HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2000-07-20 Regularr
Minutes of a Regular Meeting
of the
Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission July 20, 2000 · A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held Thursday July 20, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers located at 910 S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present: Burke McVeigh Frankovich Clark Dominguez -City Planner Steelquist -Development Coordinator Collins -Administrative Secretary Mickelson -City Attorney Finger -Chair Benthul -7:20 pm Measles -City Counsel Liason With a quorum present, the meeting was called to order by Chair Finger to consider the following: Call to Order:
1. Minutes for Approval: 07 /06/00 regular meeting; 07 /10/00 special meeting Motion: Second: Frankovich -to approve Burke Vote for: Unanimous Finger, Frankovich, McVeigh, Burke, and Clark voting 2.Communications from the public -None
Motion Carried 3.Consideration and possible action regarding the Preliminary Commercial Site Planfor Friendswood Plaza, Section IINo action taken NEW BUSINESS:
4.Consideration and possible action regarding a statement of policy for the use ofprivate streets in certain types of developmentsMotion: Second: Mc Veigh -to approveClarkVote against: Unanimous Finger, Frankovich, Mc Veigh, Burke, and Clark votingMotion Failed5.Consideration and possible action regarding the request for zone reclassification forproperty located at 555 E. Parkwood (FM 528), part of lots 16, 17 and 18, Voss
Subdivision, Galveston County, Texas from: single family residential (SFR) to
planned unit district (PUD).
Item withdrawn by applicant.
6.Consideration and possible action regarding the request for a Modification to the
Subdivision Ordinance Section III, i. 4. for a private street at property located at
555 E. Parkwood (FM 528), part of lots 16, 17 And 18, Voss Subdivision,
Galveston County, Texas
Mr. Burke excused himself from the commission meeting at this time. Mr. Chuck Davis
represented the owner and addressed the commission regarding the request for a
modification to allow a private street. The land is currently zoned SFR but the applicant
would like to develop a gated residential community with 12 total lots. There is currently
a gate in place at FM 528. The applicant has asked to be allowed to use a private street as
a means for each of the future lots to have access to a public street (FM 528). The current
street/driveway will be widened to 24 feet and will meet all current design criteria for
public streets.
Vote for:
Vote for:
Fr ankovich -to approve modification of Subdivision Ordinance
Unanimous Motion Carried
Benthul, Clark, Finger, Frankovich and McVeigh voting
Frankovich -to approve the modification of the Subdivision Ordinance
contingent upon the following conditions: l) the cul-de-sac street length
will be no longer than 1000 feet, 2) the number of lots shall not exceed 12,
3)there shall be a reasonable turning radius at the gate entrance for a truck
to tum around 4) the subdivision modification approval will expire in 90
days or until the preliminary plat has been approved which ever is sooner.
After approval of a preliminary plat, the modification will remain in effect
until the project is complete or plat validity lapses.
Unanimous Motion Carr ied
Benthul, Clark, Finger, Frankovich and McVeigh voting
7.Consideration and possible action regarding the request for a specific use permit -
residential gated community (SUP-RGC) for property located at 555 E. Parkwood
(FM 528), part oflots 16, 17 and 18, Voss subdivision, Galveston County, Texas
Item withdrawn by applicant.
8.Consideration and possible action regarding the request for zone reclassification for
50.04 acres, loc ated at West Bay Area Boulevard at Park Bend Drive, Harris
County, Texas from: single family residential/multi family residential-high density
(SFR/MFR-H) to : planned unit district (PUD).
Motion: Clark-to recommend approval to City Council
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Second: Frankovich
Vote for: Unanimous Motion Carried
Finger, Frankovich, McVeigh, Burke, and Clark voting
9.Consideration and possible action regarding the request for a Modification to the
Subdivision Ordinance Section III, i. 4. for a private street at property located at
50.04 Acres, located at West Bay Area Boulevard At Park Bend Drive, Harris
County, Texas
Mr. John Hammond represented the devel oper, and addressed the conuruss1on
regarding the request for the use of a private street in a residential gated community.
The development is in the process of re-zoning to a PUD and will have 15 residential
lots and a private school.
Vote for:
Vote for:
Frankovich -to approve modification of Subdivision Ordinance
Unanimous Motion Carried
Benthul, Burke, Clark, Finger, Frankovich and Mc Veigh voting
Frankovich -to approve modifi cation of the Subdivision Ordinance
contingent upon the following conditions: 1) the cul-de-sac street
length will be no longer than 1000 feet, 2) the number of residential
lots shall not exceed 15, 3) there shall be a reasonable turning radius at
the gate entrance for a truck to tum around, 4) the subdivision
modification approval will expire in 90 days or until the preli minary
plat has been approved which ever is sooner. After approval of a
preliminary plat, the modification will remain in effect until the project
is complete or plat validity lapses.
Unanimous Motion Carried
Benthul, Burke, Clark, Finger, Frankovich and Mc Veigh voting
10.Consideration and possible action regarding the request for a specific use permit -
residential gated community (SUP-RGC) for 32.69 acres, located at West Bay
Area Boulevard South Of Park Bend Drive, Harris County, Texas.
Vote for:
Frankovich -to recommend approval to City Council
Unanimous Motion Carried
Benthul, Burke, Clark, Finger, Frankovich and McVeigh voting
11.Consideration and possible action regarding the request for a specific use permit -
banquet facility, chapel, spa, hair salon, office space, restaurant, florist, retail
medical office and health services, for property lo cated at 107 Shadwell, Lots 1, 2
And 3, Block 1, Winding Hollow Subdivision, Galveston County, Texas
Benthul -to recommend approval to City Council
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Vote for:
Vote for:
Unanimous Motion Carried
Benthul, Burke, Clark, Finger, Frankovich and McVeigh voting
Benthul -to amend motio n to recommend approval to City Council in
order to include modification of retail to mean retail sales incidental to
the other specific uses listed
Unanimous Motion Carried
Benthul, Burke, Clark, Finger, Frankovich and McVeigh voting 12.Consideration and possible action regarding the amended fmal plat for Winding
Hollow Subdivision
Vote for:
Burke -to recommend approval of amended final plat
Unanimous Motion Carried
Benthul, Burke, Clark, Finger, Frankovich and Mc Veigh voting 13.Consideration and possible action regarding the preliminary plat for Autumn
Creek, Section Nine.
Vote for:
Clark -to recommend approval contingent upon staff comments
Unanimous Motion Carried
Benthul, Burke, Clark, Finger, Frankovich and McVeigh voting 14.Consideration and possible action regarding the preliminary plat for Friendswood
Vote for:
Frankovich -to recommend approval contingent upon staff comments
Unanimous Motion Carried
Burke, Clark, Finger, Frankovich and McVeigh voting
15.Consideration and possible action regarding the fmal plat for the Forest Section
Vote for:
Vote for:
Clark -to recommend approval
Unanimous Motion Carried
Burke, Clark, Finger, Frankovich and Mc Veigh vo ting
Clark -to recommend approval contingent upon the inclusion of a 1
foot reserve added to the end of Pine Cone Lane
Unanimous Motion Carried
Burke, Clark, Finger, Frankovich and Mc Veigh voting
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16.Discussion and possible action regarding the standardization of Business Park,
Industrial and Light Industrial matrix requirements
Vote for:
Burke -to recommend to city council the proposed changes to zoning
Unanimous Motion Carried
Benthul, Burke, Clark, Finger, Frankovich and McVeigh voting
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