HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2011-02-07 SpecialMINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING & REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY_ 79 2011 7:OOPM COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL 910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS 1. The regular meeting was called to order at 7:20pm with the following people in attendance: 2. Communication from the public/committee liaisons (To comply with provisions of the Open Meetings Act, the Commmission may not deliberate on subjects discussed under this agenda item. However; the Commission may direct such subjects be placed on a later regular Commission agenda for discussion and/or possible action.) JOINT PUBLIC HEARING 1. The JPH was called to order at 7:20pm with the following people in attendance: Chairman Kevin Holland Commissioner Hassan Moghaddam Commissioner Jim Nye Commissioner Jim Gibson Aubrey Harbin, Development Specialist Frank Manigold, Dep. Director of CDD City Council Vice Chairman Mark McLean Commissioner David O'Farrell Commissioner Mark Tibbitts Mona Miller, City Planner Morad Kabiri, Director of CDD Bobby Gervais, City Attorney Bill Olson, City Attorney 2. Receive comments from the public, both oral and written, regarding: A. Proposed amendment to SUP # 2003-02, to expand existing and proposed buildings, shift the footprint (layout) from existing SUP, and add additional parking for Hope Lutheran Church at 1804 S. Friendswood Drive Sam, Friendswood, stated that lives on one of the four lots backing up to the church property and that he supports waiving the requirement of the landscape buffer, He stated that he would prefer the space be left open. He also stated that there are several trees on the corner of the lot near his property and stated that he 1 was glad to see on the plans that the trees will remain. He also asked that they be preserved during construction. He stated that in regards to lighting that anything that could be done to shield the light away from the residential properties would be greatly appreciated. 3. The JPH was adjourned at 7:22pm. REGULAR MEETING (2" d floor conference room, immediately following Public Hearin The regular meeting was called to order at 7:25pm with the following people in attendance: Chairman Kevin Holland Vice Chairman Mark McLean Commissioner Hassan Moghaddam Commissioner David O'Farrell Commissioner Jim Nye Commissioner Mark Tibbitts Commissioner Jim Gibson Mona Miller, City Planner Aubrey Harbin, Development Specialist Frank Mangold, Dep. Director of CDD 2. Communication from the public/committee liaisons (To comply with provisions of the Open Meetings Act, the Commission may not deliberate on subjects discussed under this agenda item. However, the Commission may direct such subjects be placed on a later regular Commission agenda for discussion andlor possible action) None 3. Consent Agenda: A. Approval of minutes for the: 1) January 20, 2011 regular meeting Motion to approve: McLean Second: Gibson Vote: 7 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried 4. Consideration and possible action regarding a proposed amendment to SUP # 2003-02, to expand existing and proposed buildings, shift the footprint (layout) from existing SUP, and add additional parking for Hope Lutheran Church at 1804 S. Friendswood Drive Motion to approve with the inclusion to ask the church to direct lighting away from the adjacent homes and shield the lighting: Moghaddam Second: Gibson Vote: 7 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried Gibson stated that he appreciates the resident who spoke in favor of this project and asked how the Commission could help with the lighting issue about which the resident is concerned. Miller explained that the maximum allowable lighting at the property line of a commercially zoned property abutting a residentially zoned property is .25 foot candles. The photometric plan submitted with the plans shows that the church meets the calculation at the property line, but the concern is that the lighting is still visible from the 2 backyards of some homes. Nye stated that maybe the church could place the light fixtures near the residential property and direct the lights to the parking area. S. Consideration and possible action regarding a proposed variance from Appendix B — Subdivision Ordinance, Section IIIA.3. Sidewalks. for The Dominion Motion #1 to require the sidewalks in The Dominion: Gibson Second: Tibbitts Vote: 3 — 4 Motion Failed Motion #2 to approve the construction of the road over the creek without the sidewalk and with the suggestion of adding a guard rail: O'Farrell Second: Nye Vote: 7 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried Miller explained that this is a request a variance from the Subdivision Ordinance, which falls under the purview of the P&Z Commission. Adam Hill explained that his request consists of two parts: 1) to not be required to install the sidewalk along street over the creek near the entrance of the subdivision and 2) to not be required to install sidewalks within The Dominion, In regards to building the sidewalk beside the street and over the creek, Mr. Hill stated that the slope is dangerous and is a safety hazard to pedestrians. He stated that this development is one private, gated street and that there would be no reason for pedestrians to have access to the subdivision by sidewalk. He explained that the subdivision is similar to Field Creek Forest and the Lowelands, which do not have sidewalks. Mr. Hill stated that no sidewalks would give the lots and subdivision more of an estate -type feel. He clarified for the Commission that the lots are 100 feet wide and the street is curb and gutter. The Commission discussed some concerns of the development not having sidewalks such as kids playing in the street. There was some concern about the safety of the residents living within the subdivision because they would have to walk in the street. Some commissioners stated that since it is a gated community with only 12 lots, they did not have an issue with the subdivision not having sidewalks. Some Commissioners were concerned with the lack of turn around space at the entrance of the subdivision. Kabiri explained that with only 12 lots in the subdivision, an official turn around was not required. Some Commissioners were also concerned that a guard rail was not required on each side of the street. In the motion regarding the sidewalks over the creek, the Commissioners decided to suggest to the developer to add a guard rail on each side of the street. 6. Consideration and possible action regarding the P&Z Annual Report to be presented to City Council No action taken. 7. Consideration and possible action regarding future Planning and Zoning Commission meeting dates Motion to move Mar. 3 meeting to Mar. 7: Moghaddam Second: Tibbitts Vote: 7 to 0 (unanimous) Motion. Carried Miller explained that the next regular meeting will be February 17 at 7pm and after that, there would be a JPH on Monday, March 7th 8. Communications from the Commission Moghaddam stated that his schedule has opened up on Mondays and he could serve as the City Council liaison. Gibson stated that he attended CEDC meeting and reported that Ellington Field is on of two final location considerations for Emery Riddle University. Nye stated that he and Holland attended the GCCDD meeting. Holland reported that the drainage district is working to amend their requirements when adding impervious cover to lots with existing structures. Manigold stated that GCCDD is going to remove the 20 percent limit and the requirement of the engineered drainage plan. O'Farrell stated that the upcoming UT Land Use Conference has some good topics that would be useful to the Commissioners and encouraged everyone to go if possible. 9. Reports a. Council Liaison - None b. Staff - None 10. The regular meeting was adjourned at 8:40pm. These minutes submitted by: i Aubrcy a bin, L D A Development Sp ci list 0