HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2008-03-13 Regular!. li l l PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 2008 7:00PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL 910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS PUBLIC HEARING 1.The public hearing was called to order at 7:01pm with the following people in attendance: Chairman Jim Gibson Commissioner Michael Brown Commissioner Mark McLean Commissioner David O'Farrell City Planner Mona Miller City Council Liaison Laura Ewing Vice Chairwoman Sherry Weesner f'nn,mi<;sioner Kevin Holland Com __ rriissioner Hassan Moghaddam City Attorney Bobby Gervais Adm. Secretary Rhonda Baker 2.Communication from the public/committee liaisons None 3.Consent Agenda: Weesner requested·to remove item b from the consent agenda. No objection. a.Approval of Minutes for the February 18, 2008 special meeting Motion to approve: Holland Second: Weesner Vote: Unanimous (7 to 0) Motion Approved b.Approval of Minutes for the February 21, 2008 regular meeting Weesner requested a change on paragraph tlu-ee, i tern 10. Motion to approve as amended: Holland Second: Weesner Vote: Unanimous (7 to 0) Motion Approved 4.Discussion with Friendswood I.S.D. regarding upcoming projects This item was withdrawn from the agenda and will be rescheduled for a future meeting. No one from FISD was able to attend. 5.Consideration and possible action regarding Preliminary plat of Tuscany Estates, being a replat of 7.72 acres out of Central Park Subdivision in the Sarah McKissick or J.R. Williams League, Abstract No. 151, Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas This item was withdrawn from the agenda at the request of the owner/applicant. 6.Consideration and possible action regarding sidewalk requirements in Terra Bella Subdivision Motion to approve the plat with the deletion of note 28: Gibson Second: Holland Vote: Unanimous Motion Approved Mike Harris, of Stonebridge Homes, explained that if the developer was required to install sidewalks in the Terra Bella subdivision, they would have to be placed in the right of way and over the utility easement and would conflict with fire hydrants and light poles that have been placed throughout the subdivision. He explained that the installation of the sidewalks could not meet ADA slope requirements because the elevations of the homes have been raised to meet FEMA regulations. He stated that Terra Bella is a gate conununity with private streets maintained by the HOA. He said that he has ncit fou n rl any federal requirements for sidewalks, and that the homes are built ten feet off the curb and if they placed sidewalks in the front yard of the homes, the front yards would be all concrete. Harris stated that there is another subdivision in Friendswood without sidewalks and he asked the Commission to be able to continue to develop this subdivision without sidewalks. There was much discussion about the requirement of sidewalks in this particular development. Several commissioners expressed the need to review the PUD cluster home and garden home district ordinances to prevent this situation from happening again. 7.Consideration and possible action regarding Appendix A, Sign Ordinance of the Code of Ordinances, regarding temporary signs Motion to approve: McLean Second: Holland Vote: Unanimous (7 to 0) Motion Approved The ordinance proposal for temporary signs was revised to clarify two concerns of City Council regarding the percentage of repair costs and multi-tenant buildings. 8.Consideration and possible action regarding possible amendments to Appendix C, Zoning Ordinance of the Code of Ordinances regarding Downtown District supplemental requirements 2 f 1 l I Motion to approve: Holland Second: Weesner Vote: Unanimous (7 to 0) Motion Approved City Attorney Bobby Gervais explained that the revised ordinance addresses when the supplemental Downtown District requirements apply to new development or if the non­ conforming status is lost. In addition to new development, it also requires that if an existing business wants to improve the prope11y or structure, the improvements shall be in compliance with the applicable Downtown District regulations. It was decided that the zoning ordinance subcommittee would review the complete non­ conforming ordinance and present concerns and ideas to staff. Staff and legal will then revise the ordinance and present it to the Commission ASAP. 9.Consideration and possible action regarding appointing a sub-committee to follow up on Downtown District issues and discussion on work product of appointed sub-committee Chairman Gibson appointed McLean, Brown and Holland to the Downtown District Committee. The purpose of this committee is to: ! .Address any unresolved questions 2.Create "intent/reason for Downtown District" (i.e. cliff notes) 3 .Recommend streetscape or other guidelines, either specifics or list of what type of guidelines are necessary (type of trees, lights, benches, etc.) 4.Define/review intent of "development/redevelopment" and confirm ordinance l .. agu<15.:-�:. adequate. 5.Recom1i1end needed definitions; setbacks measured from ROW or prope11y line; parking requirements or flexible guidelines. 6.Address long range potential problems in the even TX DOT makes FM 518 6 lanes vs. 4 lanes. 7.Meet with staff to determine if their interpretation of Downtown District zoning, use, structural requirements, parking, streetscape, landscaping, setbacks are the same as the intent. Weesner requested to add item 8 as "Additional items as deemed necessary by the subcommittee." 10.Consideration and possible action regarding Development Process Committee recommendations Marcus explained that the Development Process Committee reviewed the development processes to see what could be done to make the process easier and streamline steps developers are required to go through and to make clarifications where needed. It was decided that the two items to be addressed first from the list of DPC recommendations would be B -Building Height/Setbacks and E -Milestone Checklist. 11.Discussion regarding televising Planning and Zoning Commission meetings 3 Chairman Gibson reminded everyone that the meetings would be recorded and televised on video. They were recording a test video tonight, but not televising it. 12.Communications from the Conunission Brown -Stated that he regretted missing the Austin conference. O'Farrell -Stated that he enjoyed the Austin conference. He had the opportunity to see some of the hike and bike trails in the downtown areas of Austin. He stated that he feels Friendswood has a lot of resources and would like to see something similar here. Weesner -Stated that they learned some things about the Comp Plan at the conference. She asked that the City Attorney research Comp Plans, the purpose and history of Comp Plan Legislation and Court Rulings, whether a Comp Plan is required, and a reconunendation for the utilization of a Comp Plan in Friendswood. Holland -Expressed thanks for allowing him back on the Commission. Hassaii. -Requested a copy of the DPC document that was discussed earlier in the meeting. Gibson -Asked Hassan to review the Design Criteria Manual to determine what should stay in the DCM and what should be removed. 13.Reports a.Council Liaison -Ewing explained th:::t ::! lc::::11 engineering company presented staff and city council with an impervious cover product that the P&Z commission might be interested in seeing. b.Staff -Miller reminded the Commissioners of a JPH on March 24 regarding the proposed platting changes and a JPH on April 7 regarding the sign ordinance. She also added that in regards to the milestone tracking for developers, staff requested software last year that would aid staff in tracking projects. Currently each department is keeping a separate database. It was not approved in last year's budget, but she hopes to submit a request again this year. 14.Adjournment Motion to adjourn: Weesner Second: Holland Vote: Unanimous The meeting was adjourned at 8:40pm. 4