HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2011-08-04 Regular 1 PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING 1. The regular meeting was called to order at 7pm with the following people in attendance: Vice Chairman Mark McLean Commissioner Jim Nye Commissioner Mark Tibbitts Commissioner Jim Gibson Commissioner David O’Farrell City Attorney Arnold Polanco Mona Miller, Planner Morad Kabiri, Director of CDD Frank Manigold, Dep. Director of CDD Aubrey Harbin, Development Specialist Councilmember Jim Hill Councilmember Pat McGinnis 2. Communication from the public/committee liaisons (To comply with provisions of the Open Meetings Act, the Commission may not deliberate on subjects discussed under this agenda item. However, the Commission may direct such subjects be placed on a later regular Commission agenda for discussion and/or possible action.) None 3. Consent Agenda: A. Approval of minutes for the: 1) July 11, 2011 special and regular meeting – a correction was made to the minutes 2) July 21, 2011 special and regular meeting The minutes were approved by unanimous consent. 4. Consideration and possible action regarding preliminary plat of Sterling Creek, being 27.68 acres out of a called 194.21 acre tract of land known as Tract A and being recorded in Clerk’s File No. 2011059686, comprised of a portion of Lots 1-3 of the David Fahey Subdivision recorded in Vol. 118, Pg. 417 and a portion of Lot 4 of the Burgess Subdivision recorded in Vol. 119, Pg. 14, and being situated in the George Patterson MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING HELD THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 2011 AT 7PM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS 2 Survey, Abstract 645 and the Mary Fabreau Survey, Abstract 69, Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas Motion to approve with staff comments: Gibson Second: Tibbitts Vote: 5-0 (unanimous) Plat Approved Staff comments include: 1) Move 10-ft Utility Easements to the rear of the lots per Subdivision Ordinance. 2) At the time of final plat submittal, provide the partial plat statement by the property owner per Subdivision Ordinance. 3) Adjust arrows at street corners depicting to which streets the lots will be addressed. 4) Provide a tree survey of the common areas identifying trees greater than 12- inches in diameter per Zoning Ordinance. O’Farrell verified that sidewalks will be required. McLean asked about the sandpit road, which will be platted over. He also verified with staff that there were no issues with block lengths and that the ROW is okay at 60-feet since the existing street leading into the proposed subdivision is 80-feet wide. Kabiri explained that 60-foot is the minimum required. Kabiri stated that in regards to the 10-foot Utility Easements being moved to the rear of the lots, the developer may make this a private subdivision to leave the UEs in the front to make the lots more buildable. 5. Consideration and possible action regarding amendments to the commercial site plan of Boatwright Marine at 3280 W. Parkwood Avenue (originally approved April 5, 2010 and amended December 6, 2010) Motion to amend the site plan so that no sidewalks are required and property owner will not be required to pay into the sidewalk fund: Gibson Second: O’Farrell Vote: 5-0 (unanimous) Site Plan Amendment Approved It was brought to staff’s attention that when the sidewalk ordinance was amended in 2008 (ordinance 2008-19), the wording of the ordinance was not changed correctly. It was the intent to require sidewalks on all streets except residential open ditch streets. Per the way the ordinance is currently written, Boatwright Marine should not be required to install sidewalks or pay into the sidewalk fund. 6. Progress report from the sub-committee regarding Single Family Residential – Estate zoning Tibbitts reported that the subcommittee met and discussed the three topics they were given. He provided a general timeline and stated that they hope to resolve by the end of the year. He explained that the committee would like to host town hall meetings in October and after 3 obtaining input at these meetings, make some decisions prior to Thanksgiving. He also stated that the revised map reduced the number of people impacted. 7. Consideration and possible action regarding possible amendments to Appendix C – Section 8. H. Planned unit development standards and requirements. Staff will have proposed changes at the next meeting. 8. Consideration and possible action regarding future Planning and Zoning Commission meeting dates Next regular meeting is Thursday, August 18, then Thursday, September 1. 9. Communications from the Commission Gibson stated that he attended CEDC. He reported that NASA is not going to close, but they will lose 3,800 to 4,000 jobs. He stated that many of the engineers are going to the chemical industry. He also stated that Ellington Field Airport is still in the running for an Emery Riddle location. He also explained that Ellington Filed is designated as a international airport with customs clearance. He also stated that CEDC would like to have joint workshops with P&Z and City Council regarding the PUD process and a workshop with P&Z, City Council, Downtown District Committee and Keep Friendswood Beautiful about the Downtown streetscape. McLean stated that he attended the last City Council meeting and that they approved the amendments to the Design Criteria Manual. He also requested that the sidewalk issue be on the next available agenda, as well as a vesting ordinance and downtown streetscapes/architectural standards. 10. Reports A. Council Liaison – Councilmember Hill introduced Dr. Pat McGinnis and explained that he is here to observe how P&Z works. B. Staff - Miller explained that the Texas APA Conference is coming up October 5-7 and will be held in Austin this year. She asked Commissioners to let staff know as soon as possible whether or not they can attend. 11. The meeting was adjourned at 7:53pm. These minutes respectfully submitted by: Aubrey Harbin Aubrey Harbin Development Specialist/P&Z Secretary