rewrite is undertaken would be the time to remove LNC from the PUT.
For now, all uses under LNC will be blank.
Harbin went on to explain CEDC’s reasoning for allowing 236 Construction of Buildings
and 238 Specialty Trade Contractors in CSC with a SUP is to attract more businesses to the
City. Currently the zoning allows office use only. Brown questioned the possible downside
of allowing those uses in CSC to which Harbin stated the screening requirements should
alleviate most concerns.
O’Farrell asked what CEDC’s reaction was to requiring SUPs for gas stations. Harbin
stated CEDC had no comments in regards to SUPs for gas stations. O’Farrell expressed his
concern for current commercial property owners opining public outcry would be too great
and approval would not be granted. O’Farrell also mentioned the reduction in property
value by limiting the property’s uses and feels the owners are not aware of the possible
McLean explained notices are sent out for the Planning and Zoning Commission meetings
as well as the Joint Public Hearing.
Brown contributed by stating that City Council will have a look at the proposed changes to
the PUT and will hopefully do what is in the best interest of the City as well as the property
Tibbitts said Council meetings attract more attention than P&Z Commission meetings and
will provide the property owners with another opportunity to attend.
Nye explained the Commission is not taking away a right but instead City Council can
review applications as opposed to developments being permitted by right. He feels the SUP
process will provide an extra layer of protection for the City and its citizens.
Tibbitts added that gas stations store and handle dangerous materials and more scrutiny by
the City may increase safety.
November 21, 2013 P & Z Meeting
Harbin cited case law stating that changing which uses are allowed/not allowed on vacant
tracts of land is not prohibited.
5. Consideration and possible action regarding amendments to Appendix C, Zoning
Ordinance Section 8.J. 4 through 9 and L. to relocate language below PUT
Voted on in conjunction with item 4.
Motion to approve with the following comments: 1) Remove the * from the footnote 5
so that the note will apply to the entire table 2) Remove “which are incorporated by
reference” from footnote 5 3) On use 7224, Drinking places – remove “bars with”
from the description: McLean
Second: Nye
4/1 Approve O’Farrell Motion Carried
6. Consideration and possible action regarding amendments to Appendix C, Zoning
Ordinance, Section 9.G. Specific Use Permits
Harbin presented changing the current SUP process to not include engineered plans at the
time of site plan submittal. The application procedure could move “verification” down to
the section on utilities and save the applicant a lot of upfront cost. The change would
merely require rewording the current requirements. Staff has discussed the process and
would like to streamline the application process. Utility and drainage plans do not go
before the Commission or Council, only the City’s Engineering Department, and are on a
different timetable than the site plan.
McLean, Brown and Tibbitts expressed the desire for more time to review the proposed
changes to the SUP process. Nye suggested a few wording edits. McLean did say he saw
the advantage of having a process for conceptual plan review without costing the applicant
the expense of engineered plans before the approval of a site plan.
No Action.
7. Consideration and possible action regarding future Planning and Zoning Commission
meeting dates
Motion to move the Dec. 5 meeting to Dec. 2: Tibbitts
Second: Brown
5/0 Unanimous Motion Carried
Move the regular meeting from Dec 5th to coincide with the Joint Public Hearing & City
Council meeting on Dec 2nd. Dec 19th will be the next regular meeting.
8. Communications from the Commission
Brown thanked O’Farrell for voicing his opinion and speaking up for those property
owners not in attendance.
McLean said Happy Thanksgiving to all and be safe.
9. Reports
November 21, 2013 P & Z Meeting
A. Council Liaison – Rockey stated all bonds passed and that Council would be taking a
very hands-on approach with the implementation of those projects. He also stated that the
vote on the Whitcomb rezoning item at the last meeting was a confusing vote, but that it
will be on the next agenda for action as an ordinance. He stated that he hoped the
developer would talk with staff and try to develop the property similarly to the previously
approved PUD. He explained that another builder proposing to develop some property
on the south side of town has reworked their plan several times and finally brought forth
a proposal of which Council may be more supportive.
B. Staff Report – Harbin presented the Commission with the first P & Z Activity Report.
McLean thanked Staff for all their work on the PUT.
10. The Regular Meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission adjourned at 8:12pm.
These minutes respectfully submitted by:
Becky Bennett
Becky Bennett
Development Coordinator