HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBOA Decisions 07/16/1974-303 Morningside 1 I PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIQE".HEARING - FRIENDSWOOD ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT TUESDAY - JULY 16, 1974 - 7:30 P.M. _ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PUBLIC HEARING WILL .BE HELD IN THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY HALL FOR THE PURCHASE OF HEARING REQUESTS FOR VARIANCES BY: (1 ) Mr. & Mrs. .J. T. Wilcoxen 303 Morningside Friendswood, Texas (2) Mrs. Janice Hill Box 197 .._ Friendswood, Texas _ George W. Rummel , Secretary FriendsW od Board Of Adjustment ' MINUTES OF FRIENDSWOOD BOARD ,OFf ADJUSTMENT MEETING = Tuesday - July 16 1974 - 7:30 P.M. G � Members Present: Mr. Bruce Foster - Co-Chairman Mr. George Rummel - Secretary Mr. W. H. Taylor Mrs. Bernice Box Members Absent: Mrs. Ivy Fossler - Chairman- Mr. William Dyhes Mr. -Ray Nelson 'The meeting was brought to order at 7:30 by Mr. Foster, who acted as- chairman for the evening. The first case was Mr. and Mrs . J. T. Wilcoxen, who live at 303 Morningside,. (see letter from Mrs. Leah North, attached). The Wilcoxen's home is a 12' x 60' mobile home. They want to build a room on the back side to be used as an extra bedroom because Mrs. Wilcoxen's mother, has moved in, with them. Mrs. Wilcoxen gave her age as 78 and her mothers as 93. Mrs. .North, who wrote the attached letter, was present at-our meeting. It was her -contention that since the Zoning Administration ,. (Mr. Cline) had ,approved the addition, the only. thing the Board of Adjustment need decide on was a variance in the distance from the rear property line to the new addition. Some members of the Board took the stand that this mobile home is a non-conforming structure, since it is in an area where mobile homes are not allowed except-those already i6'place when the zoning ordinance was passed and that the Zoning Administration could not approve the-additional room. Section 6,, paragraph 4a, page 15 of Ordinance 174 says: "No such non-conforming structure may be enlarged or altered in,-a way which increases its. non-conformity." ; -After considerable discussion, motion made by Rummel , seconded by Taylor, that the variance be approved allowing the Wilcoxens to add this room. The reasons -.for approval were that no persons appeared to object to this addition, the City Building Inspectior and Zoning-- Administrator has approved same and approved would not be contrary to the public interest. Motion passed unanimously. Case number 2 is a request to put a mobile home or travel trailer on the Sunmeadow County Club property near the cart barn. This unit would be used as living quaters by a man, .Mr. Jeff Nelson, so that he could act as security guard. See the letter attached written by Mrs. Janice Hill as to why they. need -thi s guard. Mrs. Hill stated verbally that she has secured .approval from Mr. Matoesian, Sunmeadow Civic Club President and Mr. William ,Crawford, owner of Sun Meadow Development Company to 'have this unit pn the i Page 2 z property. Its location would be such that it could not be seen by the residents of Sun Meadow. Mr. Taylor made the motion that this variance be approved because there was no-other way to cut down on the vandalism and there were no objections from the residents. Seconded by Rummel , motion carried unanimously. is Mrs. Box raised the question of who were the active members of r' the Board of Adjustment. Some members terms may have expired while others had not attended any meetings in several months. Also, some members- said they would like to have a resume of the cases to be considered in advance so they could make abetter decision on same. =� It was agreed that Mr. Foster would call a meeting of the Board in .� the. near future to consider these matters. Motion made by Taylor, seconded by„ Box that the meeting be adjourned. Respectfully Submitted, George 'Rummel , Secretary Friendswood- Board of Adjustment r , 1 CITY OF FRIENDSWOOlp f 109 Willowick Avenue FRIENDSW00D, TEXAS 77546 ' • 482 -3323 August 9, 1974 >' Mr.', & Mrs. J. T. Wi l coxen 303 Mornigside 3 Fri:endswood, Texas 77546 Dear Mr' & Mrs ' Wi 1 coxen: This letter will 'confirm action taken by the Fri endswood Board of Adjustment at their meeting on July 16, ,1974. ' You request .. r permission to add a bedroom to the back of your mobile home, at , -' ,,,'.,303 Morni gsi de, which would be several feet. closer`to the back,- property line than- 'the ordinance allows. The Board of:Adjustment approved this variance and this letter is . to notify you. that this room may be added, providing the Building . Department 'approves 'your plans: Very truly yours, ' George. W. Rummel , Secretary ' Friendswood Board of Adjustment `.k. GWR:dd j ; cc: Mrs. Bernice Box ';f. .. ..