HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2013-01-17 Regular PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
1. The regular meeting was called to order at 7pm with the following people in attendance:
Commissioner David O’Farrell (mtg chair) Commissioner Jim Nye
Commissioner Brown Commissioner Arthur Triplette
Mona Miller, Planner Aubrey Harbin, Development Specialist
Steve Weathered, City Attorney Nick Haby, Planning Mgr/PIO
Absent: Tibbitts, McLean
2. Communication from the public/committee liaisons
(To comply with provisions of the Open Meetings Act, the Commission may not deliberate
on subjects discussed under this agenda item. However, the Commission may direct such
subjects be placed on a later regular Commission agenda for discussion and/or possible
3. Consent Agenda:
A. Approval of minutes for the:
1) January 7, 2013 special and regular meeting
Motion to approve: Gibson
Second: Triplette
Vote: 5 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried
4. Consideration and possible action regarding a request to abandon a 3’ x 35’ guy wire
easement at 1310 Steele Drive
Motion to approve: Nye
Second: Brown
Vote: 5 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried
January 17, 2013 P&Z Meeting
5. Consideration and possible action regarding the commercial site plan of Chara Dance
Studio at 101 Hunter’s Lane
Motion to approve and requiring the owner to install sidewalks along Hunters Lane and
allow them to pay into the sidewalk fund for the sidewalk along FM 518: Brown
Second: Gibson
Vote: 5 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried
Miller explained that the applicant addressed comments 2 thru 5; the remaining Planning
comment includes the applicants request to pay into the sidewalk fund in lieu of installing
the required 4-foot sidewalk along Hunters Ln and the 5-foot sidewalk along FM518.
She explained that they are still working through their drainage and utility plan; more
specifically they are still considering options of whether to provide on-site detention or if
there is capacity in the Hunters Creek detention pond.
O’Farrell asked why they could not install the sidewalks. Miller explained that on
FM518, the ROW is open ditch and the ROW along Hunters Lane has existing trees and
shrubs. Both scenarios would force the sidewalks to be built on private property whereas
they are usually built within the ROW. Staff did encourage the owner/applicant to
consider dedicating public easements if the sidewalks are built on private property. The
plat for the subject property has been approved by P&Z but not yet recorded, so they
could dedicate sidewalk easements on the plat, which is a much cleaner process than
dedicating them by separate instrument. Miller also explained that the tract across
Hunters Ln. is working on their site plan and will likely ask for whatever is granted for
this property.
O’Farrell stated that he understood the fund to be intended for streets that would
eventually be converted to curb and gutter. Miller stated that Hunters Ln is already curb
and gutter and that FM518 is unlikely to be converted.
Miller stated that there has been past problems of people trying to put sidewalks at the
edge of the open ditches. She explained that discussions at the time were to require all
commercial properties to have sidewalks.
Nye stated that behind the gates, there are sidewalks on Hunters Ln and that there are
pedestrian gates for the homeowners to pass through. He stated that it is possible to put
sidewalks on Hunters Ln. He also stated that sidewalks are required for several reasons
one being safety. He stated that he does not see a need to vary from sidewalks on
Hunters Ln, but that he would agree that sidewalks on FM518 would not be useful.
Brown stated that he does see people walking along FM518 and that he would like to
require sidewalks on 518, but it does not seem feasible. He stated that sidewalks should
definitely be required on Hunters Lane.
Triplette stated that he walked the site. He stated that there may not be traffic on
sidewalks and that he is not in favor of building sidewalks to nowhere.
Gibson stated that he agrees with allowing them to pay into the fund on 518 and requiring
installation of the sidewalks on Hunters Ln.
January 17, 2013 P&Z Meeting
O’Farrell stated that the amount of pedestrian traffic is unknown, but stated that the tract
across Hunters Ln will develop soon with restaurants and retail and there should be a way
for parents to walk across the street while their children are in dance classes.
6. Consideration and possible action regarding the commercial site plan of Gina’s Italian
Kitchen and Pizzeria at 129 W. Parkwood Avenue
Motion to approve and to require the paint to be extended to the fire wall of the exterior
of the building: Triplette
Second: Brown
Vote: 4 to 1 (Nye opposed) Motion Carried
Miller explained that new photos were provided as of today because some additional
awnings were added since the last pictures were taken. She explained the changes that the
new tenant has made to the exterior of the existing building and the request for the fenced
area within the parking area. The applicant indicated to staff that they would not place
tables and chairs in this area at this time.
Barrett, Gina’s, explained the changes and that they were trying to do something to
enhance the building since several previous restaurants have failed in this location. He
stated that they currently have 2 other locations.
Nye asked if this is something that should have been seen by the Commission before
these changes were made and Miller explained that yes, it should have been approved
before installation. She explained that the tenant originally started with just an interior
renovation, but then started making changes to the outside.
There was some concern that the new white paint stopped in the middle of a wall on the
front of the building while the rest of the building is still tan in color.
Miller also explained that the tenant originally wanted to pave over the grassy area that is
now fenced as well as two parking spaces, but after review of the overall site plan, staff
advised them that they could not.
Several Commissioners asked if there was anything prohibiting the location or type of
fence around the island area and staff was not aware of anything. Miller explained that if
it was a fence required by the ordinance for screening that it would be required to be built
from the same material as the building, but it is just a decorative fence.
7. Presentation by Jennifer Wilkins and Rudy Garza of the Texas Masonry Council
Rudy Garza, Executive Vice President of Texas Masonry Council, gave a presentation on
masonry products and provided other general information regarding masonry ordinances.
8. Discussion, update and possible recommendation from the Substandard Buildings sub-
No action taken.
January 17, 2013 P&Z Meeting
9. Consideration and possible action regarding proposed amendments to Chapter 14 –
Buildings and Building Regulations, Article VII. – Substandard Buildings and
Motion to Table: Gibson
Second: Triplette
Vote: 5 to 0 (unanimous) Item Tabled
10. Consideration and possible action regarding proposed amendments to Appendix C –
Zoning Ordinance, Section 20. Definitions regarding masonry
Miller informed the Commissioners that there would be a Joint Work Session with City
Council on February 4, 2013, and that the Commission will receive more direction at that
time as to whether or not Council would be interested in changing this ordinance.
Haby added that CEDC would also be in attendance at that Joint Work Session.
Staff was directed to propose a draft that would exclude cement fiber board from the list of
allowed facades.
11. Discussion regarding annual Planning and Zoning report to City Council
12. Consideration and possible action regarding future Planning and Zoning Commission
meeting dates
Miller informed the Commission that the next regular meeting would be Thursday,
February 7, but that there is also a JWS/JPH on February 4 with Council and CEDC.
Motion to move Feb. 7 meeting to Feb. 4: Brown
Second: Jye
Vote: 5 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried
The next regular meeting after that would be Thursday, February 21, 2013.
13. Communications from the Commission
14. Reports
A. Council Liaison – None
B. Staff – Haby informed the Commission that a Citizen Survey will soon be
conducted. He explained that a third party consultant was hired to make phone
calls to residents and that the survey consists of about 50 questions about city
services and facilities.
January 17, 2013 P&Z Meeting
15. The regular meeting adjourned at 8:23pm.
These minutes respectfully submitted by:
Aubrey Harbin
Aubrey Harbin
Development Specialist/P&Z Secretary