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ZBOA Decisions 04/22/1997-311 Pine Creek Drive
DATE SCHEDULE FOR ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT NAME OF APPLICANT: Peter Gorman LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 311' Pine Creek Drive, Lt. 8 ,Blk. 5, Sect_. 2, Parkwood Village S/D, Galveston Cty. , Tx REASON FOR VARIANCE: for covered patio that will extend past 20 ' side building line. Friendswood City Code, Appendix C-Zoning, Sect. 7.Q. 2 . PUBLIC HEARING DATE: 4/22/97 Ap lication received in City Secretary's Office 03/03/97 Date set for Public Hearing 04/22/97 by Zoning Board of Adjustment Chairman Request tax office to furnish name of property 03/05/97 owners within 200 feet. Notice published in official newspaper 04/09/97 14-10 days prior to hearing) Letters mailed to property owners within 200 feet. 04/11/97 10 days prior to hearing) Public Hearing Held � �'� Decision made by the Zoning Board of Adjustment /`� ©V ED Applicant notified s ITEM '#.A r Regular Meeting Zoning Board of Adjustment April 22, 1997 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the City of Friendswood which was held at City Hall on April 22, 1997 at 7:00 P.M. with the following members present constituting a quorum: Chairman William Hal Taylor Regular Member Howard Yeager Regular Member David O'Brien Regular Member Ann Talbot Alternate Member Thomas Rives City Building Official Linda Taylor B.O.A. Secretary Linda Thornton i Chairman Hal Taylor called the meeting to order at 7:20 p.m. , Chairman Hal Taylor appointed Thomas Rives as a Regular Member for this meeting. A. Chairman Taylor, called for public hearings in order to receive public input regarding Mr. Peter Gorman's request for a variance at 311 Pine Creek Drive, Lot 8, Block 5, Section 2, Parkwood Village Subdivision, Galveston County, Texas, for covered patio that will extend past 20' side building line. Friendswood City Code, Appendix C-Zoning, Section 7.Q.2. j Discussion followed with owner Peter Gorman explaining his request. Hearing no further input the Public Hearing was closed. Chairman Taylor, stated the motion could be made and approved based on the first reading of Ordinance 97-9. j *David O'Brien made a motion to approve the variance. Seconded by Hal Taylor Motion approved unanimously. B. Chairman Taylor, called for public hearings in order to receive public input regarding Ms. Shirley Cox's request for a variance at 204. Stonehenge Lane, Southwesterly 24' of Lot 2 and Northeasterly 47' of Lot 3, Block 15, i Section B, Whitehall Subdivision, Galveston County, Texas, for accessory building erected without approved permit 5'6" from rear property line., 3'6" from side property line and closer than 5' to other accessory building. Friendswood City Code, Appendix C-Zoning, Section 7.Q.3a, and Section 8.C. BOA.MIN/LST03 Discussion followed with owner Ms. Shirley Cox explaining her request. Mr. Don Bennett at 213 Chelsea Lane, explained he had no problem with this building. Mr. Larry Stewart at 208 Stonehenge Lane, explained he did not have a problem with this request. Mr. Frank Webb at 207 Stonehenge Lane, explained the building did not affect his family at all. Hearing no further input the Public Hearing was Closed. *Howard Yeager made a motion to approve the variance. Seconded by Ann Talbot Motion was approved Unanimously. C. Chairman Taylor, called for public hearings in order to receive public input regarding Mr. Dennis James's request for a variance at 2007 San Miguel Drive, Lot 16, Block 2, Section 2, San Joaquin Estates Subdivision, Galveston County, Texas, for height to exceed maximum 35' . His proposed height is 39' . Regulation Matrix-Residential districts Maximum Height, Friendswood City Code, Appendix C-Zoning., Section 7.Q.2. Regulation Matrix Residential District. Discussion followed with owner Mr. Dennis James, explaining his request. Marie Furman, president of the architectural committee of San Joaquin Estates, explained, there needs a definition as to where we are measuring from ,on height, otherwise this will cause problems for other home builders. The architectural committee does not have a problem with the height request and approves this request. Hearing no further input the Public Hearing was closed. *Ann Talbot made a motion to grant the variance based on estate size lot. Seconded by Howard Yeager Motion Denied 2-3 with Tommy Rives, Hal Taylor and David O'Brien against. Discussion followed as to where the point of measure would be. David O'Brien asked, can we give Linda Taylor a ruling in this case to go ahead and measure the top of the slab as a height reference. Linda Taylor agreed to do that for this case. Ms. Taylor stated that the polices that have been followed for years and years in the building department are as good as the laws themselves so she has been told by the City-Attorney. She is willing to go before City Council and explain that the City may have more problems ahead. Dennis James asked to make sure he understood what took place tonight is that the Board did not grant the variance for 39' but is instructing Ms. Taylor to allow me to build 35' from the finish floor evaluation to the BOA.MIN/LST03 highest point of the structure. The Board agreed. * David O'Brien made a motion to approve the minutes from the March 25, 1997, meeting. Seconded by Thomas Rives Motion approved unanimously. Motion was made and approved to adjourn at 8:00 p.m. . L�CSC William Hal Taylior Chairman Date ATTESTaaS. Lihornton Assistant City Secretary and B.O.A. Secretary BOA.MIN%LST03 5L)6MtT -ro 0-36 l30-`M-0 A oajj 3 -q —y7 W t rc4 FRIENDSWOOD ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT REQUEST FOR HEARING NAME7: a ,kwaw V c llacy,Usted yhied PHONE: ADDRESS: Ise) L�YL-� 1��. Y` .ul_ u � 7 7 os ADDRESS OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: RECORDED SUBDIVISION PROPERTY IS .IN: M N(?, - to iWD UNDER WHAT ORDINANCE (NUMBER AND SECTION) IS APPEAL BEING MADE?: Noe /�i�inL�rr��X � -70A.1(d& � `�.ToAl 4 A+J PRINTED NAME OF OWNER: 7 DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE: SIGNATURE 01 OWNER: ATE: DATE & TIME RECEIVED: pm SEEKING VARIANCE FOR: (V y(✓r&L� A-71 J T�7 GfJI L L L�( ! ( 20 5 t l)E 6 cJ c L-r71 nv(, L c Aj STAFF COMMENTS: ICU 7 (S 01-7-o2lOIC dog,&k Lo`T 5 Wig /S 5-Mudd 6-12-12o g- �o lgc' l(�' /�STc;- ol-- P&QUl ao) �r 3-3 CITY APPROVAL: DATE: ACCEPTING APPLICATION ON BEHALF OF CITY: NAME: DATE: FEE PAID: TABLED: 3/25/97 RESCHEDULED TO: 4/22/97 DISPOSITION OF CASE- APPROVED: -T^ j� �� l ISPIERS/McREYNOLDS RRCH TEL :713-524-0683 Feb 12 ,97 10 : 11 No . 003 P .02 SCALE: 1 = 20' 7� 0-73 F 075 E �14 F 114 Ob - . ! a.. 1f1 r 6:1 LU 16 t , E OP4 F 114 C WE tri 14 CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD 7 6 16 .9.10'S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE DATE `�~�� FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS 77546 (713) 996-3200 RECEIVED OF � � �' DOLLARS$ �� \ � PAIDBY:Cash Check MoneyOrder Draft= BY: Batch One-Consolidated Cash Fund Batch Two-CIP/Impact Fee Fund Building Permit 3411 Electrical License 3491 City Wide: Electric Permit 3412 Sale of Documents WaterAia Plumbing Permit 3413 Return Check Fee 3444 Water Al B A/C Permit 3414 Retum Check 1192 Water Al C Reinspection Fee 3419 Sale of Water Meters 3854 SewerA2 Sign Permit 3420 MeterDeposits 2310 StudyA3 Platt Fee 3481 Subdivision: Rezoning Fee 3482 Water Plan Check Fee 3415 Sewer Total Total Subdivision: SERVICE ADDRESS Lot Block Permit No. Land Use ��MAILING ADRESS Service:(Circle) WATER:City Sell SEWER:City Well Acres Units Per Acre Occupancy Per Unit CITY/STATE/ZIP ESU's Per Acre: Water Sewer METER NO. SIZE MAKE READING t CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD _'3_ 7 616 910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE DATE FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS 77546 (713) 996-3200 DOLLARS$ RECEIVED OF FOR r S\ Check B PAID BY:Cash Money Order DraftO BY: Batch One-Consolidated Cash Fund Batch Two-CIP/Impact Fee Fund Building Permit 3411 Electrical License 3491 City Wide: Electric Permit 3412 Sale of Documents WaterAl a Plumbing Permit 3413 Return Check Fee 3444 Water Al B A/C Permit 3414 Return Check 1192 Water AlC Reinspection Fee 3419 Sale of Water Meters 3854 SewerA2 Sign Permit 3420 MeterDeposits 2310 StudyA3 Platt Fee 3481 Subdivision: Rezoning Fee 3482 Water Plan Check Fee 3415 Sewer Total Total Subdivision: SERVICE ADDRESS 0`2 \� Lot Block Permit No. Land Use G A MAILIN RESS d Service:(Circle) WATER:City Sell SEWER:City Well Acres Units Per Acre Occupancy Per Unit CITY/STATE/ZIP ESU'sPerAcre: Water Sewer METER NO. SIZE MAKE READING i r Py D Mayor EVELYN NEWMAN City of Friendswood CoUncilmembers KITTENHAJECATE 910 South Friendswood Drive JERRY ERICSSON TOM MANISON Friendswood, Texas 77546-4856 MEL AUSTIN (281) 996-3270 ALINE DICKEY Fax: (281) 482-1634 JANISL.OWE A City Manager RONALD E.COX April 25, 1997 City Secretary DELORIS MCKENZIE,T.R.M.C. Peter Gorman Parkwood Village Development 130 Surf Court Nassau Bay, Texas 77058 Re: Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting April 22, 1997. Dear Mr. Gorman: The Zoning Board of Adjustment, at its regularly scheduled meeting of April 22, 1997, granted the requested variance at 311 Pine Creek Drive, Lot 8, Block 5, Section 2, Parkwood Village Subdivision, Galveston County, Texas, for covered patio that will extend past 201 side building line. Enclosed for your records is an executed copy of the Friendswood Zoning Board of Adjustment Request For Hearing application. If you have any questions regarding this variance, please contact me at l (713) 996-3270. Sincerely, Linda Thornton B.O.A. Secretary Enclosure: SV 5CALIE: 1 20' c.) 'T ti 6 0.79 0.79 5.0' U.E. 114 E 114 F 114 F 1.14 4 3'-!1 %io'.01 x roe ,14 Para �o PAD 6RO.- 114 r7 0 0 F 1.14 14 3.5'WALK w V.,CONC. E 01.35 APRON F 1.14 r 114 16.0 U.E. 1F ro L E 0.35 F 0.35 LOT FIT Lot Area: 6145 6cj.Ft. Type 'A' DralnaQe client pi1RKWOOD BUILDERS plan I(SL-ISS5 lot address I11 FINE CFZMr=K DRIVE date 02/12/'Bl blk. 5 subdivision PAR<W00D VILLAGE SEC-1 BUILDER bwALL VERIFY ALL LOT DIMENSIONS, EASEMENTS, 4 BUILDING LINES PRIOR TO - COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION. M A R 1 0 N - S P I E R S THIS PLOT PLAN 16 COMPLETE AND PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION DOES NOT CROSS Op PORPERTY ARCHITECTS, I N C. LINE, DOES NOT EXTEND ONTO OR ACRO55 EASEMENTS WITHOUT PROPER WRITTEN PERMISSION, 3633 ALLEN PARKWAY IIOU.MN. TEXAS 7JU/,624-0060