HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2012-06-07 Regular" MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING HELD MONDAY, JUNE 79 2012 AT 7PM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS 1. The regular meeting was called to order at 7:03pm with the following people in attendance: Vice Chairman Mark Tibbitts Commissioner David O'Farrell Commissioner Jim Nye Commissioner Jim Gibson Commissioner Hassan Moghaddam Mona Miller, Planner Nick Haby, Planning Managei/PIO Aubrey Harbin, Development Specialist Morad Kabiri, Asst. City Manager Absent: Chairman Mark McLean 2. Communication from the public/committee liaisons None 3. Consent Agenda: A. Approval of minutes for the: 1) May 7, 2012 special and regular meetings 2) May 17, 2012 regular meeting Motion to approve with 2 corrections: Moghaddam Second: Nye Vote: 5 to 0 (unanimous) Minutes Approved 4. Consideration and possible action regarding the final plat of Ali's Plat at San Joaquin Estates, being 2.4873 acres situated in the 1. & G.N.R,R. Co. Survey, Abstract 622, out of an original 76.67 acres tract as recorded under clerk's file no. 9518517, Galveston County, Friendswood, Texas Motion to approve with staff comments and Moghaddam's recommendation to include in the legal description a reference to the 10 acres out of 76 acres: Gibson Second: Nye Vote: 5 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried Miller explained that this tract was originally a 10-acre tract with one single family home and that the 10 acres is a remainder of an original 76 acres. O'Farrell confirmed with staff that this is a buildable lot. Moghaddam requested to amend the motion in order to require the legal description on the plat to include a reference to the current 10 acres. Moghaddamn recused himself fivin the dais. 5. Consideration and possible action regarding an amendment to the site plan for Moghaddam Office Park at 1111 S. Friendswood Drive Motion to require brick pavers with a consistent pattern as originally approved: Gibson Second: Nye Vote: 4 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried Miller explained that the site plan was approved with 2-feet of pavers to be installed on each side of the existing sidewalk. Approximately 2 weeks ago, stamped concrete was installed rather than the brick pavers. She stated that staff is requesting a decision by the Commission to either allow the stamped concrete to remain or install the pavers as was originally approved with the site plan. Gibson stated that in a recent workshop with Keep Friendswood Beautifiil, their recommendation regarding sidewalks in the Downtown District was to install a concrete base with pavers. He stated that this plan was approved with brick pavers, not stamped concrete. He also stated that the stamped concrete is done is two different patterns. Nye stated that he agrees with Gibson. Joe Broussard, Pinnacle Construction, stated that the contractor called City staff to verify that stamped concrete was an acceptable product in lieu of brick pavers in the Downtown District. Miller stated that stamped concrete is an acceptable product in DD, but that she informed the contractor that the change would need to go back to P&Z for approval because the site plan was approved with brick pavers. Hassan Moghaddam, owner, stated that stamped concrete is much stronger than brick pavers. Kabiri stated that the ordinance allows stamped concrete and that the site plan was approved with brick pavers. He explained that if the Commission approves stamped concrete it will not violate the ordinance. Gibson stated that he appreciates Hassan Moghaddam's cooperation and feels that this site is a major focal point when people drive over the bridge coming from FM 528. Moghaddamn rejoined the Commissioners. 2 June 7, 2012 P&Z Meeting 6. Consideration and possible action regarding an amendment to the site plan for Kid City at 1601 W. Parlovood Avenue Motion to approve amendments with staff comments: Moghaddam Second: Nye Vote: 5 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried Staff comments: 1) Label the following on the site plan: 16' UE 10' Water Line Easement 10' Building Lines along rear and side property lines 10' Landscape Buffer 2) Correct the label along the rear of property to read 15' UE/SSE Miller explained that instead of building the gymnasium behind the Kid City Daycare, the owner is proposing two additional classrooms which will increase the enrollment capacity of the daycare to 33 kids. She also explained that increased enrollment will require additional parking, which the owner does meet. O'Farrell stated that the owner meets the parking requirement using the 5% deviation. He stated that he is concerned with allowing numerous developers to utilize the 5% deviation because at some point someone is going to be short on parking. 7. Consideration and possible action regarding possible amendments to Appendix C — Zoning Ordinance, Section 8.N, Downtown District supplemental requirements and the Design Criteria Manual, Appendix E Downtown District Amenities Miller explained the proposed changes to the Zoning Ordinance and the Design Criteria Manual which were made to comply with the recommendations of Keep Friendswood Beautifiil and previous discussions of the Commission. O'Farrell thanked KFB for bringing these things to the attention of P&Z and stated that these are the little things that help make the City look attractive. Tibbitts verified with KFB representatives to ensure that their comments and concerns were addressed. 8. Consideration and possible action regarding discussion on requests to deviate from approved site plans if the ordinance is not being violated Kabiri explained that staff would like some direction on when to bring commercial site plans back to P&Z when plans are changed. Moghaddam stated that staff should have flexibility to approve items if they are better. He also stated that he trusts staff s professional judgement. Gibson stated that staff should utilize the chairman and vice chairman is unsure about whether or not to bring an item back to P&Z. 3 June 7, 2012 P&Z Meeting Moghaddam stated that he would like to put on a future agenda an item to discuss the development process. He stated that he recently assisted a friend through the development process in Pasadena and it was much easier and quicker. 9. Discussion regarding proposed amendments to Appendix C -- Zoning Ordinance, Section 7 (except for the Permitted Use Table) as a part of the entire Zoning Ordinance rewrite Miller went through proposed changes to Section 7 of the Zoning Ordinance. These comments will be compiled and reviewed again as the proposed rewrite of the Zoning Ordinance, 10. Consideration and possible action regarding Single Family Residential — Estate zoning Motion to move forward with a workshop with Council to discuss the subcomittee's recommendation memo and to include Gibson's suggestion of adding "or % in accordance with the HOA's bylaws": Nye Second: Gibson Vote: 5 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried O'Farrell stated that he appreciated the re -write of the memo and that it brought clarity for him. He stated that he is concerned with the 80%. Gibson suggested to amend the memo to read 80% OR % in accordance with HOA bylaws. Tibbitts received an email regarding the 2 acre vs. 1.5 acre lots. He stated that the reason for the 1.5 acre discussion was to avoid narrow, long lots and to maybe get more buy -in of owner of 1.5 acre lots. Miller suggested maybe increasing minimum width requirement rather than decreasing acreage requirement. O'Farrell stated that the width and depth of a lot does affect appraisals. 11, Update from sub -committee regarding parking review O'Farrell is working on defining the scope of work for the subcommittee. 12. Discussion regarding Capital Improvements Plan Kabiri stated that he is available for questions regarding the DVD and information provided to the Commissioners previously. Tibbitts stated that he appreciated the DVD and that the information on the DVD clarified a lot for him. 4 June 7, 2012 P&Z Meeting Haby added that the video is being aired on the PEG channel as well, 13. Consideration and possible action regarding future PIanning and Zoning Commission meeting dates Miller explained that the next regular meeting will be June 21. Motion to cancel July 5 meeting. Gibson Second: Nye Vote: 5 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried 14. Communications from the Commission O'Farrell thanked his wife for allowing him to attend this meeting instead of his 32 year anniversary dinner. Moghaddam stated that he attended the last City Council meeting and there was a heated discussion about the International Property Maintenance Code. 15. Reports A. Council Liaison - None B. Staff - None 16. The regular meeting adjourned at 8:41pm. These minutes respectfully submitted by: ,-�, �ft V7 Aubrey Harbin Development SpecialistlP&Z Secretary 5 June 7, 2012 P&Z Meeting