HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1988-06-02 Regularr \ [ l MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION June 2, 1988 The Friendswo od Planning and Zoning Commission held a regular meeting on Thursday, June 2, 1988, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. The following Commissioners were present. Baker -Chairman Hansen Holzschuh Cress Hines Todd Ballard With a quorum present and none absent, the following items were considered. PERRY GROVE SECTION II -SPREADING OAKS Don Roberts3/Engineer, representing a propo sed development of 4.0408 acres subdivided into.5 lots located on Spreading Oaks. All 5 lots front Spreading Oaks with lot 1 siding on Cedarwood. MEMO -FIRE MARSHAL I have reviewed the final plats as submitted for Perry Grove Subdivision, Sections 2 and 3. This plat is approved by my office as submitted with one excepti on. Prior to any above slab construction on these lots, a fire hydrant will need to be installed at the intersection of Cedarwood Drive and West Spreading Oaks Drive; preferable on Section 2, Lot 1 ind this new hydrant should be shown on the final plat. It is my opinion that the developer should be �esponsible for installation of this fire hydrant, but those details will have to be worked out with the Utilities Superintendent�. City Engineer Duane Hengst was absent from the meeting but had reviewed the proposed plat and forwarded the changes as required by the sub division ordinance to the Planning and Zoning Commission for their review of the proposed development. PERRY GROVE SECTION III -CEDARWOOD Don Roberts Engineer, representing a proposed development of 5.0704 acres subdi�ided into 5 lots. [ [ l Pag e 2 June 2, 1988 The proposed development is to be 5 lots fronting Cedarwood with lot 5 siding on Stonesthrow. The Commission told Mr. Rob erts they would like to have sidewalks along Cedarwood. Mr. Roberts told the Commission sidewalks are usually in the street right-of-way. Cedarw ood is not centered and the top of the ditch is the property line. It was also pointed out Cedarw ood is a one way from Stonesthrow corner down Cedarwood to Spreading Oaks during school hours. The Commission would like the City Engineer to look at the situation and make a recommendation to Mr. Roberts as well input before the next Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. COMMISSIONER BALLARD ABSTAINED FROM THE FOLLOWING DI SCUSSION RUSTIC ACRES -PRELIMINARY Mr. Gartrell representing the owner of the 12.4505 acres, presented a preliminary plat of Rustic Acres to the Planning and Zoning Commissi on. Rustic Acres is located on F.M. 2351 and Rustic Lane and is 12.4505 acres sub divided into nine lots. MEMO -PD April 17, 1988 Upon review of the preliminary plat of Rustic Acres, the following thoughts are noted; 1.Will Lot #4 front on Rustic Lane or on West Edgewood?2.Will Lot #4 be limited to driveway access from onestreet only, either Rustic Lane or West Edgewood?3.Will Lot #5 be limited to location of the driveway toprevent driveway over pipe lines?4.Where will the proposed 6" water line start or stop? Willit loop from West Edgewood trunk to the Meadowlark water line?5.Will the 34' set back along West Edgewood be su fficientshould the road be widened to four lanes. I would be interested in any changes which may be requested in the plat. MEMO -FIRE MARSHAL April 4, 1988 I respec tfully request that prior to the issuance of building permits, and preferably to be shown on the final approved plat of this subdivision, that one fire hydrant be installed on Rustic Lane at Clover Ridge Avenue. This fire hydrant should be on a minimum of a six inch diameter water line. May I suggest that this water line connect to the existing water line on East Edgewood, run beside Rustic Lane and connect into the water line that feeds the existing fire hydrant on Meadowlar� dt Rustic. Its possible that this line already exists, but I did not notice on the plat . .. r ! l l Page 3 June 2, 1988 CCDD -April 28, 1988 With refe rence to subject proposed subdivision, we are enclosing a copy of the recommendation presented by our Consulting Engineer on his examination of the preliminary plat and site. We wish to call attention to the Planning and Zoning Commission that this proposed subdivision lies within a particularly sensitive area at the present time (with rega rds to drainage). Mr. Gartrell had a copy of Mr. Shumilak's recommendation picked up on April 18th. The Drainage District has not yet received an amended preliminary plat. April 18, 1988 -Consulting Engineer -CCDD -Mr. Shumilak The preliminary subdivision plat as submitted lacks the fo llowing items required by Clear Creek Drainage District for preliminary approval: B-2:There is no method proposed to control the rainfall runoff from the development. This subdivision is in an area already beset by drainage problems and the culvert identified under FM-2351 may be inadequate as it presently ex ists. B-3:No drainage easements are identified anywhere on the plat. Based on these shortcomings, it is my recommendati on that the CCDD Board of Supervisors not grant preliminary appro val until they are rectified. CCDD -May 18, 1988 At the Regular Meeting of the Clear Creek Drainage District the Board of Supervisors reviewed the plats of the proposed subject subdivision. A Preliminary ap proval was given subject to the following qualificati ons: 1.A determination of whether the easement has enoughworking room for ditch maintenance. 2.The proposed ditch may have to be deeper than twofeet (possibly three feet). A determination ofthe dept h of the culvert at FM-2351 must be made. r l Page 4 June 2, 1988 CCDD - 3.A requirement for the lots to be graded such thatthe property behind the building lines will draintoward the pr oposed ditch detention area, i.e., anyincreased run �off caused from construction mustdrain toward the back and not to roadside ditches. The City Engineer Duane Hengst submitted a list of 7 items needed to be provided before he could make a recommendation to the Planning and Zoning Commission. MOTION: (CRESS) To grant conditional preliminary approval satisfying the City Engineer and the Clear Creek Drainage District. SECOND: (TODD) VOTE: FOR: Cress, Todd Baker, Hansen, Hines and Holzschuh AGAINST: NONE ABSTAINED: BALLARD MOTION CARRIED Chairman Baker discussed with the Commission that .he would like to present to City Council Monday, June 6, 1988, the information received regarding Rustic Acres. POLLY RANCH ADDITION I Mr. Gartrell addressed the Commission regarding the platting of two half lots into 1, for obtaining of a building permit. The City of Friendswood City map shows 4 lots. Apparently from the four lots two people purchased a lot and one half each for the construction of a home leaving two half lots. The City Engineer told the Commission he has spoken with the City Attorney who advised him all 4 lots needed to be replatted, showing 4 lots becoming 3. Chairman Baker said he would address this item with Council and the City Attorney at the next Council Meeting. MR. WAIDA -QUEENS LANE AND CEDAR OAK - 3 ACRES Mr. Waida would like to subdivide the 3 acre tract into 2 or 3 lots for the construction of homes. The first 500' of Queens Lane is a City street the remainder being private. The Commission pointed out to Mr. Waida the lot entrances can not go beyond,�this point in order to obtain a building permit. f I ( l Page 5 June 2, 1988 The Commission would like the City Engineer and the Fire Marshal to review the situation for further input in regard to emergency vehicle access as well as utilities and street. MEMO -Fire Marshal I have reviewed the drawing of the proposed subdivision next to the Mary Queen Catholic Church. It is my understanding that the primary concern with this small subdivision is that it will exceed the 500 foot depth requirement for subdivision streets. I suggest the following alternatives: 1.Best Solution: Bring·all of Queen's Lane and Cedar OaksDrive to City specifications and have them accepted by the City as dedicated public streets. 2.Prepare a turn around cul-de-sac which meets the subdivisi,ordinance at the point where Queen's Lane makes a ninety degreebend. 3.Prepare Cedar Oaks Drive so that it is an all weather surfaceat least twenty feet wide until you get to within one hundredfifty feet of the furtherest point of the _last home to be built.Install one fire hydrant at the intersection of Cedarwood andCedar Oaks and one fire hydrant five hundred feet down CedarOaks from the first hydrant on a six inch main. 4.The use of the Mary Queen Catholic Church parking lot is notreally acceptable. This lot could become very full on busy daysalong with street parking on Queen's Lane which could obstructemergency vehicles from getting down Queen's Lane. The meeting was adjourned. Ruth P. Henry -Secretary