HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2007-10-25 Regular[ l J MINUTES OF A WORK SESSION, PUBLIC HEARING AND REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION, HELD THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2007, AT 6:00 PM, IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF CITY HALL, LOCATED AT 910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE, FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS 6:00 PM -WORKSESSION The following people were in attendance for the work session: Commissioner Sherry Weesner Commissioner Michael Brown Commissioner Jim Gibson Commissioner Mark McLean Mona Miller, City Planner Aubrey Harbin, Development Coordinator The session was utilized to update new commissioners on the status of various projects that have been in progress for some time, such as the process of updating Comprehensive Plan, proposed changes to the sign ordinance and proposed changes to the P&Z Rules and Procedures. Motion to adjourn: Weesner Second: Brown Vote: Unanimous 7:00 PM-PUB!..!(: !:::!3/; .. ?1NG 1.The public hearing was called to order at 7:00pm. 2.To receive comments from the public, both.oral and written, regarding: Final Plat of Friendswood Baptist Church, being a paitial replat of 2.343 acres of Lot 11, Block 1, Friendswood Subdivision, Sarah McKissick or J.H. Williams League, Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas Persons speaking FOR: None Persons speaking AGAINST: None 3.The public hearing was closed at 7:02pm, but then later reopened by a unanimous vote and left open until next meeting. REGULAR MEETING 1.The regular meeting was called to order at 7:02pm. The following people were m attendance: Commissioner Sheny Weesner Commissioner Jim Gibson Conunissioner Michael Brown Commissioner Mark McLean Conunissioner David O'Farrell Mona Miller, City Plaimer Loren Smith, City Attorney Commissioner Roy Klusendorf Aubrey Harbin, Development Coordinator Councilmember Laura Ewing 2.Communication from the public/committee liaisons Commissioner Weesner asked City Attorney Loren Smith if the public hearing should remain open because the item will be pulled from the regular agenda due to an incomplete submittal. She stated that she was concerned that the public needed access to all information regarding the plat. The city attorney recommended re-opening the public hearing and recessing it, rather than closing it. Motion to re-open the Public Hearing: Weesner Second: Brown Vote: Unanimous 3.Consent Agenda: Motion Carried a.Approval of Minutes for the August 6, 2007 Special Meeting and Joint Public Hearing b.Approval of Minutes for the September 10, 2007 Joint Public Hearing c.Approval of Minutes for the October 2, 2007 Special Meeting Motion to Approve: Brown Second: McLean Vote: Unanimous Motion Carried 4.Consideration and possible action regarding the Final Plat of Friendswood Baptist Church, being 2.343 acres, a partial replat of Lot 11, Block 1, Friendswood Subdivision, Sarah McKissick or J.H. Williams League, Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas Withdrawn from agenda. 5.Consideration and possible action regarding the Preliminary Plat of West Ranch Restricted Reserve "C", being 22.6 acres out of the Sloan Subdivision, John Dickson Survey, A-9, Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas Withdrawn from agenda. 6.Consideration and possible action regarding possible amendments to the Sign Ordinance Some discussion took place regarding the date that establishes a non-conforming sign. One commissioner expressed the concern that any time changes are made to the ordinance, it creates non-conforming signs. A suggestion of annual, bi-annual or tri­ annual sign permits was given to help with the regulation of signs. 2 ri [ l J There was also some discussion of the possibility of allowing minor changes that would bring the sign into more compliance with the ordinance. Some commissioners felt this would be beneficial because owners of the signs would know that they could update the sign without bringing the whole sign into compliance. Regarding previous committee recommendations at the last meeting, there was some question regarding the meaning of some of the terms. Some commissioners asked for clarification of the meaning of 50%, whether that meant 50% of the value, construction, etc. It was also discussed that there needed to be a definition of "damage" in the proposed wording changes. The sign ordinance committee of P&Z and staff will review the proposed changes again and present changes at a meeting in the near future. 7.Consideration and possible action regarding possible amendments to Resolution No. 2002-55 regarding P & Z Rules & Procedures It was suggested that procedural reviews be conducted annually and especially when new members join the commission. The Chairman requested staff to make changes deleting standard Robert's Rules items from the resolution and also change the verbiage regarding the vote to allow the affirmative vote of the majority of the quornm present to approve an item and present to the commission at the next regular meeting. 8.Consideration and possible action regarding the proposed revisions to the Comprehensive Plan No discussion. Save discussion for next meeting after work session with City Council and CEDC on Monday, October 29, 2007. 9.Consideration and possible action regarding possible amendments to the Downtown District Motion to amend Section 7, Subsection I. 1 and Paragraph 3.b(3) of Subsection Q of Section 7 to read "The maximum height allowed is 70 feet measured from the maximum height of the building to the top of the finished first floor, from no more than two feet above finished grade.": Weesner Second: Brown Vote: Unanimous Motion Carried Motion to amend Section 8, Subsection F, Paragraph 1.c to read "No on street parking shall be allowed on FM 518 or on FM 2351 within the Downtown District.": Weesner Second: Brown Vote: Unanimous Motion Carried 3 Motion to amend Section 8 Subsection N Paragraph 6.a to read "Each well shall contain a minimum of one (1) Class 2 or Class 3 tree from the City's qualified tree list, and other landscaping material such as bushes and/or ground cover.": Brown Second: Weesner Vote: Unanimous Motion Carried Motion to amend Section 8 and Section 6 to add a sentence stating "Other sidewalk landscape and amenity designs specific to the site or the function of the development may be presented and may be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, at its discretion.": Weesner Second: Brown Vote: Unanimous Motion Carried There was some discussion regarding the intent of the sidewalk requirement. The Downtown District is intended to be pedestrian friendly and open ditches do not meet this requirement. The commissioners also expressed concerns with traffic. 10.Consideration and possible action regarding appointment of a Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District liaison Chairman Jim Gibson appointed Commissioner Hassan Moghaddam as the liaison for Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District meetings. 11.Consideration and possible action regarding the election of a Vice-Chairperson Motion to nominate Commissioner Weesner as Vice Chairperson: O'Farrell Second: Brown Vote: Unanimous Motion Carried 12.Consideration and possible action regarding a conflict in the Subdivision Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan regarding rights-of-way widths Motion to amend the subdivision ordinance to match the Design Criteria with wider widths (collector streets shall be 80 feet in width): Gibson Second: O'Farrell Vote: 5 to 1 (Weesner opposed) Motion Carried Staff presented the Commissioners with the conflict in the ordinances and information from a couple of other cities showing their requirements. Future changes may be made to the street widths, but the first priority is to make the ordinances match. 13.Status report from the subconunittee reviewing the Zoning Ordinance for possible amendments The committee working on the Zoning Ordinance is currently working on the Permitted Use Table. Some recommended changes will include reducing the number of zones and 4 fl lI [ j clarification of language. They will have recommendations ready at the November 15, 2007, meeting. 14.Communications from the Conunission Commissioner Weesner stated that she attended the APA Conference in Addison, Texas. She learned a great deal of information and looks forward to sharing it with other Commissioners. 15.Reports a.Council Liaison -Laura Ewing -No information to share. b.Staff -City Planner Mona Miller reminded staff of the work session on Monday at 6:00pm at the Chamber of Commerce and of the regular meeting next week, November 1, 2007. 16.Motion to adjourn: Brown Second: Weesner Vote: Unanimous The meeting was adjourned at 8:15pm. These minutes respectfully submitted by: Aubrey Harbin Development Coor 5