HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBOA Minutes 2018-08-28 Regular 1 ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm with the following people in attendance: Vice Chairman Ron Dyer Regular Member Glenn Mintz Regular Member David O’Brien Alternate Member Linda Thornton Regular Member Mike Czarowitz City Attorney Mary K. Fischer Brian Rouane, Building Official Steve Rockey, City Council Liaison Aubrey Harbin, Director of CDD/Planner Alternate members present: Glen Grayban, Michael Fernandez Absent: Byers, Hughes Dyer explained the procedure of the meeting and explained that 4 out of 5 votes are required in order for a request to be approved. He stated that if a request is not granted, the applicant has 10 days to file an appeal with the court. Dyer administered an oath to everyone who would be speaking during the meeting. 2. The Board will conduct a public hearing and consider a request for a variance for the height of a sign, to allow a monument sign to be 10 feet above the highest finished grade at the front property line, which is 3 feet higher than the maximum allowable height of 7 feet above the highest finished grade at the front property line, on the property located at 1765 S. Friendswood Drive, Reserve E, Block 1, Howard Subdivision Replat, Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas: City Attorney Fischer explained to the board that variances for signs had different requirements than variances for the zoning ordinance. She read the definition and stated the applicant was requesting a variance from the maximum sign height. Planner Harbin stated the sign ordinance allows a multi-tenant sign a maximum of 100 square feet at seven feet tall. She explained the applicant was constructing two buildings in their development and a few physical attributes were causing difficulties. Harbin said the property contained a pipeline which required a 50-foot setback plus the property was bisected into two different zoning districts. She said the owner also had a landscape buffer and sidewalk easement along the FM 518 side of their property. MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING HELD TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2018 AT 7:00 PM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS 2 Harbin explained the developer can have a maximum of 100 square feet but was limiting their sign to 68 square feet, hoping to increase the height and use the vertical space since their horizontal space was limited by the before mentioned difficulties. David Boone/owner passed out site plans to the board. Jim Peterson/owner stated they had gone through the rezoning process for the property and had come to a compromise with the City and neighbors. He said those concessions they made are now causing issues with the signage for the property. Boone said their plan was to replat the property into two reserves so they could have two signs, one for each building, but due to the two different zoning districts the buildings would be encroaching the required setbacks. Boone said due to the easements along the front of the property and the pipeline on the side, they cannot move the buildings either. Dyer asked if they could make the sign wider. Boone said the ground area was limited by the access easement as well as the waterline and sidewalk easement. Dyer asked staff why the two buildings were only allowed one sign. Harbin explained signage was permitted by tract not by the number of buildings. Dyer asked about signage on the building. Harbin said wall signs were based on linear frontage of the building and would not be affected. O’Brien asked if installing the sidewalk was required. Harbin said TxDot right-of-ways required a five foot sidewalk. She said the City was already allowing the sidewalk to encroach the waterline easement two feet to fit and match the adjacent development. Motion to Approve: Czarowitz Second: Mintz Motion Approved Vote: 5-0 (unanimous) 3. Consideration and possible action regarding approval of minutes for the: A. May 5, 2018 regular meeting Motion to Approve: Czarowitz Second: Thornton Vote: 5-0 (unanimous) Motion Approved 4. Comments from Board Members Dyer suggested staff and Council look into the Sign Ordinance and why the height limit is seven feet tall. He stated a lot of businesses go into strip centers and the code may need to be changed. 5. Staff and/or Council or Board Liaison Reports Councilman Rockey spoke regarding changes to the Sign Ordinance and explained the process would begin with the Planning and Zoning Commission making a recommendation to Council for changes.Harbin said the code currently allowed for large businesses, over 40,000 square feet, to have multiple signs. Rockey said the applicant for the previous carport hearing had filed suit against the City. 6. The meeting was adjourned at 7:33pm. Motion to Adjourn: Czarowitz Second: O'Brien Vote: 5-0 (unanimous) Respectfully submitted by: 1A Motion Approved Approved by: Greg Hughes, C air�r�