HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2007-07-19 RegularI 1 lI l MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION HELD THURSDAY, JULY 19, 2007, AT 7:00 PM IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF CITY HALL, LOCATED AT 910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE, FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS PUBLIC HEARING 1.Call to order The Public Hearing was called to order at 7:06 pm. 2.Receive comments from the public, either oral or written, regarding the following: a.Replat of Reserve A, Friendswood Lakes, Section 1, City of Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas Sel Thint of Friendswood stated that he is in favor of this replat. He explained that the replat is for the development of a child care facility that conforms with the current zoning, and it will be complimentary to the neighborhood. b.Replat of Lot 3, George Van Pelt, being a replat of 9.9962 acres in Lot 3, George Van Pelt's Subdivision, City of Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas Evelyn Timmons stated that she lives next door to Mr. Wynn and that she is in favor of having another new neighbor. She also asked if sending out notices is a normal procedure or if this was a special situation. She stated that she did not receive a notice regarding another neighbor's property that was subdivided. Billy Bailey Mize of Friendswood stated that she is appalled that this situation has come this far. She wanted to allow her kids to build houses on her property, but now the kids do not want any part of it. She feels that this is disgusting and that Mr. Wynn should be able to give his son some property. Billy Wynn of Friendswood stated that he feels that common sense left a long time ago. Jim Hill set up a meeting with the City Attorney after he met with City Council regarding fines of $2000 per day. He stated that he did not want to give up the easements to give his son an acre of property. He is not sure what happened since his conversation with the City Attorney. He just wanted to give his boy a place to live. Rick Vickers of Friendswood explained that he has been trying to get this property platted since November 2006. He stated that he was trying to build a house and move his family here so his kids could start high school in Friendswood. He had to pull his house off the market, and he is still unable to obtain a building permit and this process has had a negative effect on his life. Bradley Shannon stated that he feels America is tearing apart family units by requiring property to be subdivided. 3.Adjourn Public Hearing REGULAR MEETING 1.Call to order The regular meeting was called to order at 7: 14 pm with the following present: Chairman Jim Gibson Commissioner Kevin Holland Commissioner David O'Farrell Commissioner Sherry Weesner Commissioner Michael Brown Commissioner Roy Klusendorf City Planner Mona Miller Deputy Dir of CDD Frank Manigold City Attorney Loren Smith Development Coordinator Aubrey Harbin 2.Communication from the public/committee liaisons A letter from a previous commissioner was submitted. It was attached to the minutes. Chairman Gibson recognized the two new members of the Commission -David O'Farrell and Michael Brown. 3.Consent Agenda: a.Approval of Minutes for the June 21, 2007 regular meeting Motion to approve: Holland Second: Weesner Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried 4.Consideration and possible action regarding the Final plat of Creekside at West Ranch, Section 3, a subdivision of 24.55 acres of land out of the John Dickinson Survey, A-9, City of Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas Item removed from agenda per applicant's request. 5.Consideration and possible action regarding the Final plat of Creekside at West Ranch, Section 4, a subdivision of 13.93 acres of land out of the John Dickinson Survey, A-9, City of Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas Item removed from agenda per applicant's request. 6.Consideration and possible action regarding the Replat of Reserve A, Friendswood Lakes, Section 1, City of Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas Motion to approve: Holland Second: Weesner 2 l [ l J Vote For: Unanimous Motion Carried Commissioner Holland asked staff to clarify what is going on with this property. Planner Mona Miller explained that they are subdividing the property to build a school. Commissioner Holland clarified that detention has been provided for in the Friendswood Lakes detention. 7.Consideration and possible action regarding the Replat of Lot 3, George Van Pelt, being a replat of 9.9962 acres in Lot 3, George Van Pelt's Subdivision, City of Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas At 7: 19pm, Chairman Jim Gibson announced that the commission would recess to an executive session until 7:30pm. The regular meeting resumed at 7:46pm. Motion to approve: Klusendorf Second: Weesner A lengthy discussion ensued regarding the requirement of the plat. City Attorney Loren Smith explained that Section 212.04 of the Texas Local Government Code requires that any time land is subdivided into two or more tracts, the prope1ty must be platted. It is state law and the entire property must be platted, not just the one acre tract. 9 .99 acres is being divided into two tracts. Commissic"'"''' Hnlland expressed his disagreement with requiring the entire property to be platted. Chairman Gibson asked the owner to explain their understanding of the drainage plan requirement. Cheri Skelton, Alvin, Texas, a representative of the owner, stated that they are asking to provide detention for Lot 1 now and Reserve A at a later date when it is developed. Commissioner Weesner asked if they were planning to provide an engineered drainage plan for Lot 1. Cheri Skelton explained that they were planning to provide a non-engineered plan showing watershed off the prope1ty. The discussion continued regarding the Interlocal Agreement with the Drainage District. Chaimrnn Gibson stated at this point the commissioners need to do what they think is right. There are two valid points of view, but the commission cannot work out the drainage district problems. Motion to Approve withe following comments: Weesner 1.Submit the title certificate for the remaining 8.9962 acres. 2.Show the scale of the plat numerically and graphically on the plat. The minimum acceptable scale for a plat shall be one inch equals 100 feet (1" = 100'). 5.Identify 40' Unopened Road in more detail -private or City ROW. 7.Submit current application signed by both property owners. 8.Park dedication fees will apply to Lot 1. 9.Correct names as noted on mark up. 3 10.Acid plat note #26 -"Reserve A may not be further developed without replatting and providing an engineered drainage plan." 11.Fire hydrant water line main shall not be less then 8 inches. 12.Include flood zone statement referencing firm panel and revision date. Second: Klusendorf Vote For: Unanimous Motion Carried 8.Consideration and possible action regarding vacating of the Amended Final Plat of Winding Hollow, Lot One, Block One, a subdivision in Galveston County, Texas, recorded in Plat Record 18, Map Number 1062, in the Map Records of Galveston County, Texas (107 Shadwell). Motion to approve: Holland Second: Weesner Vote For: Unanimous Motion Canied 9.Consideration and possible action regarding the replat of Lot 1, Block 1, Oak Creek Forest, a subdivision plat recorded at Plat Record 2006A, Map Number 28, G.C.M.R. J.T. Perry and E.M. Austin League, A-20, City of Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas This item was removed from the agenda per the owner's request. 10.Consideration and possible action regarding the Conunercial Site Plan of the HEB Carwash on FM 528. Motion to approve w/staff comments: Klusendorf Second: Gibson Vote For: Unanimous Motion Carried A brief discussion ensued regarding whether the site plans meet parking and COD requirements. Staff answered that it does meet both requirements. Conunissioner O'Farrell made the comment that the City and developers need to be careful not to over stack parking. Plaiming for fuhll'e businesses is important. He feels that the voluntary parking requirements should be reconsidered. 11.Consideration and possible action regarding the Conunercial Site Plan of Championship Golf on FM 528 Motion to table the item until August 2, 2007: Weesner Second: Holland Vote For: Unanimous Motion Carried Commissioner Weesner confirmed with City Planner Mona Miller that the property is in the COD and that it meets the requirements. 4 l l I l l Commissioner Holland pointed out that staff recommendation is to table this item. Mona explained there is concern because we were not able to send out resubmitted plans to staff for approvals. Commissioner Weesner stated that she did not get hard copies of all the documents for tonight's meeting in a timely manner and she assumes it is because we did not receive the submittals. She asked if there is a process or written standard. Mona explained that submittals are required eight (8) working days before the regular meetings, but in that time frame, staff is expected to review plans, return to applicant for corrections and receive resubmittals. The requirement for resubmittals is unclear and we would like to clarify the procedures. Commissioner Weesner suggested that we make revisions to allow staff the time to appropriately process the documents. 12.Consideration and possible action regarding amendments to the Sign Ordinance Chairman Gibson explained that City Council asked the commission to revisit the sign ordinance once again. Commissioner Holland suggested deleting item 2 that did not allow more than two (2) lines of script. He recommends making the amendment and adding a more complete review of the sign ordinance. Commissioner Weesner agreed with Commissioner Holland. Motion to amend the sign ordinance by deleting the number of lines of changeable copy and place sign ordinance on P&Z's "To Do List": Holland Second: Weesner (wanted clarificati0r. t!11 t ti-,,., is the same thing that was sent to Coucil previously) Vote For: Unanimous Motion Carried 13.Consideration and possible action regarding creating a sidewalk fund Motion to approve for discussion: Holland Second: Weesner No action taken Commissioner Holland explained that a sidewalk fund would allow builders to pay money for the City to pour sidewalks at a later date. Frank Manigold, the Deputy Director of CDD, stated that it would also apply to open ditches. Commissioner Weesner said she thought West Ranch posted a bond to install sidewalks at a later date. Frank Manigold stated that was for assurance that sidewalks would be installed. Commissioner Weesner suggested requiring developers to post a bond. Chairman Gibson felt that the problem has merit and asked staff for a recommendation. City Planner Mona Miller explained that staff was looking for clarification from the Board, particularly for open ditch streets. Commissioner Weesner explained that she would like the proposal to include a formula, not a fixed price, and to clarify specifications. Commissioner Holland stated that we should not make it beneficial for developers to pay the money instead of installing the sidewalks. 5 14.Discussion regarding Alternate Planning and Zoning Commissioners Chairman Gibson opened the discussion and referred the board members to a letter written by a former board member, Bob Bertrand. A concern expressed by the Commissioners was of an alternate member voting on items and not being informed of current issues or ordinances, but some commissioners felt that alternate members would be beneficial. It was suggested that the attendance policy be enforced diligently and that if a commissioner cairnot complete his/her term, he/she should give a reasonable notice. The possibility of overlapping terms or requiring a new commissioner to attend six (6) meetings before allowing him/her to vote would help with the training period. Another suggestion was to offer a citizen's class in city government to provide insight to citizens and encourage public participation on a volunteer basis. 15.2007 Committee assignments Chairman Gibson stated that Conrn1issioner Holland and Commissioner Weesner are going to review the Zoning ordinance and one more member is needed to assist them in this task. Commissioner O'Farrell volunteered to serve in this area. Chairman Gibson also asked for a report at the next meeting on the progress of this assignment. 16.Communications from the Conunission Conrn1issioner Weesner explained to the members that she has a new job and met the Planning Director for the City of Dallas. She stressed the importance of the Comprehensive Plan. Chairman Gibson stated that he would assign new liaison assignments at the next meeting. Commissioner O'Farrell suggested having the City ordinances read into MP3 format in order for the new members and others to learn the ordinances. Chairman Gibson asked staff to look into that. City Planner Mona Miller stated that it would probably have to be done by an outside source. Chairman Gibson thanked Bob Bertrand for many years of service to the Planning and Zoning Conunission. 17.Reports a.Council Liaison -none b.Staff -City Planner Mona Miller provided an overview of some projects coming on future agendas -West Ranch Replats on August 2 and a Joint Public Hearing regarding a zone change on August 6. City Manager Bo McDaniel explained that the City was able to find an experienced engineer to serve as the Director of Conununity Development on a temp orary basis, Les McMahen, but the City Engineer, Zafar Iqbal is leaving. Also, the role of Frank Manigold has been modified to Deputy Director of 6 I 1 I ; [ CDD/Planning and Building. He recognized Mr. Manigold for an outstanding job during the interim period and also the staff for supporting him. He also stated that he feels the City Planner Mona Miller and Development Coordinator Aubrey Harbin are making positive contributions. 18.Adjourmnent Comm issioner Holland motioned to adjourn the meeting. Comm issioner Weesner seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 9: 12pm. �bM�IN Aubrey Harbin Development Coordinator 7