HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2012-10-18 Regular PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
1. The regular meeting was called to order at 7pm with the following people in attendance:
Chairman Mark McLean Vice Chairman Mark Tibbitts
Commissioner Chris Brown Commissioner David O’Farrell
Commissioner Jim Nye Commissioner Arthur Triplette, Jr.
Mona Miller, Planner Nick Haby, Planning Manager/PIO
Aubrey Harbin, Development Specialist Steve Weathered, City Attorney
Arnold Polanco, City Attorney Steve Rockey, City Councilmember
Absent: Commissioner Gibson
2. Communication from the public/committee liaisons
(To comply with provisions of the Open Meetings Act, the Commission may not deliberate
on subjects discussed under this agenda item. However, the Commission may direct such
subjects be placed on a later regular Commission agenda for discussion and/or possible
Spoke after item 7 – rules were suspended to allow him to speak when he arrived later in the
David Allen, Friendswood, stated that City Council repealed the IMPC. He provided
comments on the Code for the Commissioners to review and stated that Friendswood’s
local ordinances are more effective. He asked that the Commission look to Texas laws
versus international laws and that the IPMC not be adopted. He provided a web site for
reference – democratsagainstunited21.com.
3. Consent Agenda:
A. Approval of minutes for the:
1) September 20, 2012 regular meeting
2) October 1, 2012 special and regular meetings
Motion to Approve: O’Farrell
Second: Tibbitts
October 18, 2012 P&Z Meeting
Vote: 6 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried
4. Consideration and possible action regarding a commercial site plan for the addition of a
carport for Envirochem at 7 Oak Tree Drive
Motion to Approve: O’Farrell
Second: Nye
Vote: 6 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried
An email with details regarding the materials that the structure will be built from was made
part of the site plan package.
5. Consideration and possible action regarding a commercial site plan for Texan Bank at 105
E. Parkwood Avenue (previously Blockbuster)
Motion to Approve: O’Farrell
Second: Brown
Vote: 6 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried
Miller explained that this is the old Blockbuster building and Texan Bank is moving into
the building and leaving a portion of the building for a lease space. The bank is proposing
to add a drive-thru. She also explained that they meet the parking requirement for the bank
and an office-type use in the lease space, but not a restaurant or other intense use requiring
more parking.
6. Consideration and possible action regarding possible amendments to Appendix C –
Zoning Ordinance, Section 8.N, Downtown District supplemental requirements and
the Design Criteria Manual, Appendix E Downtown District Amenities
Motion to require trash receptacles at 500-ft increments: O’Farrell
Second: Brown
Vote: 2-4 Motion Failed
McLean explained that at the last meeting the trash receptacle requirement was removed.
O’Farrell stated that he liked the map provided by staff that shows how the 500ft spacing of
the trash receptacles might look.
There was discussion about who would be responsible for emptying the trash from the
receptacles. At this point in time, the City does not provide this service, so it would be up
to the property owners to empty the trash. O’Farrell is confident that owners could get
their lawn services to empty the trash. There was also a concern of who would empty the
cans when the buildings are vacant.
Another concern was brought up about people dumping illegal items such as paint cans,
etc. in the trash cans. The counter argument to this was that it would be less likely for
people to dump illegal items in trash cans placed in plain sight in front of the buildings
versus dumpsters behind the buildings.
October 18, 2012 P&Z Meeting
Miller stated that searched other city ordinances and that Frisco requires a café to have a
trash receptacle; Pearland, Addison and Keller provided specs for the trash receptacles, but
did not require them. She explained that she also searched the APA web site, but did not
find a true requirement.
McLean stated that typically trash cans are a city’s responsibility and it should be the
choice of the property owner whether or not to provide them. He also stated the Council
approved the DD amenities based on the fact that they were voluntary and/or optional.
Several Commissioners agreed that they would like to leave the choice to the property
owners and that the topic could be re-visited in the future, if needed. If a trash receptacle is
provided, the guidelines will remain in the Design Criteria Manual and must be followed.
Suspended Rules to allow citizen who arrived late to speak.
7. Consideration and possible action regarding the Building Regulations and Property
Maintenance Code
No action taken.
McLean explained that P&Z has been asked to look at the Substandard Building Ordinance
and the IPMC.
Harbin explained that Morad Kabiri and the two city attorneys met earlier in the day and
that the substandard ordinance was discussed. The current ordinance is not in compliance
with state law and the city attorneys are going to draft an updated version for Council to
McLean appointed a subcommittee to discuss the IPMC and Substandard Structure
Ordinance and bring back any necessary recommendations to the Commission.
Commissioners to serve on the subcommittee will be Triplette, Nye and Brown.
8. Consideration and possible action regarding future Planning and Zoning Commission
meeting dates
Miller explained that the Commission will have a JWS and three JPHs with Council on
November 5.
Motion to move Nov. 1 meeting to Nov. 5: Brown
Second: O’Farrell
Vote: 6 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried
Next regular meeting after that will be November 15.
9. Communications from the Commission
O’Farrell thanked KFB for the flags that have been added to the light poles along S.
Friendswood Drive in the Downtown District area. He stated that Friendswood is moving
in a good direction.
October 18, 2012 P&Z Meeting
Tibbitts stated that he, Commissioner Brown and Mona Miller attended the conference in
Fort Worth and it was very well done. He stated that he learned a lot in three days. One
thing in particular was the term complete streets in which traffic lanes, bike lanes,
medians, sidewalks and other amenities are all included in the street plan.
Triplette stated that he would need help in finding his way on the Substandard
Structure/IPMC Subcommittee.
McLean reminded everyone of the bus tour on October 30.
10. Reports
A. Council Liaison – Steve Rockey stated that Council did drop the IPMC, but that
the current ordinance describes a process that we are not following. He stated that
staff is working to rewrite the ordinance to match the way that actions are taken.
He stated that he would appreciate input from P&Z.
B. Staff - None
11. The meeting was adjourned at 8:08pm.
These minutes respectfully submitted by:
Aubrey Harbin
Aubrey Harbin
Development Specialist/P&Z Secretary