HomeMy WebLinkAboutKFB Minutes 2019-04-23Keep Friendswood Beautiful
April 23, 2019
Board Meeting Minutes
Natasha McAdoo
Patty Steinke
Susan Stephens
Kaye Corey
Justin Estopinal
Tim Anderson
Sherry Goen
Brent Bell
Michael Fernandez
Brandee Fernandez
Todd Mendenhall
Shawn Potter
Sally Branson, Council Liaison
Kimberly Ramirez, Staff
Katy Blanchard, Staff
James Toney, Staff
Cheryl Sauls, visitor
Dianna Green Hall, visitor
1. Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 6:34 p.m.
2. Discussion/Approval of March 26, 2019 Minutes: Shawn made a motion to approve
the minutes as second, Patty, second the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
3. Communication: Guest Cheryl attended the meeting.
4. Volunteer Hours: Natasha asked board to submit their volunteer hours.
5. Committee Reports
**Executive Committee Natasha McAdoo:
Sign up for Future KFB events: 4th of July parade, Natasha sent out a signup sheet for
those interested in participating in the parade. Justin volunteered to be Figgy in the
Spring Sparkle Report: Kimberly informed the board of numbers from the spring sparkle
event. 67.99 tons of garbage was collected, 6530 of Electronic recycling, 392lbs of
Textile recycling and we brought in $389 dollars from the garage sale.
Summer Bucket List: Diana and Natasha are working on this.
**Keep Texas Beautiful Michael Fernandez: We’re looking at some grants and helping
Keep Santa Fe Beautiful with their garden.
Gold Star Affiliate: KFB was awarded as the gold star affiliate from KTB.
**Public Awareness/Brandee Fernandez:
Photo Contest Update- Brandee stated the photo contest started slow, Mary will help
and will share with students.
Social Media updates: Brandee stated we have 2532 page likes, and recently an
additional 42. The artwork in Stevenson park post was the most engaging post, 2nd most
engaging post was s
Sherry Goen Day. On Instagram the top post was the Pollinator garden, 2nd was Sherry
Goen day.
**Education Sherry Goen:
Spring Workshop Numbers: We had 2 recent events the Container Workshop, 85
participants, Kaye Corey and Karolyn Gephardt presented and put together containers
on the spot, workshop was well received and very informative. Earth day at Mary
Queen, there were 15 to 20 booths, Figgy participated as well.
**Parks: James Toney informed the board on the pool project, we will open the pool by
the end of this month.
Old City Park, is delayed since the same contractor that we’re using at the pool is
working the dog park too.
**Environmental Action: Tim and Brent presented information on the recycling numbers
for Friendswood, National average is 30%, and Friendswood is currently 13%.
Contamination rate is at 32%, National average is 25%. China has stopped taking
recycling material. Recycling cost has increased. Boards would like to send a survey
out, when we receive results; board will establish how KFB can increase recycling
numbers and recycling quality.
Pollinator garden: Kaye stated we have done most of the initial planting, post had to be
dug for the arbor, and electrical wires were damaged but are currently repaired. Soil
that was taken away will be replaced by Larry, Ted Clements has built the arbor, and
lattice will be installed soon. A bird bath has been added; tube from irrigation can go
to that so it can be filled, then we’ll put in mulch. Signage is being worked on. Sherry is
working on an educational brochure. The project has no end. We’ll need volunteers to
help with that. Project will be certified as a Monarch Waystation, the more certifications
we get the more credentials it will have. Basketballs are breaking the plants; we’re
looking at adding a fence on that side to protect the plants.
Matching grant: There have been some inquiries but no applications have been
submitted as of today.
Pop up signs: Talked to Cathy about the signs as well as the unmaintained landscapes
on FM518.
Business beautification update: Shawn will present the award to DC Photography next
week. Shawn suggested having a few preapproved properties on the list. We’re getting
a list for past winners as well. Right now we do not have guidelines on the award; Katy
suggested creating some new guidelines.
**Median Maintenance: Work set to start on the FM518 medians in 2020.
**New Business: Susan stated we had our first Adopt a Highway cleanup, this was our
first cleanup which we did in coordination with the Don’t Mess with Texas Trash Off, we
had 4 students, one high school student, work an hour and a half on that Saturday,
Monday and Tuesday we cleaned up as well, and picked up over 1,000 cigarette butts.
The most unusual things that were found were building debris and Easter candy
shipping boxes. Volunteer, Wanda Murphy, helped us water the pollinator garden, she
also helped picked up trash during the cleanup. Susan suggested only use adults for
the Adopt a Highway clean up in the future.
Natasha stated we’re not having a June meeting due to 4th of July; we’re passing
around a t-shirt sign up. Budget, we have around $1500 left over in our budget. Patty
informed the board that Screech owl houses are scheduled for next month. Kaye
informed us that Larry has donated solar lighting for the pollinator garden.
6. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:55pm.
Approved by:
Kimberly Ramirez
May 28, 2019