HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2012-12-17 Special PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
1. The special meeting was called to order at 7pm with the following people in attendance:
Chairman Mark McLean Commissioner David O’Farrell
Commissioner Jim Nye Commissioner Brown
Commissioner Jim Gibson Commissioner Arthur Triplette
Aubrey Harbin, Development Specialist Steve Weathered, City Attorney
Nick Haby, Planning Mgr/PIO
Absent: Tibbitts
2. Communication from the public/committee liaisons
(To comply with provisions of the Open Meetings Act, the Commission may not deliberate
on subjects discussed under this agenda item. However, the Commission may direct such
subjects be placed on a later regular Commission agenda for discussion and/or possible
Meg Belmontes, Texas Masonry Council, provided a brief verbal presentation to the
Commissioners about the benefits of masonry as façade on buildings and informed the
Commission that she could provide a more detailed presentation if the Commission decided
they would like more information.
Tom Timmons, Friendswood, stated that he would like to thank Mona Miller for helping
him to understand the rules in the ordinance regarding personal care facilities. He stated
that the problem is with federal government regulating what we can do in Friendswood and
he would like to understand how we can regulate and inspect these facilities. He stated that
there are great facilities here in Friendswood the have good staff and fair prices. He asked
how these individual facilities can compete with first class facilities. He stated that elderly
people are vulnerable and he does not want to see any of them put in unsafe situations or
receiving unfit care. He also questioned how the City will know how many people are
being cared for in these homes.
Evelyn Timmons, Friendswood, stated that she worked for 20 years with handicapped
people and that she is familiar with the special care they require. She stated that the
December 17, 2012 P&Z Meeting
discussions and proposed ordinance changes are dealing with those facilities with four or
more persons and there are no regulations for facilities with three or less persons. She
stated that it is difficult to determine how many people are being cared for and that there is
no guidance and no inspection process to check for cleanliness and oversight.
3. Consent Agenda:
A. Approval of minutes for the:
1) November 15, 2012 regular meeting
2) December 3, 2012 regular meeting
Motion to Approve:
Vote: 6 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried
4. Consideration and possible action regarding the preliminary plat of Manison Plaza,
being 1.73 acres, out of and being part of that certain tract of land described in deed to the
Manison Family Partnership, Ltd., as recorded in Galveston County Clerk’s File No.
2001005385, and being situated in the Sarah McKissick Survey, Abstract No. 151,
Galveston County, Friendswood, Texas
Motion to Approve with Staff Comments: Gibson
Second: Nye
Vote: 6 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried
Staff comments:
1) Correct file number on the pipeline easements to read “9249897”.
2) Change “HOA” to “owner” in General Note 23.
O’Farrell asked if direct access to FM 518 will be provided. Staff stated that access
would be from Hunters Lane, not FM 518.
5. Consideration and possible action regarding Appendix C – Zoning Ordinance, Section
8.L. Personal Care Facilities
No action taken.
6. Discussion regarding Appendix C – Zoning Ordinance, Section 7.5 - Community
Overlay District
Gibson explained that the Commission was recently presented with a commercial site plan
which included a metal building on a tract that is located in the COD because the property
is located within 300feet of FM 2351, which is a designated thoroughfare, but whether or
not the building will be visible from FM 2351 was in question. He proposed changing the
ordinance to require that any building within 300feet of the thoroughfare be required to
meet the façade requirement of the COD.
There was much discussion in trying to understand the changes that were made to the COD
boundary in 2010. Harbin explained that the changes were a result of tracts not necessarily
fronting the thoroughfares not being required to comply with the façade restrictions of the
December 17, 2012 P&Z Meeting
COD but still being visible from the thoroughfares. She also stated that the definition of
“visible” is subjective and that adding clarification regarding visibility could be a solution.
Haby added that before the changes in 2010, if a tract was large enough, an owner could set
the building back outside of the 300ft to avoid complying with the façade requirement.
Gibson stated that he recalled the 2010 discussion to be about concern for residential
properties being required to comply with COD requirements.
O’Farrell stated that he is sensitive to unusually situated or deep tracts having to comply
with COD requirements.
Brown stated that if a tract fronting the thoroughfare is vacant, that changes the definition
of visibility versus a developed tract with a building on it being in front of a tract that
blocks visibility.
McLean stated that he remembers the previous discussion being about a developer
subdividing lots to avoid being within the 300 feet and having to comply with the COD
requirements. He stated that metal buildings are appropriate for industrial, light industrial
and agricultural type uses, but not for shopping centers on the thoroughfares. He recalls
the intent of the changes to require the entire tract to comply with all of the COD
requirements. McLean suggesting changing the wording in Section 7.5 – Community
Overlay District 6. Architectural elements a. (1) Commercial developments shall have
exterior cladding on those portions of a building visible to a COD thoroughfare of wood,
brick, masonry, stone, stucco or glass to read “Buildings in commercial developments shall
have exterior cladding of wood, brick, masonry, stone, stucco or glass.” He stated that this
removes the question of visibility.
The other Commissioners agreed to direct staff to draft changes to the ordinance to remove
the visible clause from the COD requirements regarding building facades.
O’Farrell stated that he is not going to be excited about any metal buildings in the City. He
stated that masonry provides upgrades to the city and Friendswood deserves that. He stated
that he would be interested in spending some time discussing requirements for other
commercial districts as well.
Gibson asked if the Commission would like to consider requiring wood, brick, masonry, `
Haby stated that prohibiting metal buildings in all commercial districts is definitely a
bigger issue than just section 7.5. He stated that it could be up for discussion and that staff
can present the changes at the next meeting.
Mclean stated that the Commission is showing consensus on staff bringing back language
prohibiting metal buildings in the COD. He asked that the proposals be broken down into
two parts – no metal buildings in the COD and no metal buildings in any of the commercial
zoning districts.
Gibson clarified that according to the definition of the COD, if any portion of a tract falls
within 300ft of a thoroughfare, the whole tract is subject to COD requirements and if the
December 17, 2012 P&Z Meeting
change in building façade is approved, all commercial buildings would be required to be
wood, brick, masonry, stone, stucco or glass.
Nye stated that he had a concern from the last meeting that hardi plank meets the definition
of masonry. He asked that staff also provide some definitions of masonry for the
Commission to consider and if possible differentiate less desirable materials such as
smooth sided cinder block and hardi plank.
7. Consideration and possible action regarding future Planning and Zoning Commission
meeting dates
Harbin informed the Commission that the next meeting will be a Joint Public Hearing with
City Council on January 7 followed by a regular meeting.
8. Communications from the Commission
Nye stated that he would be interested in a more detailed presentation on masonry
products by Meg Belmontes.
Chairman McLean asked Nick Haby to schedule a time for Ms. Belmontes to come back
and provide a presentation to the Commission.
Gibson wished everyone a Merry Christmas.
O’Farrell stated that he received another compliment on what a great job staff is doing.
McLean wished everyone Happy Holidays.
9. Reports
A. Council Liaison - None
B. Staff - None
10. The meeting adjourned at 7:55pm.
These minutes respectfully submitted by:
Aubrey Harbin
Aubrey Harbin
Development Specialist/P&Z Secretary