HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2010-09-13 Special, Joint Public Hearing w/ City CouncilMINUTES OF A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING & SPECIAL MEETING MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 139 2010 7:00PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL 910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS JOINT PUBLIC HEARING 1. The Joint Public Hearing was called to order at 7:02pm with the following people in attendance: Chairman Kevin Holland Vice Chairman Mark McLean Commissioner Hassan Moghaddam Aubrey Harbin, Development Specialist Frank Manigold, Deputy Dir. of CDD City Council Commissioner Jim Gibson Commissioner Mark Tibbitts Mona Miller, City Planner Morad Kabiri, Director of CDD Bill Olson, City Attorney 2. Receive comments from the public, both oral and written, regarding: A. Proposed amendment to Specific Use Permit for the Galloway School at 3200 W. Bay Area Boulevard Kabiri explained that the Galloway School currently has an approved SUP, but they are asking for an amendment to the SUP in order to build an addition on the school and additional parking. No one spoke for or against the SUP. B. Proposed amendment to Specific Use Permit for Mary Queen Catholic Church at 606 Cedarwood Drive Kabiri explained that the church is proposing to expand their facilities by building additional buildings and parking areas. Mohammad Haq and Nicole Turban asked to see the proposed plans and plans were provided to them. 3. The Joint Public Hearing was adjourned at 7:09pm, 1 REGULAR MEETING (2" d floor conference room, immediately_folloivinm the JPIh 1. The regular meeting was called to order at 7:18pm with the following people in attendance: Chairman Kevin Holland Commissioner Jim Gibson Vice Chairman Mark McLean Commissioner Mark Tibbitts Commissioner Hassan Moghaddam Mona Miller, City Planner Aubrey Harbin, Development Specialist Frank Manigold, Deputy Dir. of CDD 2. Communication from the public/committee liaisons ('To comply ivith provisions of the Open Meetings Act, the Commission may not deliberate on subjects discussed under this agenda item. However, the Commission may direct such subjects be placed on a later regular Commission agenda for discussion and/or possible action) Brett Banfield, Friendswood, also CEDC board member and developer, stated that he would like to speak about agenda items 8 and 9. He stated that he understands why this is on the agenda and that it is tough to be on P&Z and Council, and as a resident he appreciates what the Commission is trying to do. He stated that as a developer, he sees these proposals as another hurdle. He stated that the City's development process does have a reputation for being difficult with developers and lenders, but that P&Z and Council have made great strides and improvements in the last couple of years, but that the reputation is still out there. He stated that the proposed ordinance would slow the process. He asked that if it is approved that it be reevaluated in a year. He said this may have come up because of the hotel, but that the Commission may have solved that problem by requiring SUP for contentious uses. Holland asked Banfield to explain what he thinks the Commission is doing. Banfield stated that if a land owner or developer meets all of the ordinances in place including building heights and setbacks and are in full compliance and they still have to appear in front of P&Z and go through the public notice process. He stated that to his knowledge, no other city in the state of Texas requires this. He stated that adding this additional step may cause uneasiness for developers and lenders. Banfield stated that this may also put P&Z more in the hot seat. Gibson asked Banfield if there was any other issue that Friendswood could improve upon for developers and Banfield did not add anything else. He stated that in the past couple of years P&Z and Council have done a great job streamlining processes, which was witnessed here tonight with the two SUPs. Charles Prendergast, Friendswood resident and Boca Raton HOA board member, stated that he spoke in favor of the proposed ordinance changes in items 8 and 9 at the last meeting and he and the Boca Raton HOA are still in favor of the proposed changes regardless of the CEDC recommendation, He stated that citizens deserve notification when adjacent property is developed, especially since the homes are there first. He stated that it is not an unreasonable request and that a developer should not oppose the surrounding residents who would eventually support his business. He stated that if cost is an issue, the City should bill the HOAs for the cost. 2 Holland asked Miller to explain the current processes and proposed changes on items 8 and 9. Miller explained that item 8 is regarding subdivision plats and that currently property owner notification is required if a residential subdivision is replatted and that some subdivisions in the City are not considered to be legal plats and therefore do not require that notification be given to surrounding residents. Miller also explained that item 9 is regarding commercial site plans and currently there is no notification requirement. She stated that the proposal is to notify property owners for all commercial site plans. Mohammad Haq, Friendswood resident, stated that in regards to the proposed SUP for Mary Queen Catholic Church, he has concerns with drainage and parking and stated that the property currently has narrow streets with a lot of traffic. He stated that a lot of people do not stop when they are leaving the private property of the church and enter the public street. He suggested a stop sign coming off of the church property at Stonesthrow Ave. 3. Consent Agenda: A. Approval of minutes for the August 19, 2010 special meeting Motion to approve with change: Gibson Second: Moghaddam Vote: 5 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried Holland asked that the word "no" be corrected to read "not" in the Karim Mohammed paragraph. 4. Consideration and possible action regarding a proposed amendment to Specific Use Permit for the Galloway School at 3200 W. Bay Area Boulevard Motion to approve with staff comments: McLean Second: Tibbitts Vote: 5 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried McLean stated that he visited the property and agrees with staff recommendations regarding landscaping and screening. Holland stated that their building footprint is over the detention pond, but that as long as they obtain approval from the drainage district, it should not be a problem. It was also brought to the Commission's attention that HOA approval is required, but that is independent of the City's processes. 5. Consideration and possible action regarding a proposed amendment to Specific Use Permit for Mary Queen Catholic Church at 606 Cedarwood Drive Motion to approve with staff comments: Tibbitts Second: McLean Vote: 5 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried McLean stated that in regards to Mr. Haq's concerns regarding drainage, there have been major improvements made to the drainage in this area recently. There was some discussion regarding the addition of a stop sign on Stonesthrow. Dan Johnson stated that there is already a stop sign on the church property stopping traffic going onto Stonesthrow. Miller explained exceptions including the request to exceed the building height. 6. Consideration and possible action regarding a proposed amendment to the commercial site plan of BBVA Compass Bank at 113 N. Friendswood Drive Motion to approve with staff comments: Moghaddam Second: Gibson Vote: 5 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried Jim Zemski, architect and representative of BBVA Compass Bank, explained the re - branding process of the bank branch across the United States and that the proposed aluminum composite panels will help portray the idea that the bank is new and modern. He stated that the panels are off-white with a matte finish and are very flat. He explained that the material will stay cleaner than a stucco product and that no fasteners will show. He presented a sample of the product to the Commission. He also explained that they are adding three offices in order to provide sufficient customer service. 7. Consideration and possible action regarding the Preliminary Plat of West Ranch Commercial Reserve No.1, being 14.31 acres out of the John Dickinson Survey, Abstract 9; also being a partial re -subdivision of a portion of Lots 53, 54 and 55, and a portion of the North -South 30' unimproved road East of Lot 54 and West of Lot 55, Slone Subdivision as recorded in Vol. 3, Pg. 61A (Vol. 254A, Pg, 53), Galveston County Map Records, Galveston County, Friendswood, Texas Motion to approve: Moghaddam Second: Tibbitts Vote: 5 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried Holland cautioned the Commissioners and future commissioners about the permitted uses in CSC in regards to this tract. 8, Consideration and possible action regarding proposed amendments to City of Friendswood Code of Ordinances, Appendix B — Subdivision Ordinance, Section 11. Procedures for submission of plats Motion to Approve: Gibson Second: Moghaddam Vote: 5 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried Gibson stated that he supports the change. Tibbitts verified with staff that this is not adding a requirement to notify HOAs. He also asked what happens if someone does not get notified and Miller explained that the notices are mailed to the owners listed as the current owner on the tax rolls. She stated that the City's GIS records are updated to match the County's records twice a year. M McLean asked staff how many areas of Friendswood this affects, areas that are subdivided by plats that are not legally recognized as plats. Miller explained that there are areas all over town and that it is not concentrated in one area. McLean stated that he feels for this purpose, it is fair to notify citizens because a replat of a subdivision would have required notice. Holland asked if the Commission could put this back on the agenda in a year to review and Miller stated that she would place it on her calendar as a reminder. 9. Consideration and possible action regarding proposed amendments to City of Friendswood Code of Ordinances, Appendix C — Zoning Ordinance, Section 9.H. Site plan process Motion to Table: Gibson Second: Moghaddam Vote: 5 to 0 (unanimous) Item Tabled There was discussion as to what would happen if a property owner did not receive a notification and as such it is not explained in the proposed ordinance what the consequences are if this happens. Gibson stated that if giving notice to surrounding property owners gives the expectation that the project is up for debate, it would be a disservice to the residents because the notice would simply serve as a means to notify a resident that something is going to be built. The property owner would already be vested in their project. The Commissioners discussed the various tools that are already in place to notify residents such as email notifications and meeting agendas posted online and at City Hall. Miller reminded the Commission that the City does not charge applicants for site plan review and that if this ordinance is changed to require notification, she suggested that a fee be charged. 10. Consideration and possible action regarding future PIanning and Zoning Commission meeting dates The October 7, 2010, meeting will be cancelled due to APA Conference in San Antonio. The next regular meeting will be Thursday, October 21, 2010. 11. Communications from the Commission Holland stated that he will be attending Drainage District meeting tomorrow night, Gibson thanked Brett Banf eld for coming and providing input from CEDC standpoint. 12. Reports a. Council Liaison - None b. Staff -None 5 13. The special meeting was adjourned at 8:22pm. minutes submitted by: Development S