HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2008-09-22 RegularI PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2008 7:00PM SECOND FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM OF CITY HALL 910 S. FR IENDSWOOD DRIVE FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS 1.The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm with the following people in attendance: Chairman Kevin Holland Commissioner Hassan Moghaddam Commissioner Ruben Garcia Development Coordinator Aubrey Harbin Commissioner Michael Brown Commissioner David O'Farrell City Planner Mona Miller Dep. Director CD Frank Manigold 2.Communication from the public/committee liaisons None 3.Consent Agenda: a.Approval of Minutes for the August 4, 2008 special meeting b.Approval of Minutes for the August 7, 2008 regular meeting c.Approval of Minutes for the August 21, 2008 regular meeting Motion to approve: Brown Second: Moghaddam Vote: 5 to O (Unanimous) Motion Carried 4.Consideration and possible action regarding the commercial site plan for Friendswood Square ATM Motion to approve: O'Farrell Second: Moghaddam Vote: 5 to O (unanimous) Motion Carried 5.Consideration and possible action regarding the final plat of the Trails of Friendswood, 272.99 acres, situated in the William Henry Survey, Abstract 84, and the Mary Sloan Survey, Abstract 184, Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas Motion to approve with staff comments: Holland Second: Brown Vote: 5 to O (Unanimous) Motion Carried Staff comments include: 1) Address all comments by Engineering and Public Works in order to obtain approval of construction plans. 2) Install sidewalks along both sides of curb and gutter section of Freedom Trail. 3) Remove Reserves C and R from Note# 19. The only change from the preliminary plat is that Planning and Zoning Commission requested the parks at the end of Fire Bird Trail to be built with an emergency vehicle acces� through the park and a 911 gate; however, the Engineering depa1tment would like the road to be constructed for drainage purposes and the 911 gate would still be required. 911 gates will be provided by the developer at Dorado and Fire Bird Trail. 6.Consideration and possible action regarding the preliminary plat of West Blvd. Street Dedication, being 6.2 acres of land out of the John Dickinson Survey, A-9, also being a partial replat of Sloan Subdivision, Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas Motion to approve with staff comments: O'Farrell Second: Garcia Vote: 5 to O (unanimous) Motion Carried Staff comments require approval from Engineering and Public Works departments. Holland inquired about Mr. Sharp's access via Shooting Star. Jeff Anderson, Friendswood Development, clarified for the Commissioners that Mr. Sharp will have access via an alternate maintained ROW until he has paved access to his property via the new roads and that no drainage will be routed to his prope1ty. Chairman Holland moved item 11 oh the agenda in order to report results to City Council: 11.Consideration and possible action regarding proposed amendments to the Design Criteria Manual Motion to Approve the proposed changes: Holland Second: Moghaddam Vote: 5 to O (unanimous) Motion Carried 7.Consideration and possible action regarding the preliminary plat of Falcon Ridge Blvd., West of West Blvd. Street Dedication, No. 1, being 1.1 acres of land out of the John Dickinson Survey, A-9, also being a pmtial replat of Sloan Subdivision, Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas Motion to approve with staff comments: Brown Second:Moghaddam Vote: 5 to O (unanimous) Motion Carried 2 I Staff comments require approval from the Engineering department. Commissioners again confirmed that all of the previous issues on this prope1ty have been addressed; staff stated that it is their understanding that the developer has worked out all of the issues. Mr. Anderson stated that Friendswood Development will keep the access open to Rancho Viejo. There was also some discussion _about the traffic that will be generated by the school in this area. A citizen in the audience questioned whether the road to Siena Madre would be used. Mr. Anderson explained that would be a temporary access for the existing homeowner to use until the paved access to his prope1ty is complete. 8.Consideration and possible action regarding the preliminary plat of Falcon Ridge Blvd., West of West Blvd. Street Dedication, No. 2, being 2.7 acres of land out of the John Dickinson Survey, A-9, also being a paitial replat of Sloan Subdivision, Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas Motion to approve with staff comments: Brown Second: Garcia Vote: 5 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried Staff comments require approval from the Engineering department. 9.Consideration and possible action regarding the preliminary plat of The Lakes at West Ranch, Section One, being 22.3 acres of land out of the John Dickinson Survey, A-9, also being a partial replat of Sloan Subdivision, Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas Motion to approve with staff comments: Brown Second: Moghaddam Vote: 5 to 0 (unanimous) Motion Carried Staff comments require approval from the Engineering depaitment, as well as: From Planning: 1)Label the zoning matrix and add the reference note to General Note 16. 2)Correct the measurement of the Exxon Mobile easement of 20' rather than 20". 3)Label the required 1 0' landscape set back along Falcon Ridge Blvd. from Ar bury Hill Lane to the western plat boundary. From Fire Marshal: 1)Relocate fire hydrant for tactical purposes. There was some discussion regarding the road right-of-way to Sierra Madre. Staff explained that there is currently a road right-of-way and eventually a road is planned to tie into it. Holland stated that issue would be addressed with when the property containing that right-of-way is platted. 3 10.Consideration and possible action regarding the final plat of The Estates, being 24.69 acres out of the B.S. & F. Survey No. 5, Abstract No. 625, Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas Motion to approve with staff comments: Moghaddam Second: Brown Vote: 5 to O (unanimous) Motion Carried Staff comments require Engineering and Public Works depaitment approvals, add SSE and WLE to the legend on the plat, and add rear yard setbacks and exterior ( corner lot) setbacks to the zoning table. 12.Consideration and possible action regarding scheduling a goal planning retreat on October 9, 2008 No action taken. 13.Communications from the Commission Brown stated that he has been attending the parks board meetings and feels that it is very important for the P&Z Commission to keep up with what the parks board is doing. O'Farrell said that he has enjoyed attending the CEDC meetings. He feels that they are very business minded and have some great proposals coming soon. Holland reported that Mark McLean is doing very well. 14.Reports a.Council Liaison -None 15.Staff a.Mona provided the August, 2008 DRC report. She also reminded the Commissioners that the next regular meeting is October 2 and the next JPH is October 20. 16.The meeting was adjourned at 7:22pm. 4