HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2008-08-07 Regular[
1.The meeting was called to order at 7:02pm with the following people in attendance:
Chairman Kevin Holland
Commissioner Ruben Garcia
City Planner Mona Miller
Interim CD Director Morad Kabiri
Vice Chai1man Mark McLean
Commissioner Jim Gibson
Development Coordinator Aubrey Harbin
City Attorney Bobby Gervais
2.Communication from the public/committee liaisons
3.Consent Agenda:
a.Approval of Minutes for the June 16, 2008 special meeting
b.Approval of Minutes for the July 7, 2008 special meeting
c.Approval of Minutes for the July 17, 2008 regular meeting
Motion to Approve: McLean
Second: Garcia
Vote: 4 to 0 (Unanimo us) Motion Carried
4.Consideration and possible action regarding a zone classification change request for
18.922 acres at 1700 W. Parkwoocl (FM 528), from Single Family Residential (SFR)
to Community Shopping Center (CSC)
Motion to remove moot item from agenda: McLean
Second: Gibson
Vote: 4 to 0 (unanimous) Item Removed
5.Consideration and possible action regarding a zone classification change request for
7.926 acres at 1700 W. Parkwood (FM 528), from Single Family Residential (SFR)
to Community Shopping Center (CSC)
Motion to remove moot item from agenda: McLean
Second: Gibson
Vote: 4 to O (unanimous) Item Removed
6.Consideration and possible action regarding an amendment to the Park Plaza
commercial site plan (905 S. Friendswood Drive, previously approvec;l by P & Z on June
19, 2008)
Motion to Approve amended site plan: Gibson
Second: McLean
Vote: 4 to O (Unanimous) Motion Carried
Miller explained that the applicant had to move the driveway because TXDOT is
requiring them to share access with the chiropractor office next door. There is an existing
shared access platted on the properties.
7.Consideration and possible action regarding additional landscape and screening
requirements for non-residential zoned tracts deeper that 300'
No action taken. Staff will bring a proposal to the next regular meeting. Suggestions
were to review Missouri City and Sugarland landscaping requirements as samples and to
possibly incorporate increased landscaping requirements in the Community Overlay
District requirements.
8.Consideration and possible action regarding possible amendments to Section 6 of
Appendix C, Zoning Ordinance of the Code of Ordinances, regarding non
conforming lots, structures, uses of land and structures and characteristics of use
Motion to remove moot item from agenda: McLean
Second: Gibson
Vote: 4 to O (unanimous) Item Removed
9.Consideration and possible action regarding expanding the Downtown District
boundaries (tabled July 17, 2008)
Motion to remove from table: Gibson
Second: McLean
Vote: 4 to O (unanimous) Removed from Table
Motion to recommend expanding the downtown district boundary to Cowards Creek to
allow property owners to opt in to DD zoning (per proposed map): Gibson
Second: McLean
Vote: 4 to O (Unanimous) Motion Carried
10.Consideration and possible action regarding removing the Parking Group Table from
the Design Criteria Manual and placing it in Appendix C -Zoning Ordinance
No action taken. City Council wants to leave the parking table in the Design Criteria
Manual, but fill in TBD blanks.
note after visiting a place of business regarding lack of parking and tenants will not
renew contracts. O'Farrell said Friendswood is competing with other cities that have
required parking in their ordinances. He also stated that the numbers being pro posed are
minimum requirements.
10.Discussion regarding Commission boot camp/training sessions
Morad Kabiri will conduct boot camp, if it is okay with the Commissioners. Kabiri also
reminded the Commissioners of some upcoming seminars for Commissioners.
11.Consideration and possible action regarding scheduling a workshop to discuss proposed
amendments to the residential sections of Appendix C -Zoning Ordinance
No action taken.
12.Consideration and possible action regarding scheduling a goal planning retreat
No action taken. Staff will propose some dates at the next regular meeting.
13.Discussion regarding the 2008 Planning and Zoning Commission liaison schedule
Chairman Holland verified that everyone has received the liaison assignments and are
attending their assigned liaison committees.
14.Discussion regarding the proposed Future Land Use Map
Staff provided the write up regarding the special use areas. The Commissioners will
review it and discuss at the next regular meeting.
15.Consideration and possible action regarding the September 4, 2008 regular meeting
No action taken.
16.Updates from Commission sub-committees
a.Update from Commissioner Moghaddam regarding the Design Criteria Manual
Moghaddam explained that he completed his review. Kabiri will e-mail
comments to Commissioners on Monday.
17.Communications from the Commission
Holland said he attended CEDC and Drainage District meetings. He said these boards do
listen to the P&Z commissioners. One example is the safety issues of wet detention
ponds. They are requiring a shelf inside the pond even when the pond is fenced.
Brown said he attended the Parks Board meeting and they work very hard.
O'Farrell attended the CEDC meeting and enjoyed the meeting.
Moghaddam said he is concerned with an access point in the new section of Lakes at San
Joaquin. He is concerned that there is a gate. Kabiri explained that normally the Fire
Marshal's office requires a knox box on the gate and has a key to get in or the gates are
made to collapse if the fire truck needs to run into it.
a.Council Liaison -Jim Hill expressed appreciation to all the Commissioners and
their families for their service to the City.
b.Staff -Miller reminded the Commissioners of the AP A Conference in Galveston
in October. City will pay for classes, but not transpo1iation and food.
She also explained that there has been no change in the status of Hometown
Center. The City has done a comiesy review on the building plans and the
Drainage District has seen the plans, but no formal submittals have been made.
19.The meeting was adjourned at 8:41pm.
These minutes submitted by: