HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2009-02-12 SpecialI l PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2009 6:00PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL 910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS 1.The meeting was called to order at 6:00pm with the following people in attendance: Chairman Kevin Holland Commissioner Jim Gibson City Attorney Bobby Gervais Development Coord. Aubrey Harbin Vice Chairman Mark McLean Commissioner Hassan Moghaddam City Planner Mona Miller Int. Dir. of CD Morad Kabiri 2.Communication from the public/committee liaisons None 3.Consideration and possible action regarding the request for a one time six month plat approval extension for Friendswood Lakes, Section 5 Motion to Approve: Gibson Second: McLean Vote: 4 to O (unanimous) Motion Carried 4.Consideration and possible action regarding proposed amendments to City of Friendswood, Code of Ordinances, Chapter 26. Environment., Article V. Junked Vehicles Motion to Table: McLean Second: Gibson Vote: 4 to O (unanimous) Item Tabled Kabiri explained that City Council asked the Commission to review and make a recommendation regarding the junked vehicle ordinance. Staff reviewed the ordinance and made revisions that address current businesses considered to be a nuisance in regards to the number and condition of vehicles parked on their property. Chairman Holland felt that it addressed what City Council asked of the Commission; however, the item was tabled to give the City Attorney more time to review the proposed ordinance in relation to state law requirements and wording of the ordinance so that it applies to current businesses. 5.Consideration and possible action regarding proposed amendments to City of Friendswood, Code of Ordinances, Appendix C -Zoning Ordinance, Section 20. Definitions., P. Home occupation. Motion to approve the amended motion, which includes 1 )add the definition of resident to be "a person living on premise" and 2) change item 3 to read "no more than two (2) non-residents" : Gibson Second: Holland Vote: 4 to O (unanimous) Motion Carried The ordinance proposal is the same as it was for the joint work session with City Council with the exception of the addition of limiting the number of employees to two non­ residents. The motion was amended to include the addition of a definition of "resident" and amending the wording of item 3 of the ordinance to read "no more than two non­ residents." 6.Consideration and possible action regarding proposed amendments to City of Friendswood, Code of Ordinances, Appendix C -Zoning Ordinance, Section 11. The board of adjustment-Powers and duties. Motion to approve: McLean Second: Moghaddam Vote: 4 to O (unanimous) Motion Carried The Zoning Board of Adjustments worked with the City Attorney to author the proposed amendments to the ordinance. Commissioner Gibson expressed the concern in communication with ZBOA to make the Commission aware of concerns/issues with the zoning ordinance so that the ordinance can be addressed by clarification or change of the ordinance, if needed. It was decided to provide the Commission with ZBOA decisions in the monthly report. 7.Consideration and possible action regarding proposed amendments to the Design Criteria Maï¿œual regarding Downtown District recommendations Motion to Table: Gibson Second: McLean Vote: 4 to O (unanimous) Motion Carried Miller explained that no action is needed at this point as she is still waiting on information from various sources. The proposal is guidelines/visual interpretation to add to the Design Criteria Manual in regards to street furniture, etc in the Downtown District. 8.Consideration and possible action regarding proposed amendments to the Design Criteria Manual, Appendix A -Parking Group Table Motion to approve: Gibson Second: McLean Vote: 4 to O (unanimous) Motion Carried 2 I Miller explained that this parking table has previously been discussed at regular P&Z meetings and at a joint work session with City Council. City Council asked for a guideline as to how much deviation is allowed to be approved at the staff level, which resulted in the addition of a statement at the bottom of the parking table that allows staff to approve a 5 percent deviation from the parking recommendations or P&Z to approve an altemate plan. There was also some discussion regarding insufficient parking for retail centers when they are permitted as retail uses, but then change to other uses, such as restaurants, that require more parking. Kabiri explained that the market will dictate parking for strip centers than change occupancy. 9.Consideration and possible action regarding "Boot Camp" topics No action taken. Commissioner McLean will coordinate with Kabiri to finalize details and topics. 10.Consideration and possible action regarding upcoming meeting dates Motion to cancel regular meeting on February 19, 2009: Holland Second: Moghaddam Vote: 4 to O (unanimous) Holland will present annual P&Z repo1t to City Council on February 23, 2009. At the agenda setting meeting on Feb. 26, Holland will dete1mine whether or not to have the regular meeting on Mar. 5, which will depend on whether or not there are submitted items to be on the agenda. 11.Consideration and possible action regarding review and possible amendments to City of Friendswood, Code of Ordinances, entire Appendix C -Zoning Ordinance Commissioner David O'Farrell entered at 6:45pm. The Commissioners relocated the meeting to the executive conference room to discuss possible amendments to the zoning ordinance. 12.Communications from the Commission Chahman Holland explained that Michael Brown resigned from the Commission and his replacement, Mike Huss, was appointed Monday night. Comm issioners requested suppo1iing documents for the meetings to be sent out on Mondays the week of the meeting. 13.Repmis a.Council Liaison -None b.Staff 3 1.Miller presented the Commissioners with the January 2009 DRC report and explained that next month, the report will have more information as requested. 14.The meeting was adjourned at 7:50pm. These minutes submitted by: 4