HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2006-02-02 RegularMinutes of a Regular Meeting
of the
Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission
February 2, 2006
A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held Thursday,
February 2, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers in city hall located at 910 S.
Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present:
Bob Bertrand-7:03 p.m.
David Brakebill-7:07 p.m.
Jim Gibson
Kevin Holland
Roy Klusendorf
Sherry Weesner
David Smith-Council Liaison
John Olson-City Attorney
Dan Johnson-Acting Director of C.D.
Diana Steelquist-Staff Planner
Cheri Skelton-Development Coordinator
With a quorum present, Commissioner Van Riper absent, Chairman Holland called the meeting to
order to discuss the following:
1.Call to order
2.Communication from the public/committee liaisons.
No one from the public or conunittee liaison spoke at this time.
3.Consent Agenda:
a.Minutes of the 1-5-06 Regular meeting minutes.
b.Minutes of the 1-9-06 Special meeting minutes.
c.Minutes of the 1-19-06 Special/Regular meeting minutes.
d.Approval of the Final Plat of Mary's Creek Village.
Gibson-to approve consent agenda
Commissioner Weesner requested Item "A" and "B" be removed from the consent
Item "C" and "D" were then voted on.
Voted For: Gibson, Holland, Klusendorf, Weesner
Commissioner Bertrand arrived.
Item "A" was then discussed.
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Motion Carried
Commissioner Weesner stated there is a typing error to be corrected in these minutes.
The error is a misspelled word. The word should be "candid" not "candied".
Voted For:
Weesner-to approve with word correction.
Be1irand, Gibson, Holland, Klusendorf, Weesner Motion Carried
Item "B" was then discussed.
Commissioner Weesner stated that Commissioner Bertrand attended the joint workshop
with City Council, but did not attend the public hearing. The minutes do not reflect that
he left.
Voted For:
Tabled Items:
Weesner-to approve with correction
Bertrand, Gibson, Holland, Klusendorf, Weesner Motion Carried
4.Consideration and possible action regarding the Commercial Site Plan for Christian
Brothers Automotive located on FM 518, being Restrictive Reserve "A" of the Final
Re-plat of Park 518, Reserve "B".
Voted For:
Weesner-to remove from table.
Bertrand, Gibson, Holland, Klusendorf, Weesner Motion Carried
. Commissioner Brakebill arrived.
Commissioner Weesner stated the sidewalk appears to be located in the landscape buffer
within the property line. Staff confirmed the sidewalk is located on the property of the
owner; the reason is due to the open ditches and safety hazards along FM 518.
Commissioner Weesner requested Staff to provide information, in the future, if anything
is different than normal required standards. She request the information be placed within
the Staffs recommendation. Commissioner Bertrand asked how the vehicles, left over
from the day's work, would be stored overnight.
Larry Ayers, Construction Project Manager and representative for Christian Brother
Automotive addressed the Commission. Mr. Ayers stated it is Christian Brothers
Automotive policy and common practice to store any vehicles left overnight on
automobile racks or underneath the racks.
Motion for approval from the January 19, 2006 meeting.
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Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried
Regular Items:
5.Discussion and possible action regarding fencing regulations.
The Commission, Staff, and the City Attorney discussed this item extensively. However,
the Commission continued to ask the same question, "What was the reasoning behind the
cunent fencing regulation?" Commissioner Gibson stated he felt the recommendation
should be rejected and people should go to the Zoning Board of Adjustments (ZBOA) for
a decision. He feels there is too much on Planning and Zoning now and there should not
be any more items added. Discussion continued with Staff providing additional insight to
the City Ordinance and the City Attorney providing information on laws and rulings that
have taken place. When discussion ended, Staff was directed to explore why the fencing
ordinance was create.
6.Discussion and possible action regarding temporary buildings.
Staff explained a typo may have taken place when writing the ordinance and felt this typo
could be corrected by renumbering the section on exception so that it applied to both
commercial and outdoor sales.
Gibson-to approve the correction of the typing enor by numbering the
Commissioner Weesner asked why portable buildings and structures are being approved
by Staff. Staff explained because they are portable building (temporary buildings) and
can be moved, and the building is not permanent to a site.
Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried
7.Discussion and possible action regarding non-conforming uses and structures.
The Commission and Staff discussed gas stations in Friendswood as identified prope11ies
which have trouble with non-conformance issues or structures. Commissioner Bertrand
spoke adamantly about the concept to keep businesses existing and viable in Friendswood
until the business can get to the standards the city requires. He feels the City has
forgotten the way the properties look today and not as the City believes those businesses
should look. He also feels strongly the Planning and Zoning Commission should discuss
how to get all businesses going in the same direction as the City. The Conunission
provided Staff with suggests such as:
1.Allowing a non-conforming structure to be enhanced or improved while it is
still doing business.
2.Separate non-conforming uses from non-conforming structures.
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Staff was asked by the Conm1ission to prepare draft ordinance language for their review.
8.Discussion and possible action regarding the Site Plan requirement for gas stations and
auto repair facilities within the Entryway Overlay District (EOD) and Downtown
Overlay District (DOD).
Staff explained the goal is to provide exceptions for gas stations only. Commissioner
Weesner explained as she understood the EOD/DOD is was established to provide
pleasing esthetics to properties. She explained she reviewed the EOD/DOD requirements
and made a draft version with some possible changes to consider. She stated her changes
were to such items as landscape buffers. Commissionei' Bertrand stated the entire reason
the majority of items are in the EOD/DOD is because Friendswood is considered a
special conununity. Commissioner Weesner requested the Commission be allowed
additional time to review the EOD/DOD. She requested the item be placed on the next
Planning and Zoning agenda. Commissioner Gibson felt a workshop should take place
before the next Planning and Zoning meeting.
9.Discussion and possible action regarding a modification to the sidewalk statement
adopted by Planning and Zoning on March 18, 2004.
Chairman Holland stated at the last Planning and Zoning meeting he was in disagreement
with the time frame associated with the construction of the sidewalks. However, since
that meeting he now feels it meets all the needs to get sidewalks installed in the city.
Conm1issioner Bertrand commended Cheri Skelton for her persuasive argument with
regards to the need for the revised statement. He explained he still feels some language
in the sidewalk statement should be revised, but understands Staff needs the help
enforcing the requirement. He also stated that Staff has requested the revision to the
sidewalk statement and the revision is strongly supported by Staff. Commissioner
Weesner requested a sidewalk statement also be considered for open ditches within
conunercial and residential zones.
Voted For:
Gibson-to adopt the revised sidewalk statement provided by Staff.
Unanimous Motion Carried
10.Discussion and possible action regarding the Comprehensive Plan Vision and future
Land Use Plan.
Conunissioner Gibson stated the draft provided to the other Conunissioners is going to
move forward unless someone finds any reason it should not. Conunissioner Klusendorf
stated the vision the sub-conunittee created represents a comprehensive look at
Friendswood. Commissioner Weesner stated she and the other members of the sub
committee (Gibson & Klusendorf) did not all agree about every little thing in the
document, they did, however, agree on the overall document. She referred to the draft as
a compromised document, but also a consensus document. Conunissioner Gibson stated
the next step is to proceed with this document to the Community Economics
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Development Committee (CEDC). Commissioner Bertrand stated the draft document appears to be very thorough.
11.Communications from the Commission
City Attorney Jolm Olson spoke briefly to the Commission about the open meetings act.He explained that under "Conmrnnications from the Commission" it is not appropriate todiscuss political issues or opinions. He explained more and more the government isreviewing violations to the open meetings act.
Chairman Holland stated he attended the Galveston County Consolidated DrainageDistrict meeting (GCCDD), Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBOA). CommissionerWeesner stated that during the January 5, 2006, Planning and Zoning meeting Staff wasasked to provide information regarding attendance by conference call and to provide theslides from the financial plan for the city.
a.Council Liaison
Council Liaison Smith provided no report at this time.
Staff provided a Development Review Committee (DRC) meeting repo1t to the Commission for the month of January. Staff also stated the Heritage Tree Ordinance and the Tree Preservation Ordinance Super-Sub Committee (TPOSSCC) final report had been forward to City Council.
With no further comment the meeting was adjourned at 9: 17 p.m.
(!J:ivu,. 1Jlillrn0 Cheri/Skelton Develbpment Coordinator
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