HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2007-08-16 Regular[ [ [ _] MINUTES OF A PUBLIC HEARING AND REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION, HELD THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 2007, AT 7:00 PM, IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF CITY HALL, LOCATED AT 910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE, FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS REGULAR MEETING 1.Call to order. The regular meeting was called to order at 7:04pm with the following people in attendance: Chairman Jim Gibson Commissioner Kevin Holland Commissioner Roy Klusendorf Commissioner Sherry Weesner Commissioner Michael Brown Commissioner Hassan Moghaddam City Planner Mona Miller Deputy Dir of CDD Frank Manigold Development Coordinator Aubrey Harbin City Attorney Loren Smith 2.Communication from the public/committee liaisons Jean Hinkley, 235 E Castle Harbor, stated that Sunmeadow subdivision has been mowed, but she would like for them to weed eat around the ponds and sand traps. She stated that doing so would enhance the appearance of the subdivision entrance. Fay Roberson, 422 W. Castle Harbor, stated that a plat has been submitted for the Trails@ Friendswood and that she has concerns about flooding issues, specifically on green #4. She is concerned with building new homes in flooding areas. Ernie Matt, 23 Windsong Ln, stated that Millenium Development is interested in using their street as an entrance for a 140 lot subdivision. He feels that trucks will damage the roads. He pleaded to the Commissioners to allow their subdivision to remain as is. Paula Oddo, 148 St. Andrews, stated that she emailed a memo to the Commissioners. She also explained that Brett Nichols attended a Sunmeadow HOA meeting to answer questions for residents. She asked the P&Z Commissioners to visit the property before they approve the building of the Trails @ Friendswood subdivision. She stated there are currently 550 homes with flooding issues. Dan Kidwell, Friendswood, Tx, stated that he is concerned with trucks and traffic going through Windsong Subdivision. He suggested alternate public roads for access to the new development. He also stated that he is concerned about emergency vehicles such as fire trucks using the streets of Windsong Subdivsion to access the new development. 3.Consent Agenda: Removed 4.Consideration and possible action regarding the final plat for The Lakes at San Joaquin, Section 2, being a 41.1287 acre tract out of the I.G.N.R.R. Co. Survey, Abstract No. 622, Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas Motion to Approve w/Comments: Holland Second: Weesener Staff informed the Commissioners that the applicant resubmitted the plat on the day of the meeting with all corrections made with the exception of comment #3, which is the approval of the construction plans. Amended Motion to Approve w/Comment #3: Holland Second: Weesner Vote: Unanimous (6 to 0) Commissioners verified with staff that the applicant used the most recent flood zone map, which is from 1999. Staff verified that is the current map for Galveston County. 5.Consideration and possible action regarding the preliminary plat for Clearwood Business Park, being a 4.2966 acre tract out of part of Division "B" of Lot 64, Hoidale-Coffman Addition, Friendswood, Harris County, Texas Motion to Approve w/Comments: Holland Second: Weesner Vote: Unanimous (6 to 0) Commissioners clarified that detention will be provided and that the house located behind this property will continue to have access to their property. 6.Consideration and possible action regarding the zone change request for Friendswood GW Joint Venture for .215 acres out of a 4.2966 acre tract on FM 2351, between Hope Village Road and Beamer Road, Friendswood, Harris County, Texas from Community Shopping Center (CSC) to Industrial (I) Motion to Approve: Holland Second: Moghaddam Vote: Unanimous (6 to 0) 7.Consideration and possible action regarding amending the Zoning Ordinance to provide that Event Centers be permitted uses within the Single Family Residential zones subject to the granting of a Specific Use Permit Motion to Approve: Weesner Second: Holland Vote: Unanimous (6 to 0) Commissioner Weesner stated that this does not change the zone on any particular property. It changes the ordinance only, and anyone interested in this type of zoning would be required to apply for a specific use permit and a public hearing would be required. 8.Consideration and possible action regarding amending the Zoning Ordinance to amend the application procedure for Specific Use Permits to allow non-engine ered concept plans to satisfy the requirements of Section 9 G.3 of the zoning ordinance 2 [ [ I l Motion to Approve: Holland Second: Klusendorf Vote: Unanimous (6 to 0) The Commissioners expressed some concerns with misleading applicants that their project is approved even though it does not have an engineered drainage plan. Commissioners agreed that approvals should be with the condition that an engineered drainage plan is required. 9.Consideration and possible action regarding amending the Subdivision Ordinance to change plat submittal requirements Motion to Discuss: Weesner Second: Holland No action taken Staff explained that they are having problems getting all the reviews and approvals from other departments for plats and site plans in a timely manner in order to distribute packets to P&Z Commissioners. Currently, the ordinance requires submittals eight (8) days prior to a P&Z meeting. Staff is proposing eighteen (18) days. After further discussion, Commissioners concluded that plats and site plans should not be presented to P&Z until the final copy is approval by staff. Therefore, the only change required is the administrative definition of the ordinance requirements. Staff will prepare a written definition and plats will not be placed on the agenda until it is complete unu approved by staff. 10.Consideration and possible action regarding possible ordinance amendments to allow a sidewalk fund to be created. 11. Motion to Discuss: Holland Second: Weesner No action taken Staff proposed to create a sidewalk fund to collect money in lieu of installing sidewalks where it is not feasible for a contractor to install sidewalks at the time of construction because of an open ditch road. Commissioner Holland explained that the intent should be for residential areas with future road developments, not future conversion of open ditch roads to curb and gutter streets. Commissioners suggested that a line be added to the ordinance stating that in special circumstances, a developer may propose to P&Z to pay money in lieu of installing sidewalks. The change would need to be made in the Subdivision ordinance, the Design Criteria Manual and added as a plat note, if applicable. The Commissioners also suggested setting the fee every year in January, which would require approval by resolution by City Council. Staff will research time frame limitations on the money once it is collected. Consideration and possible action regarding the Pla1rning & Zoning Commission "To 3 Do" list and possible assignments to complete tasks on the "To Do" list Chairman Gibson appointed Commissioner Klusendorf, Commissioner Moghaddam and Commissioner Brown to review the Sign Ordinance, specifically repairs on current non­ conforming signs, the number of signs allowed on a property and political signs requirements. 12.Status report from the subcommittee reviewing the Zoning Ordinance for possible amendments. The Commissioners assigned to this task (Holland, Weesner, and O'Farrell) will be meeting August 23, 2007, and will present a timeline for review at a later date. 13.Communications from the Conunission Commissioner Holland asked if staff could send emails to conununicate information to P&Z members when they are absent in order to keep them informed. Commissioner Klusendorf stated that he enjoyed the team building meeting with CEDC, the mayor, city manager, city staff and a couple of City Council members. Commissioner Weesner inquired about the status of the downtown district. She also asked about the status of the map for the comp plan. She requested that the procedural rules for P&Z and the possibility of a sunset clause on Specific Use permits be placed on the next agenda. Commissioner Holland asked to add the training/orientation session to the "To Do List." 14.Reports a.Council Liaison -Laura Ewing stated that she thought the team building was helpful. She also stated that she was not sure whether the Downtown District was on the agenda for September. b.Staff -Planner Mona Miller explained that a definition of structural change needs to be added to the sign ordinance. There was an issue that came up this week regarding an existing non-conforming sign to which the applicant wanted to add electricity to make it a sign board. 20.Adjournment: Conm1issioner Holland made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Weesner seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 8:17pm.,\ �10v� 4