HomeMy WebLinkAboutKFB Minutes 2019-08-27Keep Friendswood Beautiful Meeting Minutes August 27, 2019 Sherry Goen Natasha McAdoo Michael Fernandez Brandee Fernandez Patty Steinke Shawn Potter Dianna Hall Cheryl Sauls Kaye Corey Paul Marx Tim Anderson Brent Bell Betty Moreno Mary Wise Justin Estopinal James Toney, Director of Parks and Recreation Katy Blanchard, Staff Lisa Lindquist, P & Z Liaison Recycle Club Stephanie Reddick, Guest 1. Call to order: Meeting was called to order 6:31pm. 2. Discussion. Approval July 23, 2019 minutes: Shawn made a motion to approve the minutes as presented, Patty second the motion and the motion was passed unanimously. 3. Communication/Guest: Recycle Club Stephanie Reddick attended the meeting, new to Friendswood, likes planting, and teaches at Cline. Recycle Club attended, they informed the board that they collect cans and collecting bottle tops and sorting tomorrow after school, meet at Ms., Woodley’s classroom collect recycle bins throughout the schools and separate and sort cans, bottle tops and plastic bottles. Bottles, cans and markers which to go the Ronald McDonald house, donated them to Crayola, use can liners and hand sanitizer, gloves and recycle bins. They choose a recycler of the week someone who shows initiative, they awarded a gift card from local fast food restaurants. Mary stated that they pick thru trash, soda, milk and other items, they spend a lot time sorting. Cans are taken to be recycled, they give a trash trophy to a teacher weekly. Right now, we have 20 leaders; they get service hours for staying after school. Paper is being mixed in with the recycle materials. Advertise to students to sort their recyclables. They are no longer picking up paper recycling. James stated that at their monthly FISD meeting on not having the recycle container being picked up. James gave FISD the contact information to FISD. They meet every Wednesday afternoon. Club needs hand sanitizer, packing tape and gloves. James asked if they could get a number or what their needing. Patty made a motion to spend $300 on hand sanitizer, gloves and packing tape, Shawn second the motion and it was approved unanimously. Natasha asked to submit their reporting to the board when they can. 4. Volunteer hours: Natasha stated that the board doing a great job in submitting their numbers. 5. Committee Reports: A. Executive Committee/Natasha McAdoo Labor Day Social Updates: Michael stated set up is at the Perry Home on Friday, 3-5 please sign up if you are available. National Planting Day: September 7th, Susan volunteered to plant some new items in the garden and answer questions about the garden 9-10am. Katy suggested going live on FB to answer questions. Santa in the Park: December 14th, thinking about having a booth and hiding elf’s in the garden. Have volunteers in the garden to educate them. Fairy Trail: Natasha showed the board a fairy trail and maybe we can get one of these in Stevenson and OCP. We can use this as an educational piece for Friendswood. Sherry recommend high school students to help with this project. Grant Information Gathering: Natasha will be sending out questions about the grant. B. Keep Texas Beautiful/Michael Fernandez: Adopt a Spot Clean up Summary: Michael stated KFB did adopt a spot cleanup on August 10th, picked up bags of trash. Michael also got information on some grants that are available on the KTB website. C. Public Awareness/Brandee Fernandez Social Media Updates: Brandee stated our Facebook is up to 2,789 likes, a 32 percent increase. Mural has the most likes, photo contest, ribbon cutting. Photo contest winner was a high school student. Kids loved the beach balls at Movie in the Park. D. Education/Sherry Goen: Sherry did a board member training for the board. Sherry stated she went online for the curriculum for the environmental education 4, 7 8th grade. Gives us a smaller group to focus on. Monarch Butterfly workshop set a date possibly in October. Kaye suggested September 28th. October 5th. Natasha stated that Lisa does a class at the Sparky Elephant; she makes tote bags out of feedbags. Reusable grocery bags. Patty has offered to donate a $100 gift card to pay for five people. Possibly the first week of November. Classes are Tuesday or Saturdays, November 2nd. E. Beautification/Kaye Corey Pollinator Garden Project Update: Kaye stated ribbon cutting was August 9th, was a good experience, National planting day on Sept. 7th at 9am, no nitrogen in our soil. Water has leach a lot of our nitrogen from our bed. Fertilizer will be added to the bed. Smart weed, grows in swamps. Cut back the milkweed, we have a historical plant in the garden, Penta peete, originally planted by Thomas Jefferson; it is a mallow meaning it reseeds, it is 4ft tall and blooming red. We have a new pump in the water feature. High grass reported to Code enforcement, Tannos property, by the library. Educational program at the library this Saturday, Growing Citrus in the Gulf Coast Area. Matching Grant: Funds have been moved to next fiscal year, due to construction on Blackhawk. Business Beautification Update: Shawn stated she did not have a lot to report, put it up closer to the building. Katy stated that she is working on a new sign. Next quarter looking at Insurance building on FM2351 or the Beldon. F. Park/FEDC Report/Paul Marx: Past 3 meetings has been dedicated with lighting. Dog Park: Grand opening for the dog park. Bond proposal has been presented to the city Environmental action survey, 100 people responded, information on bins would be a good informational post. G. Median Maintenance/Updates: No updates 7. New Business: New tri folds for KFB suggestions. 300, @ $321 for promotion info for KFB. Hats for KFB, Blue or navy. 8. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 8:24 Approved by: Kimberly Ramirez Date: September 24, 2019