HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2011-03-17 RegularPLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
1. The meeting was called to order with the following people in attendance:
Chairman Kevin Holland
Commissioner Mark Tibbitts
Commissioner Hassan Moghaddam
Morad Kabiri, Dir. of CDD
Vice Chairman Mark McLean
Commissioner Jim Nye
Mona Miller, Planner
2. Communication from the public/committee liaisons
(To comply ivith provisions of the Open Meetings Act, the Commission may not deliberate
on subjects discussed under this agenda item. However, the Commission may direct such
subjects be placed on a later regular Commission agenda for discussion and/or possible
Steve Hart, Friendswood, stated that in regards to item 4, he is still confused and curious
why the school district has to apply for a zone change.
3. Consent Agenda:
A. Approval of minutes for the:
1) March 7, 2011 special and regular meeting
Motion to approve with the following correction — on item 5, note that Gibson made
the original motion to approve and Moghaddam seconded it. Then after, discussion
the motion to table was made: McLean
Vote: 5 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried
Tibbitts recused himself from the meeting.
4. Consideration and possible action regarding proposed zone classification change on 402
Laurel (previous F.I.S.D. Jr. High) from Single Family Residential (SFR) to Planned
Unit Development — Specific Use Permit (PUD-SUP) to allow NAICS uses #611
Educational services, #6111 Elementary and secondary schools, and #6116 Other schools
and instruction
Motion to remove from table: McLean
Second: Nye
Vote: 4 to 0 (unanimous) Item Removed from Table
Motion to Approve: Gibson
Second: Moghaddam
Vote: 4 to 0 (unanimous)
Motion Carried
Kabiri explained that the junior high school existed before zoning was adopted by the City
and that the educational uses and SUP were never assigned to the property. He stated that a
few months ago, AA Gymnastics applied for occupancy, which does not fall under the
educational services that the school provides and is the reason for the zone change.
McLean stated that he was hoping someone from the school district was here to answer
questions. He stated that he is concerned about the long tern uses of the property and
would like to make sure that the community benefits from this property. He also stated that
there are only 75 to 80 parking spaces, which may be a concern if more commercial
businesses occupy the buildings.
Kabiri explained that in 2007, the school district's bond identified this as a location for an
early childhood education facility, but with current budget constraints, that project is being
delayed, but is still the future plan for the building. He explained that in the interim, the
school district is seeking some uses for the facility that would be beneficial financially.
Kabiri also explained that parking requirements would be evaluated for each business
requiring a Certificate of Occupancy and that a business would not be allowed if there was
not sufficient parking.
Miller stated that according to the NAICS uses, preschool and pre -kindergarten is classified
under use #624410 Child Daycare Services, so the school district would have to amend the
SUP if they add the early childhood education use.
McLean stated that some repair work needs to be done around one of the entrances and
asked staff if any representatives of the school have said anything about that. Kabiri said as
far as he knows, the school is planning to occupy the buildings, so they should maintain
Tibbitts re-entered the meeting.
5, Consideration and possible action regarding Single Family Residential — Estate zoning
Motion to discuss: McLean
Second: Moghaddam
Holland explained that 15 to 16 applications have been submitted to change from SFR to
SFR-E zoning.
Kabiri explained that approximately two years ago the Future Land Use Map was
adopted and identified some residential properties as potential SFR-E properties. He
explained that the zoning category requires the lots to be 2 acres are larger in size, but
that some properties identified on the Future Land Use Map were smaller than 2 acres
because they had an estate -type feel. He explained that over the past 2 years, P&Z and
Council have discussed this issue several times and that staff presented some information
a few meetings back that provided some information on the impact that SFR and SFR-E
would have on the City's population.
Kabiri explained that the issue at hand is whether to allow residents to apply for the zone
change or whether the City should proactively change the zoning because of density
There was much discussion about the City's population growing over 50,000 and what
effects that will have. Staff is in the process of gathering that information. It was also
suggested that staff work on drawing boundaries around "subdivisions". It was stated
that it may be easier to meet with residents one subdivision at a time and explain the pros
and cons as they relate to the individual subdivision.
6. Consideration and possible action regarding future Planning and Zoning Commission
meeting dates
Miller explained that there will be a Joint Public Hearing on Monday, April 4, and a regular
meeting on April 7.
Motion to move the April 7 meeting to April 4: Holland
Second: Moghaddam
Vote: 5 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried
7. Communications from the Commission
Tibbitts informed staff that he cannot attend the Land Use Conference in Austin.
8. Reports
a. Council Liaison - None
b. Staff -None
9. The meeting was adjourned at 7:57pm.