HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2008-03-20 Regularr
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The regular meeting was called to order in the 2nd floor conference room at 7:00pm.
Commissioner Weesner made a motion to move items 3 and 8 out of order. Weesner made a
motion to move Item 3 to the end of the agenda.
8.Consideration and possible action regarding possible amendments to Appendix B,
Subdivision Ordinance of the Code of Ordinances, regarding platting
City Attorney Bobby Gervais explained the ordinancf:' .-. -. .
Motion to change ''exemption" to "date of enabling ordinance.": Holland
Second: Weesner
Vote: Unanimous Motion Carried
Motion to suspend the meeting and move to the Council Chambers: Holland
Second: Weesner
The regular meeting was suspended at 7:15pm.
1.The public hearing was called to order/reconvened at 7:26pm with the following people
in attendance:
Chairman Jim Gibson
Commissioner Michael Brown
Commissioner Mark McLean
Commissioner David O'Farrell
City Planner Mona Miller
City Council Liaison Laura Ewing
Vice Chairwoman Sherry Weesner
Commissioner Kevin Holland
Commissioner Hassan Moghaddam
City Attorney Bobby Gervais
Adm. Secretary Rhonda Baker
2.Receive comments from the public, both oral and written, regarding:
a.Preliminary plat of The Gardens at Friendswood Lakes
For: Les Kilday, Kilday Realty Corporation, stated that he is the applicant and
developer for the development of senior apartments at the front of Friendswood Lakes
subdivision. He asked the commissioners to consider allowing them to remove
sidewalks because FM 528 is open ditch and technically the sidewalks are not
required. He also stated that Dan Johnson, the engineer for the project, was present to
answer any questions, if needed.
Against: None
3.The public hearing was adjourned at 7:28pm.
1.The regular meeting was called to order at 7:29pm.
2.Communication from the public/conunittee liaisons
Al Kelly, Sunmeadow, stated that he has concerns about item 7 on the agenda. He said that
his main concern is that the design is in direct violation of two items: 1 )using Castle
Harbor as a collector street 2)general requirements in the subdivision ordinance (item I)
states that no lot shall be fmther than the maximum distance allowed by the Design Criteria
Manual for a cul-de-sac. He stated that Firebird Trail has homes further than 750 feet from
the point of access at Freedom Trail. He said that he does not think Castle Harbor is a
cnllector street; Sunmeadow Blvd and Cypress Point serve as collector streets for the
subdivision. Mr. Kelly stated· that he does not want anymore traffic dumped into
Don Wall, St. Cloud, stated that he has lived here since 1976 and wanted to make the
commission aware that the land is one of the lowest spots. He said that he is concerned that
water will run to his property once the new development is built.
Laura Higgins, St. Cloud, stated that she is concerned with schooling. She said that the
new development would overtax already overburdened schools. She said that we should
slow down development to let the schools catch up. She stated that she agrees with what
has been said about the streets and that hard rains flood the streets.
Paula Odeaux, Sumneadow, said that flooding has not been corrected. She said it was
supposed to be fixed in 2007. She stated that the intersection at Castle Harbor and
Sumneadow floods. She does not want any more concrete until this problem is fixed. She
stated that she does not like the new development using their streets.
Fay Roberson, Sumneadow, said that the new development should be a stand alone
subdivision and that the overall traffic plan is a problem. She said that the long range
drainage plan will not help and will have an impact on Sumneadow. She said that many
residents are retired and paid for golf course lots. She stated that the commissioners should
drive tlu·u Smm1eadow and look at the golf course because the grass is very tall in some
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3.Consent Agenda:
a.Approval of Minutes for the March 13, 2008 special meeting
Commissioner Weesner proposed three changes to the proposed minutes.
Motion to approve as amended: Weesner
Second: Holland
Vote: Unanimous Motion Carried
4.Consideration and possible action regarding the Preliminary Plat of The Estates
Motion to approve with a written agreement with the City to extend the 21-inch
sanitary sewer line for the purpose of cost sharing prior to beginning
construction of the subdivision: Holland
Vote: Unanimous (7 to 0) Motion Carried
Weesner asked Planner Mona Miller to explain the staff review process that the plats and
other plans go th.rough before they are presented to the commission. Ms. Miller
explained that staff receives plans and they are reviewed by Engineering, Public Works,
Police Department, Fire Marshal's office, Parks and Planning. Staff provides comments
to the applicant for them to make corrections. This sometimes takes a few submittals, but
the plans are not presented to P&Z until the submittal meets city ordinances. A
compliance letter is provided to the P&Z conunissioners.
6.Consideration and possible action regarding the Preliminary Plat of The Gardens at
Friendswood Lak.:.:;
Motion to approve plat without sidewalks: O'Farrell
Second: McLean
Vote: 6 to 1 Motion Carried
Holland asked staff if zoning is correct for this; staff verified that there is a PUD on Lot 1
for the senior apartments and the remaining portion is zoned CSC.
O'Farrell asked if staff concurred with not requiring sidewalks. Staff confirmed that FM
528 is open ditch, so sidewalks would not be required.
7.Consideration and possible action regarding the Preliminary Plat of The Trails at
Motion to table: Weesner
Second: Moghaddam
Vote: 6 to 1 (O'Farrell opposed) Motion Carried -Item Tabled
There was extensive discussion regarding the definition of collector streets and whether
or not Castle Harbor meets that definition, cul-de-sac lengths, access of future
development of Trails at Friendswood, and drainage and traffic impact on the existing
Sunmeadow subdivision.
9.Communications from the Commission 3
McLean -The subcommittee for the Downtovm District met and had a pl a1ming session.
Weesner -The zoning subcommittee had several partial meetings. They are working on
a final draft to present in one the next several meetings.
Holland -The Downtown District subcommittee is going to refrain from making any
comments until after the meeting with CEDC and City Council on March 24.
a.Council Liaison -Ewlng reported that a developer wrote a letter to the city stating
that staff was efficient and professional and thanked them for the work they did.
b.Staff-Miller reminded the commissioners of the JPH on Monday, March 24th
and the JPH regarding signs on April 21st•
11.The meeting was adjourned at 8:21pm.
These minutes submitted by:
J\ubrey Harbin
Development Co