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ZBOA Decisions 04/22/1997-204 Stonehenge Lane
DATE SCHEDULE FOR ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT NAME OF APPLICANT: Shirley Cox LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 204 Stonehenge Lane,. Southwesterly 24' of Lot 2 & Northeast ; bik. 15f Sect --B7- - Whitehall S/D, Galveston County, TX REASON FOR VARIANCE: Accessory building erected without approved permit 516" from rear property line, 316" from side property line & closer than 5 ' to other accessory building. Friendswood City Code, Appendix C-zoning, Section 7.Q. 3a & Section 8.C. PUBLIC HEARING DATE: 4/22/97 Application received in City Secretary's Office 4/0 1/9 7 Date set for Public Hearing 4/22/97 by Zoning Board of Adjustment Chairman Request tax office to furnish name of property 4/02/97 owners within 200 feet. Notice published in official newspaper 4/09/97 14-10 days prior to hearing) Letters mailed to property owners within 200 feet. 4/1 1/9 7 10 days prior to hearing) Public Hearin Held -3/ Decision made by the Zoning Board of Adjustment 0(/LF Applicant notified E ITEM; #.B t • � C. 4 Regular Meeting Zoning Board of Adjustment April 22, 1997 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the City of Friendswood which was held at City Hall on April 22, 1997 at 7:00 P.M. with the following members present constituting a quorum: Chairman William Hal Taylor Regular Member Howard Yeager Regular Member David O'Brien Regular Member Ann Talbot Alternate Member Thomas Rives City Building Official Linda Taylor B.O.A. Secretary Linda Thornton Chairman Hal Taylor called the meeting to order at 7:20 p.m. , Chairman Hal Taylor appointed Thomas Rives as a Regular Member for this meeting. A. Chairman Taylor, called for public hearings in order to receive public input regarding Mr. Peter Gorman's request for a variance at 311 Pine Creek Drive, Lot 8, Block 5, Section 2, Parkwood Village Subdivision, Galveston County, Texas, for covered patio that will extend past 20' side building line. Friendswood City Code, Appendix C-Zoning, Section 7.Q.2. Discussion followed with owner Peter Gorman explaining his request. Hearing no further input the Public Hearing was closed. Chairman Taylor, stated the motion could be made and approved based on the first reading of Ordinance 97-9. *David O'Brien made a motion to approve the variance. Seconded by Hal Taylor Motion approved unanimously. B. Chairman Taylor, called for public hearings in order to receive public ' input regarding Ms. Shirley Cox's request for a variance at 204. Stonehenge Lane, Southwesterly 24' of Lot 2 and Northeasterly 47 of Lot 3, Block 15, Section B, Whitehall Subdivision, Galveston County, Texas, for accessory building erected without approved permit 5'6" from rear property line, 3'6" from side property line and closer than 5' to other accessory building. Friendswood City Code, Appendix C-Zoning, Section 7.Q.3a, and Section 8.C. BOA.MIN/LST03 'Discussion followed with owner Ms. Shirley Cox explaining her request. Mr. Don Bennett at 213 Chelsea Lane, explained he had no problem with this building. Mr. Larry ,Stewart at 208 Stonehenge Lane, explained he did not have a problem with this request. Mr. Frank Webb at 207 Stonehenge Lane, explained the building did not affect his family at all. Hearing no further input the Public Hearing was Closed. *Howard Yeager made a motion to approve the variance. Seconded by Ann Talbot Motion was approved Unanimously. C. Chairman Taylor, called for public hearings in order to receive public input regarding Mr. Dennis James's request for a variance at 2007 San Miguel Drive, Lot 16, Block 2, Section 2, San Joaquin Estates Subdivision, Galveston County, Texas, for height to exceed maximum 35' . His proposed height is 39' . Regulation Matrix-Residential districts Maximum Height, Friendswood City Code, Appendix C-Zoning., Section 7.Q.2. Regulation Matrix Residential District. Discussion followed with owner Mr. Dennis James, explaining his request. Marie Furman, president of the architectural committee of San Joaquin Estates, explained, there needs a definition as. to where we are measuring from'on height, otherwise this will cause problems for other home builders. The architectural committee does not have a problem with the height request and approves this request. Hearing no further input the Public Hearing was closed. *Ann Talbot made a motion to grant the variance based on estate size lot. Seconded by Howard Yeager Motion Denied 2-3 with Tommy Rives, Hal Taylor and David O'Brien against. Discussion followed as to where the point of measure would be. David O'Brien asked, can we give Linda Taylor a ruling in this case to go ahead and measure the top of the slab as a height reference. Linda Taylor agreed to do that for this case. Ms. Taylor stated that the polices that have been followed for years and years in the building department are as good as the laws themselves so she has been told by the City Attorney. She is willing to go before City Council and explain that the City may have more problems ahead. Dennis James asked to make sure he understood what took place tonight is that the Board did not grant the variance for 39' but is instructing Ms. Taylor to allow me to build 35' from the finish floor evaluation to the BOA.MIN/LST03 highest point of the structure. The Board agreed. * David O'Brien made a motion to approve the minutes from the March 25, 1997, meeting. Seconded by Thomas Rives Motion approved unanimously. Motion was made and approved to adjourn at 8:00 p.m. . L�CMG William Hal Ta or Chairman l0 6 Date ATTEST: n - Li a S. Thornton Assistant City Secretary and B.O.A. Secretary BOA.MIN%LST03 IsB.O.A. MEETING ON 4/22/97 at 7: 00 p.m. -. 5�zi2.6--rR12j1 s 0Ff-r c-e lsJ f �v �'-1anl PIT-IV)l())Wt rz2 FRIENDSWOOD ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT 13ydo~I -1- 7 REQUEST FOR HEARING NAME: %) ' �, PHONE: ADDRESS: ADDRESS OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: y LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: RECORDED SUBDIVISION PROPERTY IS IN: SUNDER WHAT ORDINANCE .(NUMBER AND SECTION) IS APPEAL BEING MADE?: Flz,&-AID-UDDD O-rry Owe., -4PPeAlt)(A C-7-oAft o lgv 5E -ri oA-/ 7 n 3 ec, Iotil i r-� y PRINTED NAMI OF OWNER: DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE: JL& & -11-1-/97 SIGNATUR11 OF 01 ER: DATE: DATE & TIME RECEIVED: SEEKING VARIANCE FOR: 6011-oIi & v? A xwll&D Pevm rT 5'G"1 reom 2E-I2 Popm-ry 3`1 " r-tz,lic '57106 P1201-6r--li b k(C, kiu b 60 5 ex T 1A-d S' -ro Oar-t&r2 c��s o t �✓v�u�<«lam STAFF COMMENTS: CITY APPROVAL: ATE: *x****wX*Xw***wX*ww********w*****xw***wx****XX************X*x***x****w ACCEPTING APPLICATION ON BEHALF OF CITY: N E; DATE: FEE PAID: DISPOSITION OF CASE: i APPROVED: Lam'`�o l �i Qc.00K /5 a1 eil y�r1}1 Y r OJ (V \ - 1 Savo Poic., �V Z 25?8/a'.L/, c f .36` 472 24 612 i • - curtQ S TO�I ENGE L:AAIE kL F E'ROPERTY: .-30, ScaCe 1 I certify that the obove i. an accurate pI t'of the.property of at 204 Stonehenge Lane, Friendswood -Texas made by me this 4th day of DECEMBER 196 Being'°the--9outhhites-terlg�=-- 00• ,feet -of _-L6t 2 and the Northeasterly` 7:A0. feet:.;o=f hat 3 in Block 15 of AnnAleA Kingspark Section"B._-& `Whitehall Section B an addition in Galveston County;-,"T- eaxas `. . according to the coup or ,-i:7t thereof as recorded in.Volume .. _1616 , Page .10a _ of the Map Records o� Galveston County, Texas.;' There tyre no zncroochrr,=r-I-s on this property atthe time of this survey. All impravemerlts lie wit-iin the property fines of the property. Do not use for construction purposes. Pro-E•OF•.F�. .... ..... .......... l L. C. LOPER I • ':............. •-•;•� I L C. LotER� -IUGIS-rt:RED PUBLIC SURVI.'YOR L. � l PER — -- 0 929 ?- 1 1149 [iEf_j.AtRI: liLVD. ......�� I Hoi,s-ro).,, "rrz:,s 77025 i DAT•E' FUND: ❑ 01 ❑ 40 ❑ 50 61053 RECEIVED OF n�� /17 DOLLARS$ S ©'� FOR � ,(% ' :2 2_ PAIDBY: ❑ CASH A CHECK# a 2 ❑ MONEYORDER BY: Return Check 1192 Sports Complex 3456 Pound Fees 3484 Session Pass 3475 Return Check Fees 3449 Old City Park 3457 Pound Pickup Fees 3485 Pool Ind.Pass-R 3477 Copy/Map/Ord 3859 Stevenson Park 3458 After Hrs.P.U. 3485 Pooi Ind.Pass-NR 3474 Copy/Map 3856 Hangar Rental 3459 Feline License(S) 3493 Pool-20 Visit Pass 3479 Solicitor Permit 3438 July 4 Registration 3455 Feline License(U) 3494 Pool Family Pass-R 3473 Other Permit 3439 Tennis 3471 Canine License(S) 3495 Pool Rental 3476 B.OA Fee 3483 v Senior Meals 2273 Canine License(U) 3496 Swimming Lessons 3478 Library Fees 3488 Actrvity Bldg. 3468 Animal Establishment 3435 Vending Machine 3870 Aerobic Fees 3469 Summer Camp 3896 Sign Permit 3420 Meter Deposits 2310 MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS DESC. ACCT.NO. AMOUNT SERVICEADDRESS MAILING ADDRESS CITY/STATE/ZIP SERVICE ACCT.# CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD•910 S.Friendswood Dr.• Friendswood,TX 77546.996-3200 SHIRLEY COX MAYES -2 273 DAVID MAYES 88-7450/3131 204 STONEHENGE 482-1107 � 353 FRIENDSWOOD,TX 77546 -19 PAY TO THE ORDER OF CITY OF FRIENDSW t1 A ti•'Ait�f i I �t p O L L A R S RICASAVINGS of A Division of Home Savings of Amedca,Fsa Baybrook Square Office 353 1441 W t Bay.Ar -Blvd.,Webster,Texas 77598 ' MEMO IIY_ .. _ _..._. ... .._ _. - ._ _.. _ __._. •. 2273 C!3131 001:035390230221" . O Orkt Mwkr,w IN D Mayor EVELYN NEWMAN 00 of Friendswood Cound1mcmbus Krr EN HAJECATE 910 South Friendswood Drive JERRY ERICSSON TOM MANISON Friendswood, Texas 77546-4856 MEL AUSTIN _._ (281) 996-3270 Ai1NEDICKEY MCA Fax: (281) 482-1634 JANISLOWE City Manager RONALD E.COX April 25, 1997 City Secretary DELORIS McKENZIE,T.R.M.C. Ms. Shirley Cox 204 Stonehenge Lane Friendswood, Texas 77546 Re: Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting April 22, 1997. Dear Ms. Cox: The Zoning Board of Adjustment, at its regularly scheduled meeting of April 22, 1997, granted the requested variance at 204 Stonehenge Lane, Southwesterly 24' of Lot 2 and Northeasterly 47' of Lot 3, Block 15, Section B, Whitehall Subdivision, Galveston County, Texas, for accessory building erected without approved permit 5'6" from rear property line, 3'6" from side property line and closer than 5' to other accessory building. Enclosed for your records is an executed copy of the Friendswood Zoning Board of Adjustment Request For Hearing application. If you have any questions regarding this variance, please contact me at (713) 996-3270. Sincerely, Linda Thornton B.O.A. Secretary Enclosure: .3BQ :47 :24:. 61. [T l 1 ;M 36 51 i7 t �• U toQ i 3 WKI i - 1 .47' 24 61, �. Cu/?Q i S TOi'VEf-/ENGE ->4 NE 3�-rP %OFt PROPERTY 30' i I certify tl,ct the aLove i. 4n accurate pfnt of theproperty of at 204 Stonehenge Lane, Eriendswood`-Texas made by me this 4th day of DECII��BER , 196 "Being--the7-5outfiwes-L-er- �-4� 00=feet of Lot 2 and the Nor theas ter ly , r7._OO feet ;of Lot 3 in Block 15 of AnnAleA Kingspark Section =B. &'.W tehall Section B an addition in' Ga lves ton County',`,Texas...::- accordins tc, :he ;.mop w ,Ji it thereof as recorded in.Volume . -liU6 Page 100- _ of the Map Records or Galveston County, Texas._ There tyre no e,tc•,oachrr.=rats oA this property at,the time of this survey. All impiuvernerits he within the property lines of the property. Do not use for construction purposes. OF •F+9 .....................LOPER * �— -----—- - --- -- -_-- •-••y2� • F C_ Lovett- Rcct�r.act:n PUBLIC SURVf:YUR - - -- -- -- ------