HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2012-04-19 Regular PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
1. The meeting was called to order at 7pm with the following people in attendance:
Chairman Mark McLean Vice Chairman Mark Tibbitts
Commissioner David O’Farrell Commissioner Jim Nye
Commissioner Hassan Moghaddam Mona Miller, Planner
Nick Haby, Planning Manager/PIO Aubrey Harbin, Development Specialist
City Attorney Steve Weathered
Commissioner Holland was absent.
2. Communication from the public/committee liaisons
(To comply with provisions of the Open Meetings Act, the Commission may not deliberate
on subjects discussed under this agenda item. However, the Commission may direct such
subjects be placed on a later regular Commission agenda for discussion and/or possible
3. Consent Agenda:
A. Approval of minutes for the:
1) April 2, 2012 special and regular meetings
Motion to approve with one correction: McLean
Second: Moghaddam
Vote: 5 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried
4. Consideration and possible action regarding proposed amendments to Appendix C –
Zoning Ordinance, Section 5. Nonconforming Uses, Structures, and Lots
No action taken.
April 19, 2012 P&Z Meeting
Weathered explained his comments about the proposed changes to the Zoning Ordinance
and the Commissioners discussed the proposed changes. This is only a review and
discussion of a portion of the Zoning Ordinance. The discussion will continue with other
sections at future meetings until the whole ordinance and proposed changes have been
discussed in detail.
5. Consideration and possible action regarding review of the Parking Group Table
Motion to form a Parking Subcommittee: McLean
Second: Tibbitts
Vote: 5 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried
Miller explained that the Parking Group Table was reviewed and revisions such as adding
a 5% deviation allowance for staff to approve and updating the minimum parking
requirements in accordance with the National Parking Association were made in 2009.
She explained that there have been questions raised as to whether or not the numbers in
the table are sufficient. She explained that currently staff matches up the uses listed in
the Permitted Use Table as closely as possible to the categories in the Parking Group
Table, but that they do not always match; the Parking Group Table uses are not as
detailed as the PUT.
McLean appointed a subcommittee to research the parking requirements and make a
recommendation to the Commission. The two Commissioners appointed to this
subcommittee are David O’Farrell and Hassan Moghaddam.
6. Discussion regarding Single Family Residential – Estate zoning
Tibbitts submitted and explained the SFR-E Executive Summary to the Commission. He
discussed the six main points which were:
1) Regarding the two properties currently zoned SFR-E should be allowed to
reconsider and/or rescind their zone change request if they choose.
2) Regarding the 15 pending applications for zone changes from SFR to SFR-E,
the owners should be contacted and provided more information and allow them to
reconsider if they so choose.
3) P&Z and City Council should give positive recommendations to change the
zoning of a neighborhood if a sufficient number of owners come forward.
4) If 80 percent or more of property owners within a subdivision or neighborhood
are in favor, the Subcommittee would be in favor of allowing the zone change.
5) Reduce the size of SFR-E minimum lot size from 2 acres to 1.5 acres to avoid
deep, skinny lots.
6) The SFR-E recommendations are only intended for developed areas, not
undeveloped land.
Tibbitts also explained that 15-30 people attended each meeting and that some were
representative of others such as a president of an HOA. He stated that most vocal
April 19, 2012 P&Z Meeting
supporters were those who live in large lot areas and someone has tried to subdivide a lot
in their neighborhood. He stated that those who opposed are the owners who have
purchased land with the intent to subdivide eventually. He stated that some would be in
favor of the zone change if their neighbors would agree. Tibbitts stated that the majority
of people who came to the meetings were in favor of the SFR-E zoning, maybe not per
neighborhood, but overall.
There was some discussion about how the Subcommittee came up with allowing the
SFR-E zone changes if 80 percent of property owners agree. Nye and Tibbitts agreed
that it was suggested a few times in the Town Hall meetings and that it is a super
majority, not simple majority. There was some concern expressed that 100 percent
agreement may be necessary.
McLean explained that this is not an action item on this agenda and that the Commission
will keep discussing and make changes as decided.
Nye explained that some owners in the Town Hall meetings stated that they felt that 2
acre minimum was too large and that they would be in favor of a 1.5 acre lot minimum.
He also stated that the 1.5 acre requirement would still preserve and protect the intent of
the large lots.
McLean asked for a visual diagram from staff to show the difference in 2 acre and 1.5
acre lot minimums.
7. Discussion regarding possible training topics for the Commission
Miller explained the Chairman McLean requested some training for the Commission and
that some suggested topics included the permitting/development process, Capital
Improvements Projects Plan overview, another tour of the City, and parliamentary
procedures. O’Farrell also suggested a role play about developer arguments for
development issues. McLean asked the Commissioners to turn in any other ideas to
8. Consideration and possible action regarding future Planning and Zoning Commission
meeting dates
Miller explained that the Commission will have a Joint Work Session with City Council on
Monday, May 7 in addition to a regular meeting on May 3. It was decided to move the
May 3 meeting to May 7. After that the next regular meeting will be Thursday, May 17.
9. Communications from the Commission
Moghaddam stated that he attended EDC meeting last Wednesday and said that they are
discussing how to attract businesses to Friendswood.
April 19, 2012 P&Z Meeting
O’Farrell stated that he was in a meeting this week in which comments were made that
our platting process is extraordinary.
McLean stated that he attended the last Council meeting and reported that Council voted
on the first reading to approve the used car lot at W Parkwood Ave, which P&Z gave a
negative recommendation. He also explained that the proposed SUP for Gold and Silver
Buyers was denied.
Miller explained that the Gold and Silver Buyers SUP was denied at the 2nd reading, but
that Gold and Silver Buyers also has a jewelry store so they submitted an application for
a Tenant Occupancy for that use and it is allowed in CSC. She explained that they will
leave the same sign.
O’Farrell stated that he is disappointed in the vote on the used car lot and stated that he
thinks there is value to the Commission as a whole coming back down to present their
recommendation to Council.
10. Reports
A. Council Liaison - None
B. Staff - Miller explained that Morad Kabiri has been promoted to Assistant City
Manager/City Engineer and that Nick Haby will now be the Planning Manager
and continue his other duties as Public Information Officer. Morad Kabiri and
Frank Manigold will no longer attend the P&Z meetings.
11. The regular meeting was adjourned at 8:36pm.
These minutes respectfully submitted by:
Aubrey Harbin
Aubrey Harbin
Development Specialist/P&Z Secretary