HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2008-05-22 RegularL l J PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF A REGULA R MEETING THURSDAY, MAY 22, 2008 7:00PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL 910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS 1.The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm with the following people in attendance. Chairman Jim Gibson Commissioner Michael Brown Commissioner Hassan Moghaddam City Planner Mona Miller CD Director Les McMahen Council Member Bill Holbe1t Commissioner Kevin Holland Commissioner David O'Farrell City Attorney Loren Smith Development Coord. Aubrey Harbin Dep Director of CD Frank Manigold Council Member Jim Hill 2.Communication from the public/committee liaisons None 3.Consent Agenda: a.Approval of Minutes for the May 1, 2008 regular meeting Motion to approve: Brown to approve with Kevin Holland's name removed Second: Moghaddam Vote: Unanimous (5 to 0) Motion Carried 4.Consideration and possible action regarding appointment of a Vice-Chairperson Motion to appoint Kevin Holland: Brown Second: Moghaddam Vote: 4 to O; Holland abstained Motion Carried 5.Consideration and possible action regarding the final plat for Cleanvood Business Park being 4.297 acre tract of land out of part of Division B of Lot 64, in the Hoidale-Coffman Addition, an addition in Harris County, Texas, according to the map or plat thereof recorded in Volume 3, Page 6, of the Map Records of Harris County, Texas. Motion to approve pending TXDOT approval: Holland Second: Moghaddam Vote: Unanimous (5 to 0) Motion Carried 6.Consideration and possible action, if needed, regarding proposed amendments to the Downtown District supplemental requirements (as presented at the JPH on May 19, 2008) No action taken; recommendation made Monday, May 19, 2008 7.Consideration and possible action, if needed, regarding proposed amendments to the Sign Ordinance regarding definitions and business complexes (as presented at the JPH on May 19, 2008) No action taken; reconunendation made Monday, May 19, 2008 8.Consideration and possible action, if needed, regarding proposed amendments to the Subdivision Ordinance regarding maximum block length (as presented at the JPH on May 19, 2008) No action taken; recommendation made Monday, May 19, 2008 9.Consideration and possible action, if needed, regarding Zone change classification request for 17.88 acres on FM 528 between Friendswood Lakes Boulevard and Desota Street from Single Family Residential (SFR) to Community Shopping Center (CSC) (as presented at the JPH on May 19, 2008) No action taken; reconunendation made Monday, May 19, 2008 10.Consideration and possible action regarding modifications to the site plan and landscape plan for 1305 W. Parkwood Motion to approve the amended site plan shows no sidewalks on FM 528 and Whitaker Drive, revised sign locations, revised driveway location on Whitaker Drive, and allows landscaping in phases as buildings are built: Holland Second: O'Farrell Vote: Unanimous (5 to 0) Motion Carried Jerry Barras, developer of 1305 W. Parkwood was present to explain the requests and situations to the Commission. There was discussion regarding the relocation of the signs. Since the development will have more than 40,000 sqft of building, the development is allowed two ground signs. The original site plan only showed one sign. Discussion about sidewalks included that when the original site plan was approved, sidewalks were shown on the site plan, but contours were not. The area where sidewalks were to be installed was a ditch. At the time that the site plan was submitted for approval, sidewalks were not required on open ditch streets. 2 r 1 -l! l l The driveway on Whitaker was allowed by the City to be moved; originally the development was to share driveway access with the Public Safety Building. Barras also requested to be allowed to install the landscaping in phases as the buildings are completed. 11.Consideration and possible action regarding a one time extension of the Final Plat of Hunters Creek Estates Private (approved May 24, 2007) Motion to Approve: Holland Second: Brown Vote: Unanimous (5 to 0) Motion Carried 12.Consideration and possible action regarding possible amendments to Appendix A -Sign Ordinance of the Code of Ordinances, regarding electronic digital billboards Motion to Approve the City Attorney' proposed changes in Section 9, Prohibited Signs of the Sign Ordinance "including, but not limited to, a new off-premise CEVMS or the conversion of an existing non-CEVMS off-premise sign to a CEVMS.": Holland Second: Brown Vote: Unanimous (5 to 0) 13.Consideration and possible action regarding possible amendments to Appendix C­ Zoning Ordinance of the Code of Ordinances, regarding increasing non-residential building heights to fo1ty-five feet Chairman Gibson assigned this to a new subcommittee consisting of Commissioners O'Farrell and McLean to research. He also requested opinions from Fire Marshal and Police Depaitment. 14.Consideration and possible action regarding the possible expansion of the Downtown District boundaries to Cowards Creek Chairman Gibson refened this to the Downtown District subcommittee. 15.Consideration and possible action regarding liaison appointments to city committees/boards Chairman Gibson asked the Commissioners to either let him or staff know what assignment they would like to have. Staff will e-mail schedule of meetings. 16.Consideration and possible action regarding possible amendments to Appendix C - Zoning Ordinance, Permitted Use Table Miller explained the confusion of the allowed uses and the zoning categories. Staff will make changes to the Permitted Use Table and present to the Commission at next regular meeting. 3 17.Consideration and possible action regarding the Development Process Committee final report No action taken. 18.Communications from the Commission O'Farrell questioned the development of a proposed hotel at FM 528/San Joaquin, but staff informed him they have not received any more information. 19.Updates from Commission sub-committees a.Update from Zoning Ordinance review Subcommittee Scheduled workshop Tuesday, June 3, 2008, at 5:30pm for commissioners and staff to discuss zoning ordinance changes b.Update from Downtown District Subconunittee Still working c.Update from Commissioner Moghaddam regarding the Design Criteria Manual Moghaddam will have proposal at next regular meeting 20.Reports a.Council Liaison -None b.Staff -Miller informed Commissioners there will be work session, JPH and regular meeting Monday, June 16, 2008; she also explained that the Comprehensive Plan is back from the consultant and the Mayor will decide the next step to take with it; Staff received the map from the Mayor identifying the residential properties that should be zoned as residential estate lots. The meeting was adjourned at 8:26 pm. These minutes submitted by: 4