HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2012-02-02 Regular PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING 1. The regular meeting was called to order at 7pm with the following people in attendance: Vice Chairman Mark McLean Commissioner David O’Farrell Commissioner Hassan Moghaddam Commissioner Jim Gibson Commissioner Jim Nye Mona Miller, Planner Morad Kabiri, Director of CDD Frank Manigold, Dep. Director of CDD Steve Weathered, City Attorney Councilman Pat McGinnis Aubrey Harbin, Development Specialist Chairman Kevin Holland and Commissioner Tibbitts were absent. 2. Communication from the public/committee liaisons (To comply with provisions of the Open Meetings Act, the Commission may not deliberate on subjects discussed under this agenda item. However, the Commission may direct such subjects be placed on a later regular Commission agenda for discussion and/or possible action.) None 3. Consent Agenda: A. Approval of minutes for the: 1) January 19, 2011 regular meeting No action taken. 4. Consideration and possible action regarding commercial site plan for Kings Kids at 209 S. Friendswood Drive Motion to remove from table: Gibson Second: O’Farrell Vote: 5 to 0 (unanimous) Item Removed from Table MINUTES OF A REGULAR & SPECIAL MEETING HELD THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2012 AT 7PM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS 2 February 2, 2012 P&Z Meeting Motion to approve with the following comments: Gibson 1) Replace metal that was recently installed with stucco 2) Shared parking with Comerica Bank (letter received) 3) Paint color on car port will match the color of the building Second: O’Farrell Vote: 5 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried Kabiri explained that since the last time this item was presented to the Commission on January 19, 2012, the applicant changed the façade of the columns, added green space areas, and delineated parking. He explained that they gained 3 parking spaces on site, and worked out a shared parking agreement with Comerica Bank next door. Kabiri also explained to the Commission that during their renovations, the applicant replaced the façade on one side of the building with metal to match the other side of the building. He stated that staff informed them that metal façade is not allowed in the DD zoning district and that the façade must be replaced with a material that is in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. Commissioner Nye verified with the contractor, Mr. Juarez, details regarding the building materials for the roof and exterior facades. Commissioner O’Farrell asked whether or not the landscape area along FM 518 was irrigated and whether or not it was planned to irrigate the area; Mr. Juarez stated that it is not planned for at this time. 5. Consideration and possible action regarding recommendations on adoption of vested rights ordinance Motion to approve with changes presented by City Attorney Weathered: Moghaddam Second: Nye Vote: 5 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried City Attorney Weathered explained that the previous recommended change in Section 14-452 changing “city manager” to “city manager or his/her designee” has not been made yet. He also explained that changes resulting from discussions at the last meeting exempting DRC meetings from vested rights are highlighted in yellow and that in Section 14-451, he made changes requiring the applicant to specify relevant case law and all documents to be used in determining the vested rights. 6. Discussion regarding current regulations for non-conforming structures and lots Kabiri explained over the past few years, there has been a continuous pendulum on enforcing regulations. He explained that City Council and the Commission have gone from enforcing very strict regulations, but as a result were viewed as stifling development, so in the interest of the developers, it was decided to relax the non-conforming ordinance to allow properties to be occupied without having to bring everything up to code, specifically in the Downtown District. 3 February 2, 2012 P&Z Meeting O’Farrell stated that buildings need to be thought of in the long term rather than the short term because the life of the new buildings is typically 40-60 years. He stated that rather than helping along sites that don’t meet ordinances, to hold out for the quality of a long term development. Moghaddam stated that he feels that properties in the DD area should be brought into compliance with current zoning regulations as soon as it is feasible and reasonable. O’Farrell stated that we should not take our compassion for existing business and property owners out of the ordinances. Kabiri explained that changing the non-conforming rules to be more relaxed is what is allowing the existing buildings to be occupied Gibson stated that if the ordinance as it is now will allow developments to improve such as Roberts Business Park that the ordinance should be left as is. McLean agreed with Gibson. The Commissioners decided that the ordinance is good as is and no changes are needed for now. 7. Progress report from the sub-committee regarding Single Family Residential – Estate zoning Miller provided the Commission with the dates for the Town Hall meetings that will be hosted here at City Hall by the SFR-E Subcommittee. The dates will be Feb. 21, Feb. 23, Mar. 6, Mar. 8 and Mar. 20. 8. Consideration and possible action regarding future Planning and Zoning Commission meeting dates Miller explained that the next regular meeting will be Thursday, Feb. 16, and the March meeting dates are the 1st and 15th. 9. Communications from the Commission Gibson thanked McLean for attending the CEDC meeting for him. McLean stated that CEDC had a long, detailed discussion about Vision 20/20. He stated that reviewing what has and has not been accomplished was interesting. He explained that CEDC decided that items in the Vision 20/20 plan are still a good road map and there is no need to update at this time. McLean also stated that at the City Council meeting, consultants provided information about additional funding. 10. Reports A. Council Liaison – Pat McGinnis, no report. B. Staff - Mona informed the Commission that City Council has changed their procedures and will only meet once a month and meetings will begin at 4:30pm. 4 February 2, 2012 P&Z Meeting 11. The regular meeting was adjourned at 7:49pm. WORK SESSION (2nd floor conference room immediately following regular meeting) 1. The work session was called to order with the same people in attendance at 7:57pm. 2. Discussion regarding proposed Zoning Ordinance rewrite. The Commission reserves the right to meet in closed session with legal counsel, pursuant to 551.071 of the Texas Government Code, to discuss legal issues only relating to this proposed ordinance. Staff went over proposed changes to the Zoning Ordinance. 3. The work session was adjourned at 9:08pm. These minutes respectfully submitted by: Aubrey Harbin Aubrey Harbin Development Specialist/P&Z Secretary