HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2008-10-20 SpecialPLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
The meeting was called to order at 5:05pm with the following people in attendance:
Chairman Kevin Holland
Commissioner Hassan Moghaddam
Commissioner Ruben Garcia
City Planner Mona Miller
Interim Director CD Morad Kabiri
Commissioner Michael Brown
Commissioner David O'Farrell
Commissioner Jim Gibson
Development Coordinator Aubrey Harbin
Dep. Director CD Frank Manigold
1.Discussion with City Council regarding extension of the Downtown District
There was som� discussion with Morad Kabiri, Karen Capps and City Council'to clarify
the intent of the Neighborhood Empowerment Zone, which waives fees for developments
in the Downtown District boundaries. It was decided in this discussion that City
Council's intent was to waive the fees only for new development on property that is
zoned Downtown District to help offset some of the cost of installing the required
sidewalks and meeting other zoning reg ulations. Karen Capps will take this information
back to the Economic Development Committee to revise the Neighborhood
Empowerment Zone ordinance.
2.Discussion with City Council regarding the proposed future land use ma p
There was discussion regarding the non-residential/commercial areas of special
interest that are labeled on the map. The city attorney also pointed out that a statement is
required on the map that needs to be added.
This portion of the meeting was adjourned at 5:40pm.
Called to order at 7:28pm with the same people in attendance.
To receive comments from the public, both oral and written, regarding proposed amendments to
Appendix C of the Zoning Ordinance, specifically:
1.Section 6 regarding Non-conforming Uses, Structures and lots
No one spoke for or against the item.
2.Section 7.Q.3 and the Regulation matrix regarding maximum building heights
No one spoke for or against the item.
3.Extending Downtown District boundaries to Cowards Creek
No one spoke for or against the item.
4.Section 7.5, Community Overlay Distdct (COD) regarding landscaping
No one spoke for or against the item.
To receive comments from the public, both oral and written, regarding:
5.Zone change request for 2.343 acres at 315 W. Shadowbend (Friendswood Baptist
Church) from SFR to SFR-SUP-Churches.
Steve Rocky, a neighbor of the church, stated that he suppo11s the expansion of the
church, but he is concerned with traffic and access on David Street during construction.
A trustee of Friendswood Baptist Church stated that access to David Street is required by
the Fire Marshal. They have been allowed two points of access on Shadowbend which
will help with traffic flow.
Randall Boding, 407 Myra St. stated that he is opposed to access on David Street. He
does not want additional traffic on that street.
6.Zone change request for 4.6212 acres on FM 2351 from SFR to Business Park.
Mayor Smith and Councilman Holbert excused themselves from the meeting.
David O'Brien stated that he brought a letter from his neighbor which states that the
neighbor is concerned with all of the uses that are allowed in the BP zone, concerned
with school traffic and wants to keep the prope11y zoned SFR.
Theresa Vitek stated that she opposes the zone change because she feels it would allow
unattractive developments. She also stated she is concerned with lighting, noise and
traffic. She said she bought the adjacent prope11y with the thought that this one would
remain residential. She stated that she was not informed of the zone change and she also
provided a letter from the former land owner stating that they are opposed to the zone
change also.
Janice Lowe, representative of the potential buyer of the property, stated that this zone
change is for a very specific intended use and that an eight foot opaque fence and
photomeh·ic survey would protect the residential prope1ty.
7.Adopting the Proposed Future Land Use Map
Skip, 409 Falling Leaf, stated that he supports the SFR to SFR-E zone to protect larger
tracts from being subdivided.
This portion of the meeting was adjourned at 7:50pm.
1.Called to order at 7:53pm with the same people in attendance.
2.Communication from the public/committee liaisons
3.Consent Agenda:
a.Approval of Minutes for the September 22, 2008 special meeting
b.Approval of Minutes for the October 2, 2008 regular meeting
Motion to approve: Brown
Second: O'Fanell
Vote: 6 to O (unanimous)Motion Carried
4. Consideration and possible action regarding Section 6 regarding Non-conforming Uses,
Structures and lots
Motion to approve: Brown
Second: Moghaddam
Vote: 6 to O (unanimous) Motion Carried
5.Consideration and possible action regarding Section 7.Q.3 and the Regulation matrix
regarding maximum building heights
Motion to approve: Brown
Second: Gibson
Vote: 6 to O (unanimous) Motion Carried
Chairman Holland explained that this proposed change was presented by the
Development Process Committee to increase the maximum allowable building height to
40 feet in all the zoning districts with the exception of DD and MHR.
6.Consideration and possible action regarding extending Downtown District boundaries
to Cowards Creek
Motion to approve: Gibson
Second: Moghaddam
Vote: 6 to O (unanimous) Motion Carried
It was discussed that the concerns with the Neighborhood Empowerment Zone that were
discussed earlier with City Council and Karen Capps are independent and the
Commission should take action on this item.
7.Consideration and possible action regarding Section 7.5, Community Overlay District
(COD) regarding landscaping
Motion to approve: Moghaddam
Second: O'Farrell
Vote: 6 to O (unanimous) Motion Carried
Chairman Holland explained that this item provides for increased landscaping for larger
commercial tracts of land by increasing percentages of required landscaping -more
concrete results in more required landscaping.
8.Consideration and possible action regarding Zone change request for 2.343 acres at 315
W.Shadowbend (Friendswood Baptist Church) from SFR to SFR-SUP-Churches.
Motion to approve with the following condition -increase the radius on the
corner of the building closest to David St., turn the slanted parking the opposite
way and decrease to only one exit onto David Street.
Second: Gibson
Vote: 6 to O (unanimous) Motion Carried
There was some discussion regarding the concerns of the residents who expressed
concerns about the driveway access on David Street. It was suggested to either eliminate
the driveways or install 911 gates. The resulting motion allowed one drive to remain.
9.Consideration and possible action regarding Zone change request for 4.6212 acres on
FM 2351 from SFR to Business Park.
Motion to table: Moghaddam
Second: O'Farrell
Vote: 5 to 1 -Gibson opposed Item Tabled
There was discussion about concerns with the school traffic on FM 2351 and the
possibility of widening FM 2351, but TxDOT is low on funding and the timeline of that
is unknown. The cunent adopted land use plan shows this property as SFR; however, the
proposed future land use map shows the property to be zoned as retail/commercial. The
commissioners did express a desire for commercial businesses to be located on the major
thoroughfares of the City.
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10.Consideration and possible action regarding adopting the proposed Future Land Use
Motion to approve: Gibson
Second: Brown
Vote: 6 to O (unanimous)
11.Consideration and possible action regarding possible amendments to Appendix C -
Zoning Ordinance, Section 8. Supplementary district regulations., c. Lighting and
No action taken.
12.Consideration and possible action regarding Appendix C -Zoning Ordinance, Section
20.Definitions., P. Home occupation.
Motion to approve: Brown
Second: Garcia
Vote: 6 to O (unanimous)
Miller explained that the only amendment being proposed to this ordinance is a statement
that the home occupation cannot cause excessive traffic in a residential area.
13.Communications from the Commission
Brown stated that he will be attending the Parks Board meeting Wednesday night.
a.Council Liaison -None
16.The meeting was adjourned at 8:58pm.
The$e minutes submitted by: