HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2008-04-17 Specialr
1.The meeting was called to order at 7:03pm with the following people in attendance:
Chairman Jim Gibson
Commissioner Mark McLean
Commissioner Hassan Moghaddam
City Planner Mona Miller
Vice Chair Sherry Weesner
Commissioner Kevin Holland
City Attorney Bobby Gervais
Dev. Coord. Aubrey Harbin·
2.Communication fro� �!�e �:.:1:!�c 1committee liaisons
3.Consent Agenda:
a.Approval of Minutes for the March 31, 2008 Workshop
Motion to remove from consent agenda: Weesner
Second: Holland
Vote: Unanimous
Weesner asked that the date be conected and wording on item 2 be changed.
Motion to approve as amended: Holland
Second: Gibson
Vote: Unanimous Motion carried
4.Consideration and possible action regarding the Final Plat of The Gardens at
Friendswood Lakes, being 12.62 acres and a replat of Friendswood Lakes, Section 1
Umestricted Reserve B, George W. Patterson Survey, Friendswood, Galveston County,
Motion to approve: Holland
Second: Weesner
Vote: Unanimous Motion carried
5.Consideration and possible action regarding the Preliminary Plat of Winston Hand
Subdivision, being 3.5 acres out of Lot 46, Hoidale and Coffman Subdivision as
recorded in Volume 214, Pg 394, J.E. Perry and E.M. Austin League, A-20, and
rerecorded in Volume 14, Pg 48, map records of Galveston County, Friendswood, Texas
Motion to approve with staff comments: Holland
Second: Weesner ·
Vote: Unanimous Motion Carried
6.Consideration and possible action regarding possible amendments regarding references to
sidewalks in:
a.Appendix B, Subdivision Ordinance of the Code of Ordinances
b.Chapter 70, Aiiicle III. Construction, of the Code of Ordinances
c.Section IV of the Design Criteria Manual
d.Section VI of the Design Criteria Manual
Staff explained the proposed changes on sidewalk references in all ordinances which
either reference the sidewalk fund or reference one ordinance where sidewalk
information will be maintained, rather than changing in all ordinances any time there is a
No action taken -staff will make additional corrections and bring back to next meeting.
7.Consideration and possible action regarding possible ame11�111cms iu 3ection 6 of
Appendix C, Zoning Ordinance of the Code of Ordinances, reganiing non-conforming
lots, structures, uses of land and structures and characteristics of use
No action taken.
8.Consideration and possible action regarding a legal opinion from the City Attorney
regarding Comprehensive Plans
No action taken.
9.Consideration and possible action regarding an extension of the Preliminary Plat
approval of The Crossing
Motion to approve extension: Holland
Second: Weesner
Vote: Unanimous Motion Carried
10. Consideration and possible action regarding the Plam1ing and Zoning Commission
approval process
There was some discussion as to when joint public hearings are required by the
Commission in relation to reconunendations to City Council in an attempt to streamline
the process, if possible. The possibility of making a recommendation immed_iately after
the JPH with City Council ifthere are no written or verbal comments was discussed.2
l l
11.Consideration and possible action regarding clarification/interpretation of Section 22.c.4.
of Appendix A Sign Ordinance, of the Code of Ordinances
Motion to approve staff's proposed changes for the sign ordinance: Holland
Second: Weesner
Vote: Unanimous Motion Carried
Some discussion ensued regarding an approved development that is being built in phases.
The finished development will be more than 40,000 sqft, which allows for two multi
tenant signs. The developer wants to put up both signs right now, but staff interpretation
is that the signs cannot be permitted until the buildings are actually built. The proposed
changes to the sign ordinance address this situation.
12.Consideration and possible action regarding possible amendments to Section 22 of
Appendix A Sign Ordinance, of the Code of Ordinances regarding multiple lot
commercial/industrial complexes
Motion to approve staff's proposed changes for the sign ordinance: Weesner
Second: Holland
Vote: Unanimous Motion Carried
Proposed amendments affect multiple commercial lots and industrial complexes where
the property is platted into separate lots and off-site signage is not allowed. Staff
proposed to add definition of development and allow multi-tenant signs at front of the
prope1ty for a particular complex fronting the main street.
13.Consideration and possible action regarding possible amendments to Appendix B
Subdivision Ordinance, of the Code of Ordinances regarding maximum block length
Motion to approve and move to workshop with staff comments added: Weesner
Second: Holland
Vote: Unanimous Motion Carried
14.Consideration and possible action regarding Communications from the Commission
a.Update from Zoning Ordinance review Subcommittee -will be discussed at the
next meeting
b.Update from Downtown District Subcommittee -reviewed plans from Frisco,
and other cities. Holland stated that the Commission needs to know from City
Council a budget for the Downtown District in order to plan. McLean stated that
the Commission needs direction; possibly put together a list of issues to go to
workshop with City Council.
c.Update from Commissioner Moghaddam regarding the Design Criteria Manual
-Moghaddam stated that he should be ready at the end of May to discuss the
a.Council Liaison -None
b.Staff -Miller reminded the Commissioners of work session and JPH on April 21,
2008 at 5:30 and 7:00pm.
12.The meeting was adjourned at 8:08pm.
These minutes submitted by: