HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2008-04-03 Regularf I
1.The meeting was called to order at 7:01pm with the following people in attendance:
Chairman Jim Gibson
Commissioner Mark McLean
Commissioner David O'Farrell
City Attorney Bobby Gervais
Development Coord. Aubrey Harbin
Vice Chairwoman Sherry Weesner
Commissioner Michael Brown
Commissioner Kevin Holland
City Planner Mona Miller
The commission went into ex-;cuti·:e stssion at 7:02pm for legal consultation with the City
Attorney as allowed by the Local Government Code Section 551.071. The commission
returned at 7:15pm.
2.Conununication from the public/committee liaisons
Diane Hecht, 7 Windsong, asked why the developer of Trails @ Friendswood has to go
tlu·ough Sumneadow for the proposed development. She stated that the developer should
be required to build a new road with the new development.
Dan Kidwell, Sunn1eadow, stated that dump trucks would be destructive to roads in
Sunmeadow and that he is concerned with traffic and water displacement. He stated that
the developer should access the property via Highway 35.
Joseph Oddo, 148 St. Andrews, asked who would benefit from this development. He stated
that this is an example of overdevelopment and feels that Sunmeadow residents are
sacrificing for the economic benefit of Millennium development.
Chairman Jim Gibson asked the City Attorney to clarify the City Attorney Gervais
explained that state law provides for cities to adopt regulations and that some are
discretionary for the Plmming and Zoning Commission. If the plat conforms to the
subdivision regulations, the board must approve the plat.
Paula Oddo, 148 St. Andrev,rs, stated that other new developments are stand alone
developments. She submitted a list of 106 signatures of Sunmeadow residents who
promise not to use the extension of Dorado Street as an entrance or exit.
Louis, Windsong, said that Windsong residents opposed to this development
Louis Romano, 22 Windsong, stated that Windsong residents are opposed to the
development and that he is concerned with a 911 gate to Windsong being knocked down.
James Yogas, 614 W. Castle Harbor, stated that when the golf course was in operation, it
provided amenities such as a swimming pool, parks, etc. for the Sunmeadow residents, but
now that is all gone. He said that something is needed that works well. He said he is
concerned with the area being crowded and that the tie into W. Castle Harbor is on a curve
with limited visibility.
Glenn Cress, 10 Windcreek, stated that he is opposed to using Windsong as an
entrance/exit for the new subdivision due to sharp curves and narrow roads. He also stated
that he would like to see provisions to ensure that the co1mection to Windsong will always
be used as a 911 gate only. He stated that he is concerned with the street being opened by
future City Council members. He said that deeding a one foot reserve to the HOA of
Windsong subdivision would alleviate that problem. He also said that the commission
should address whether the gate will be substantial and maintained.
Commissioner McLean read comments by Al Kelly, a Sunmeadow resident who could not
attend the meeting, but has comments regarding the density of traffic, drainage problems
and voiced strong opposition.
Faye_Roberson, 422 W. Castle Harbor, said that she is asking for the slleel to not be cut
into W. Castle Harbor. She said there are no sidewalks on W. Castle Harbor and she is
concerned with the curve.
Sel Thint, engineer of record for Trails @ Friendswood, stated that there is no proposal for
the development to cmmect with Windsong; the proposed subdivision is 52 lots and access
from FM 528 is from an 80-foot boulevard. He stated that there are no plans to route any
traffic through Sumneadow during construction. Mr. Thint said that the hydraulic models
from Dannenbaum Engineering show zero impact on Sunmeadow subdivision. He stated
that the development was required to provide 72 acre feet of detention, but they have gone
beyond that in providing 30 additional acre feet. In regards to the connection at W. Castle
Harbor, Mr. Thint stated that the new street would be built lower than the existing one and
the storm drain inlets would be sized to carry the water out of the intersection. He said that
placing a lot there worsens the problem and will dam up the water; the road and storm drain
system will provide relief. He also explained that the connection to Windsong was
removed due to the results of the traffic impact study.
Jon Hall, 443 Gleneagles Dr, asked if the developer is required to disclose what will be
built on future lots and if there has been any development analysis to show that
Friendswood is unfriendly to developers. He stated that he appreciates the Commission
enforcing rules set forth by City Council.
Mr. Thint stated that the Trails @ Friendswood did provide an overall plan, but cannot plat
all at one time because of market demands.
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Don Wall, St. Cloud, stated that he is concerned with traffic.
Faye Roberson stated that a neighbor was killed while walking along W. Castle Harbor.
3.Consent Agenda:
a.Approval of Minutes for the March 3, 2008 special meeting
b.Approval of Minutes for the March 20, 2008 regular meeting
c.Approval of Minutes for the March 24, 2008 special meeting
Motion to approve: Weesner
Vote: Unanimous Motion Approved
4.Discussion with Friendswood I.S.D. regarding upcoming projects
Tish Hanks and George Rogers presented upcoming construction and expansion projects
that FISD is planning at the high school and the new junior high building near Centennial
5.Consideration and possible action regarding the Preliminary Plat of The Trails at
Friendswood, being 272.99 acres situated in the William Henry Survey, Abstract 84, and
the Mary Sloan Survey, Abstract 184, City of Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas
Trails @ Friendswood remained tabled. It was decided to hold a special meeting on
Tuesday, April 8, 2008 at 7:00pm.
6.Consideration and possible action regarding the Final Plat �f-Randy's Addition, being
1.297 acres, a part of the Northeast one half of Tract 2, Block D, Central Park
Subdivision, City of Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas
Motion to approve: Holland
Second: Brown
Vote: Unanimous Motion Approved
7.Consideration and possible action regarding possible amendments to the Code of
Ordinances regarding references to sidewalks
No action taken.
8.Consideration and possible action regarding possible amendments to Section 6 of
Appendix C, Zoning Ordinance of the Code of Ordinances, regarding non-conforming
lots, structures, uses of land and structures and characteristics of use
No action taken.
9.Consideration and possible action regarding possible amendments to Appendix B,
Subdivision Ordinance of the Code of Ordinances, regarding platting
Gervais explained some minor changes that were made and Weesner suggested adding a
definition for "in-fill" tracts. Changes will be made and discussed at the meeting on
April 8, 2008.
10.Consideration and possible action regarding downtown district issues
Gibson appointed a subcommittee consisting of Holland, O'Farrell, and Moghaddam and
Les McMahen, representing staff, to discuss and review documents handed out by the
Mayor regarding the Downtown District improvements.
11.Consideration and possible action regarding sidewalks on open ditch streets
No action taken.
12.Communications from the Commission
a.Zoning sub-committee -still in process
b.Downtown District sub-committee -McLean obtained information from
another city regarding form based zoning -committee is still in process
c.Design Criteria Manual -None
a.Council Liaison -Laura Ewing stated that this would be her last meeting.
b.Staff-Mona Miller presented the March 2008 DRC report and reminded
commissioners of the JPH on April 21, 2008.
14.The meeting was adjourned at 9:C2plii.
These minutes submitted by: