HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2008-07-17 Regularl
MONDAY, JULY 17, 2008
1.The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm with the following people in attendance:
Vice Chairman Kevin Holland
Commissioner Mark McLean
Commissioner David O'Farrell
City Attorney Bobby Gervais
Dep. Dir of CD Frank Manigold
Dev. Coord. Aubrey Harbin
Commissioner Ruben Garcia
Commissioner Michael Brown
City Planner Mona Miller
Int. Dir. Of CD Morad Kabiri
Council Liaison Bill Holbert
2.Communication from the public/committee liaisons
Bob Bertrand, 1625 Bougainvillea, stated that there was discussion and work regarding the
Design Criteria Manual at the beginning of the year. He said that at council meetings
before the elections, it was City Council's intent to rescind the DCM as an ordinance, but
he has not seen on any agendas where it was rescinded. Mr. Bertrand stated that he
suggests placing this issue on the P&Z agendas until it is removed as an ordinance and for
P&Z to follow up with City Council on this issue.
3.Consent Agenda:
a.Approval of Minutes for the June 19, 2008 regular meeting
Motion to approve: Brown
Second: O'Farrell
Vote: 5 to O (unanimous) Motion Carried
4.Consideration and possible action regarding the election of a Chairman and Vice
Motion to nominate Kevin Holland as Chahman: O'Farrell
Second: Brown
Vote: 5 to O (unanimous) Motion Carried
Motion to nominate Mark McLean as Vice Chahman: Brown
Second: Holland
Vote: 5 to O (unanimous) Motion Carried
5.Consideration and possible action regarding possible amendments to Section 6 of
Appendix C, Zoning Ordinance of the Code of Ordinances, regarding non-conforming
lots, structures, uses of land and structures and characteristics of use
Item removed from agenda.
6.Consideration and possible action regarding additional landscape and screening
requirements for non-residential zoned tracts deeper that 300 feet.
City Planner Miller presented the commissioners with drawings and requirements from
Autumn Creek's commercial landscape requirements for the development located at FM
528 and Bay Area Blvd. It was suggested to get input from the community and
developers by taking the item to a committee. Holland asked that the item be placed on
the "To Do List" for the Development Process Committee. Several commissioners
expressed the desire for commercial prope1ties to be visually pleasing to the citizens, but
also workable for the developers.
7.Consideration and possible action regarding possible amendments to Appendix C -
Zoning Ordinance, regarding building heights
Motion to Approve: Brown
Second: McLean
Vote: 5 to O (unanimous) Motion Carried
The increased building height was proposed by the Development Process Committee. It
was suggested to raise the building height maximum on residential and commercial
structures from 35 feet to 40 feet and for residential accessory structures to 25 feet.
8.Consideration and possible action regarding expanding the Downtown District
Motion to Table: McLean
Second: Holland
Vote: 5 to O (unanimous) Item Tabled
Under the initial motion for discussion, Commissioners talked about the possibility of
expanding the boundaries of the Downtown District zoning category further south down
FM 518 to the creek. Most of the properties in that area are already zoned as a
commercial zoning category or are being used for commercial purposes. Some
commissioners feel that full lot coverage and 70 ft tall buildings may appeal to prope1ty
owners. There was also discussion of whether or not to require the zone change to DD or
leave it as an option to the prope1ty owner. This will be scheduled for work shop and
JPH in the future with City Council.
9.Consideration and possible action regarding removing the Parking Group Table from
the Design Criteria Manual and placing it in Appendix C -Zoning Ordinance 2
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No action taken.
Under the initial motion for discussion, Morad Kabiri explained that staff is proposing to
move the parking table to the Zoning Ordinance because parking is based on the type of
use. Staff will fill in the blanks of the categories with TBD. He explained that the
parking table being placed in the Zoning Ordinance will make parking required rather
than the cul1'ent recommended parking. He also said that there could be an inclusion to
allow commissioners to make exceptions for shared parking, etc.
Miller said that if the applicant cannot meet the minimum parking requirements in the
Zoning Ordinance, they do have the option to apply for a variance from ZBOA.
It was decided to work shop the item with City Council to get more input and direction.
10.Consideration and possible action regarding possible amendments to the Parking Group
No action taken.
11.Updates from Commission sub-committees
a.Update from Downtown District Subcommittee -exploring the possibility of
expanding the DD boundaries
b.Update from Commissioner Moghaddam regarding the Design Criteria Manual
not present
12.Communications from the Commission
O'Fal1'ell thanked Mona for her work on the parking table.
McLean thanked Les McMahen for his service to the City. He stated that he was a
valuable asset and will be missed.
Holland stated that from now on, he and the vice chair will discuss with staff all plats at
the agenda prep meeting to determine whether or not they should be on the agenda.
a.Council Liaison -Councilman Holbe1t congratulated Holland and McLean on
their newly appointed positions as chair and vice chair of the Commission.
b.Staff -Miller presented the June, 2008 DRC rep01t to the Commissioners. She
also reminded Holland that once a plat is placed on an agenda, it requires action
within 30 days or it is automatically approved.
14.The meeting was adjourned at 7:56pm.