HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1975-07-10 RegularFPZC-M-7-10-75
July 10, 1975
A special meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commmssion was held
at Freindswood City Hall, 109 East Willowick, Frieddswood, Texas, on
Thursday evening, Jyly 10, 1975. Chairman Trady Spears presided.
Tracy Spears, Chairman Kenneth Fossler
Clyde Raney, Vice -Chairman
Leah North, Secretary
Bob Phillips
James B. Shore
John Tirado
Among members of the audience were the following:
T. L. Barnett, 305 Leisure Lane, 482-1539.
G. M. Barclay, 306 South Clear Creek Drive, 482-2354•
Tom"Long, 5751 ValKeith, Houston, 729-9252.
L. L. Hicks, 208 W. Edgewood Avenue, 482-1742.
Carolyn Hicks, 208 W. Edgewood Avenue, 482-1742.
R. E. Yancey, 514 Castellake, 482-2344.
Jeannette, French, 303 quaker Drive.
Ed Zeitler, #4 Emerald Circle, 482-7176.
No minutes were considered.
Kellum Mr. Robert Kellum presented a sketch of a proposed
subdivision of land and location of buildings on a
five acre tract on Cedarwood. The sketch shoed
several apparent departures from subdivision
requirements. Raney recommended that Mr. Kellum
contact his engineer and prepare a plat of the
subdivision in compiance with Subdivision Ordinance
The proposed pre -fabricated modular houses which Mr.
Kellum wishes to put in the subdivision were discussed.
Phillips expressed a concern whether they comply with
the Southern Building Code. Kellum stated that he
had a verbal approval from the Building Official. -
North was directed to cinfirm compliane or approval
by the Southern Building Code Congress.
Kellum will call when he is ready to be placed on the
agenda again.
RR-1975-6 Request by Friendswood Church of Christ to rezone
from R-1 Single Family Residential to Specific Uses
Private School/Day Care Center (Commercial), Lot One
of Leisure Lane Subvisision, 301 Leisure Lane.
Chairman Spears called the hearing to order, noting
that neither the Church of Christ nor Mr. McGee,
who wished to operate the Day Care Center, were
Mr. Tom Barnett, 305 Leisure Lane, questioned
putting a commercial venture on Church property
in an R-1 Zone. He noted that the Leasure Lane
Subdivision owners had allowed the Church of
Christ to take the two lots out of the subdivision.
He would not object to the Church starting a day sch
school. Traffic and noise could be problems.
The new location of the building is the least
Mr. Gary Barclay, of Lot 39 in Friendswood Forest,
was present to hear the Church's proposal. He
objects to a Commercial Day Care Center.
North commented that she had heard from two reliable
sources other than Mr. McGee that he was no longer
interested, that Mr. McGee was not present, whcch
seemed to substantiate the rumors, and that no fee
had been paid for the hearing. Therefore she
washed to make a motion.
MOTION WAS MADE by North, seconded by Raney, that
the request to rezone be denied.
MOTION PASSED, 5-0, with Tirado abstinning.
Fors Spears, Raney, North, Phillips, Shore.
Abstaining: Tirado.
Church of Christ Mr. Tom Long presented plans for a new location
Gymnasium for the Church of Christ gymnasium. The side
set -back was discussed, but it was agreed that
15 feet was in conformance with the zoning ordina
oriinance, since the strip of land next to the
lot was not a street at this time.
It was pointed out the a rear set -back of twenty-five
five feet was required. and so noted on the plan.
Also, drainage from the building must not be
allowed to encroach on the neighvoring lots. A
swale was marked on the plan to carry the water
to the raod ditch.
MOTOON WAS MADE by Raney, seconded by Phillips
that the plat as redlined be recommended for
I FPZC-M-7-10-75
Sewer Plant Spears recognized Mayor Ralph Lowe. Mayor Lowe
Capacities wished to inform the Commission on a growing problem
of overloading of the Friendswood Sewer plants.
With the exception of SunMeadow, the Friendswood
Sewer Plants are seriously overloaded, and no
Federal Grant is pending. He suggested that the
City Council may have to disapprove subdivisions
until such time as adequate sewere service is
provided. The Texas Water Quality Board has said
that it will look at funding two years hence.
Raney asked if he thought it would be propert to
tell people on the pre -application conference that
we have a problem. Lowe replied that the developer
could be told that he might proceed as long as he is
aware of the dituation.
Yancey S/D Mr. Richard Yancey presented a plat for pre-applicatio
"The Place" disucssion entitled "the Place" and located on
Merriewood near the intersection with Castlewood.
Deed restrictions on hte original four acre tract and
the calls for the original tract were presented.
He stated that the sewage for the read lot will be
taken care of by grinder pumps, using a l2 inch line
of Schedule 40 pipe which Sewer Supt. Toon told him
to put in. One lot was sAld out of theoriginal ti
two years ago, but has access to Merriewood. Tre
road right of way running through the water storage
area belonging to Friendswood was abandoned in 1961.
Shore noted that contour lines needed to be added.
This was agreed to.
MOTION WAS MADE by Tirado, seconded by Phillips, that
the Commission approve the pre -application.
Shore asked where we plan to draw the line on
subdivisions in regard to the sewereproblem. Yancey
answered that he had heard the earlier discussion.
Shore stated that he wanted to wait until we have a
commitment from someone on the sewer plants and
therefore will vote against it. Raney stated that he
planned to vote for it at this time, but would vote
against approval if commitment is not received.
MOTION PASSED,,4-2. For: Phillips, Tirado, Spears,
Raney. Against: Shore, North. North objected to the
twenty-six foot accss drive to the rear lot.
Da Care Center Mr. and Mrs. Ledford Hicks of 202 W. Ed cwao we e
10 W. Edgewood present to express their concern regar in he uilding
being built as a day-care center next to heir home.
Construction was started Tuesday, with the building
being placed In an R-1 zone behind the 200 foot
Commercial strip on the front of the property. They we
were concerned with why the building had been allowed
FPZC-M-2-10-75 4
in a residential zone. They are also concerned about
about the additional flooding which they may
experience because of the new ditches being dug to
drain the property. Since the new drainage was
put in at the intereection of 518 and 2351, they
have had water within two feet horizontally and
1 finches vertically of their garage.
DRIVEWAY. In addition, the driveway plans which
were being used on the job indicated that the
drive would be within five feet of the propoerty
North indicated that Mrs. Hicks had called her
on Monday or Tuesday in regard to the driveway
location, as well as the building location.
The driveway contractor had not obtained a permit,
but planned to place the drivewya at least ten
feet from the propoerty line as the Commission
had indicated. Also, the building had been
moved forward in lieu of asking for a specific
use permit in a residential zone, which would
have caused a delay. The Commission had appar-
ently overlooked the front set -back during
discussion of barious otherproblems connected with
the site.
Public Street, Mr. Hicks suestioned whether the
driveway construction would meet the specifications
required for a public thoroughfare. He asked if
there were a possibility that the entryway would
be used and expanded for access to the rear
property. He did not think that there -was enough
ground for this. Spears answered that the
Commission has requirements for public roads, -
that the application was for a private driveway,
and that the width was adeaute for that,
Hicks wanted it a matter of record that it was
not to be a public street used for access to
the development of the rear property. Raney
replied that it was already a matter of record
(on the building permit application). Spears
also assured the Hicks that there was no way it
could be a City street.
Spears will talk to the City Manager in the morning
morning in regard to the drainage and see what
can be done.
Greenbriar III James Gartrell presented proposed deed restrictions
and a check for 013.50 for preliminary approval of
Greenbriar III. Discussion was classified as
preappplication, however, since this was not the
same Greenbriar III we had looked at previously.
Drainage. Gartrell stated that originally the
previous ownerehad given a twenty foot drainage
easement to the creek along the road. There was
no advantage of his, City Engineer Heaney said