HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBOA Decisions 07/24/1973-Temporary Permit for Buildings & Equipment at Bales Nursery j CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD ®®D 109 Willowick Avenue FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS 77546 482 - 3323 May 30, 1973 I PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Friendswood Zoning Board of Adjustment will meet at the Friendswood City Hall at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 19, 1973 to consider the following items: First Baptist Church request to erect buildings of a modular construction (question of classification of permanent ; building) Brown & Root appl.ication for Temporary Permit for buildings and equipment to be located at the Bales Nursery during road construction for Highway 518. Temporary Buildings - discussion of non-permanent type buildings and procedures to coordinate the zoning ordinance criteria in this area. FRIENDSWOOD ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Mrs. Ivy Fossler, Chairman . I bh MY OF FRIENDSWOOD 109 Willowick Avenue FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS 77546 482 - 3323 May 30, 1973 o PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Friendswood Zoning Board of Adjustment will meet at the Friendswood City Hall at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 19, 1973 to consider the following items: First Baptist Church request to erect buildings of a modular construction (question of classification of permanent building) Brown & Root application for Temporary Permit for buildings and equipment to be located at the Bales Nursery during road construction for Highway 518. Temporary Buildings - discussion of.non-permanent type buildings and procedures to coordinate the zoning ordinance criteria in this area. FRIENDSWOOD ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Mrs. Ivy Fossler, Chairman bh i . .. R .. .. ._ .. - + v.f,, v."^�iti sysi p- '1'w'1.'`*. ✓ �' j-_Ix-aTCT.y"Fry^4�. t s t..`�„tT°Y�+la 1..t+5 3 '�.c tilt l., t rf r , }S,P INTEROFFICE MEMO TO: Ivy FROM: Bobbie DATE: May 30, 1973 SUBJECT: I have taken it u on m self to assign positions as indicated in the letters to Rummel and Dykes. You are Position 1 ; Bruce Foster is I osition 2• Position 5 is presently vacant. Notice has been Rosted as requested. i Brown & Root came in today and filled out application. LBC is away today but will issue Certificate tomorrow. e e erved for you. Let me now can e p ol o7rienctswood 109 WILLOWICK,FRIENDSWOOD,TEXAS 77546 482-3323 MAYOR COUNCILMEN , RALPH L.LOWE BENNY R.BAKER CITY MANAGER RALPH G.GONZALEZ JAMES C.MORGAN RICHARD L.HAKEN W I LLIAM.B.PATTON MILTON L.WINDLER May 30, 1973 e EDWARI?O.ZEITLER Mr. William Dykes 118 Imperial Drive Friendswood, Texas Dear Mr: Dykes: At a Regular Meeting on May 7, the Friendswood City Council voted' unanimously to reappoint you to Position 3 'on the Zoning Board ,of 1 Adjustment. You will recall that your original appointment on September 2, 1971 was for a one-year period. This was done: in order to stagger the new appointments with Positions 1 and 2 expiring in 1973; Positions 3, 4, and 5 expiring in 1972. Thereafter, all appointments are for F two-year terms. Your term expired on September 2, 1972, but due to the fact that no hearings were scheduled for the Board, no action was taken to fill , the position. With your acceptance of this appointment, your term of office will run retroactive from September 1972 to September 1974. ' If you are willing to serve, we would like you to be present at Council Meeting on Monday, June 4 to take the oath of office. Sincerely yours, B 4 obbie C. Henry, Ci t Secretary 1 P.S. Enclosed is notice of meeting called by your Chairman, Mrs. Fossler • �� �� ®® 109 WILLOWICK.FRIENDSWOOD,TEXAS 77546 482-3323 MAYOR COUNCILMEN RALPH L.LOWE BENNY R.BAKER CITY MANAGER RALPH G.GONZALEZ JAMES C.MORGAN RICHARD L.HAKEN WILLIAM B.PATTON MILTON L.WINDLER May 30„ 1973 , EDWARD O.ZEITLER Mr. George Rummel 805 Lexington Friendswood, Texas Dear Mr. Rummel: At a Regular Meeting on May 7, the Friendswood City Council voted unanimously to reappoint you to Position 4 on the Zoning Board of Adjustment. You will recall that your original appointment on September 2, 1971 was for a one-year period. This was done in order to stagger the new appointments with Positions 1 and 2 expiring in 1973; Positions ' 3, 4, and 5 expiring in 1972. Thereafter, all appointments are for two-year terms. Your term expired on September 2, 1972, but due to the fact that.no hearings were scheduled for the Board, no action was taken to fill the position. With your acceptance of this appointment, your term of office will run retroactive from September 1972 to September 1974... If you are willing to serve, we would like you,to be present at Council Meeting on Monday, June 4 to take the oath of office. Sincerely yours, Bobbie C. Henry, Cit Secretary t' P.S. Enclosed is notice of meeting called by your Chairman,, Mrs. Fb'ssler.- i n; MINUTES OF A MEETING-OF THE' FRIENDSWOOD ,6 Ii BOARD OF `ADJUSTMENT July 24, 1973 The following -Board Members were present at a meeting of, the Friendswood: �' Board of Adjustment on Tuesday, July 24, 1973 at the City Hall . Mrs. Ivy Fossler, Chairman Mr. George Rummel ,' Secretary Mr. Bruce Foster: Mr. William E. Dykes Mr. William Taylor, Alternate Absent: Mrs. Bernice Box The meeting was brought to order by Mrs: Fossler. The first matter of business was to pass on' a request to remodel 'a beauty i. shop at 203 East Heritage. Mrs.''Katherine Harper,. the applicant for, the.. permit presented her case.- This bearty shop is located in an R-2 District, multiple family residential :.; _ However, .the business was ,in existence before the zoning ordinance was " passeso it is a lawful use. Mrs. Harper wants to repair the buildin , P P p 9 '' inside and out, and also enclose an existing porch to make it part, of, the ,I shop.— The question was , can she legal.ly enclose the shop. Ordinance Number 174, page 14, paragraph 3a says that "no such non'-conforming . , use shall be enlarged or increased, nor extended to occupy a .greater ,area of: ,,. land than was occupied at the effective datp,of this ordinance." A motion' was made by Dykes ; seconded by Foster, that enclosing the porch'did not occupy a greater area of land. All members voted to grant the permit. ,.. The second order of business was a� reguest from Brown and Root to erect temporary buildings,,on the Bales Nursery property while they did the necessary work under their contract to lay pipe and pave 518 (Friendswood Drive)- in the. City limits. All members present voted to grant this permission. : The Chairman, Mrs. Fossler, then opened a discussion on what is meant by;a' Temporary Certificate of Zoning Compliance and where the Board of Adjustment 'has jurisdiction on such applications. After considerable discussion it was agreed that the Board of Adjustment rulings should not be based ,on thei, type of buildings to be erected but rather on the uses to which the land was , ,to be put as spelled out on pages 19, 20 and 21 of Ordinance Number 17.4. The Administrative Official who issues building permits shall make all decisions regarding structures to be erected on a Temporary Certificate as `. to compliance with the Building Code. All members present agreed .that this was the guideline which would be used on future applications for.-Temporary ' Certificates. Mrs . Fossler requested that an Alternate Chairman be elected on' our Board, who would conduct meetings at which she could not be present. Mr. Bruce Foster was elected Alternate Chairman. _ Meeting was adjourned about 8:30 P.M. .ju. Respectfully submitted, George W. Rummel ,. Secretary Friendswood Board of Adjustment �`� ,.,�, � . ,l t. t � .` �'`�� ,:, r: MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD: ' BOARD OVADJUSTMENT July 24, 1973 The following Board Members were present at a meeting of the Friendswood , . Board, of Adjustment on Tuesday, July 24, 1973 at the 4ity Hall . Mrs . Ivy Fossler, Chairman Mr. George Rummel , Secretary Mr: Bruce' Foster Mr. William E. Dykes Mr. William •Taylor, Alternate Absent:" Mrs. Bernice Box . The' meeting was brought to order by Mrs: Fossler. The first matter of business was to pass on a request- to remodel''a .beauty - shop at 203 East Heritage: . Mrs.,`•Katherine Harper,. the applicant for" the permit presented her case. ; This' bearty shop is located in an R-2 District, multiple 'family .residential`:_ _ However, .the 'business was 'in existence before the zoning ordinance: was , passed so it.'is' a .lawful use: Mrs. Harper wants to 'repair the building, inside and out, and also enclose an existing porch to make it part of.the shop..�; The question was , can she legally enclose the shop._ Ordinance Number 174, page 14, paragraph 3a says that "no such-non-conforming .,,,"',',., use shall be enlarged or increased, nor extended to occupy: a greater area of . land than was occupied at the effective date of this ordinance:'.' A motion'' y, was made by Dykes ;' seconded by Foster, that enclosing the porch "did 'not occupy a greater area of land. All members voted to grant the permit. The second order of business was a; reguest from Brown and Root to erect temporary buildings,•on the ,Bales Nursery property while they did 'the necessary .'� work under their contract to lay pipe and ,pave 518 (Friendswood Drive). in the' City -limits. All members present voted to grant this permission: . . The Chairman, Mrs. Fossler, then opened a discussion on what is meant, by aj., Temporary Certificate of-Zoning Compliance and where the Board of Adjustment' ' , has jurisdictioh' on such applications. After considerable discussion it was agreed that the Board of Adjustment rulings should not be based on the type of buildings to.be erected but rather on the uses to which the land 'was , ,to be put as spelled' out on pages 19, 20 and 21 of Ordinance Number. 174. I r The Administrative Official who issues building permits shall make all ! '' decisions regarding structures to be erected on a -Temporary Certificate 'as . to compliancewith the Building Code. All members present agreed `that this': was the .guidel.ine which would be used 0n future 'applications for Temporary. ;; Certificates . ' Mrs. Fossler requested that an Alternate Chairman be elected on our ', . Board, who would conduct meetings at which she could -not be present. , Mr. Bruce Foster was elected Alternate Chairman. Meeting was adjourned about 8:30 P.M. . Respectfully submi tttd, George W. Rummel , Secretary Friendswood Board of Adjustment :d 6 CORRECTION TO MINUTES OF THE FRIENDSWOOD BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 6, 1973 The last paragraph on page 2 of the above subject minutes should be changed to read as follows : The Secretary was instructed to write Mr. Simpson a letter giving him the details of our decision. One of the details is that Mr. Simpson must apply for and obtain his Certificate of Compliance and Building Permit before Decem- ber 31 , 1973. Respectfully. submitted, George W, Rummel , Secretary Friendswood Board of Adjustment GWR:mw cc: Planning Commission Mayor I City Manager City Administrator Membgrs of Board of Adjustment File I CITY OF FRIE DSWOOT) 109 Willowick Avenue FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS 77546 482 . 3323 September 24, 1973` - f Mr. W. R. Simpson 208 Carey Lane Friendswood, Texas 77546 Dear Mr. Simpson: This letter will confirm to you the action taken by the Friandswood Board of Adjustment on Thursday, September 6, 1973 . After hearing your testimony and that of the two members of the Planning and Zonir_g CbmAssion, we voted unanimously to reverse the decision of the Planning and Zoning Commission and allow you to apply for a Gor.tificate 1. of Compliance to build apartments-on property you own at the intersection of Winding Way and FM 528 . We are notifying the Planning Commission and. Cl ty Manager of this action with a copy of this letter. The Board of Adjustment vote in your favor was contingent on your applying for, and receiving, the Certificate of Compliance and Building Permit before- December 31, 1973. It is understood that you must comply.- with the Friendswood _ regulations in all respects before:. these two documents are issued, with the one exception our Board has made allowing apartments- on this land that is zoned C=2 Commercial District. We suggest you make your applications as soon as possible so that the people who issue same will have ample time t6 take action. Yours very truly, George V. Rummel, Secretary �T -Friendswood Board of Adjustment GWR:pr cc :Plann g Commission Mayor City Manager City Administrator File