HomeMy WebLinkAboutKFB Minutes 2019-03-26Keep Friendswood Beautiful
Board Meeting Minutes
March 26, 2019
Brandee Fernandez
Michael Fernandez
Patty Steinke
Betty Moreno
Jeff Smith
Shawn Potter
Kaye Corey
Sherry Goen
Leslie Perlata
Todd Mendenhall
Justin Estopinal
Sally Branson, Council Liaison
Natasha McAdoo, Chair
James Toney, Director of Parks and Recreation
Kimberly Ramirez, Staff
Katy Blanchard, Staff
Nicholas Pollack, Guest Recycle Club
Lauren, Guest Recycle Club
Lisa Lundquist, P & Z liaison
Diana Green Hall, Guest
1. Called to order: Called to order at 6:30
2. Discussion/Approval of February 26, 2019 minutes: Sherry made a motion to approve
the minutes as presented, Patty second the motion and the motion was passed unanimously.
3. Communications/Guest: Recycle Club members attended the meeting to inform the board
of what they actually do during a weekly basis. They collect all of the bins throughout school,
and sort for 30 to 40 minutes, and usually collect 11 bags of bottles per week. They also recycle
markers, send them to Crayola. Caps go to the Ronald McDonald house. They use the same
liners for tarps on the floor to keep floor clean and use for collection. The recycle club is looking
for more resources which are gloves, can liners and hand sanitizer. The students in the club
love what they’re doing it’s a great way to connect with friends and do the right thing. Kaye
made a motion to spend $400 for the recycle club supplies, Shawn second the motion and the
motion passed unanimously. Guest, Diana Green attended the meeting and is interested in
becoming a volunteer for KFB.
A. Volunteer Hours:
Committee Reports: Turn in committee reports
Executive Committee/Natasha McAdoo
Sign Ups for Future KFB Events
State of the City: Kimberly showed the board items KFB will have at their table for State of the
City Council: Attend the council meeting on April 1st, presentation to council. The board
was encouraged to attend the council meeting; the Mayor will do a proclamation to Sherry Goen
that day as well.
Spring Sparkle: Spring Sparkle is April 13th, if you haven’t signed up please plan on attending.
4th of July: Natasha stated, if you want to do this please sign up, we need a trailer. Todd
suggested on having a tractor. Todd stated he has a 20ft trailer. Kids can be the munchkins.
Summer bucket list: Saw this at a conference a couple years ago, a program call Nature
Rocks. Kids spend an average of 7 hrs. Of screen time a day. Encourage people to twirl around
in the gazebo, watch a sunset. Would also like to create a hashtag for this project.
KTB/Michael Fernandez: Spring Sparkle, Houston/Galveston Bayou Cleanup, their having it
this Saturday. Pearland actually does their own clean up their waterways. Youth and Educator
awards deadline this weekend. Another webinar is coming up that Pearland is doing soon thru
KTB. Santa Fe is the affiliate of the month this month for KTB. Would like to have KFB be the
affiliate of the month.
Public awareness: Brandee stated that our increase on Facebook is 4% over next month,
10% increase on Instagram. Our most popular post is the Container gardening is #1,
Beautification award for Lary’s is second, and pollinator garden is the 3rd one.
Photo contest: Photo contest is schedule to start on April 15th. Our photo contest sponsors
are HomeTown Bank, Perry’s, Gimme a Bark and JJ’s car wash.
Social Media Update: Michael suggested doing a Mayors Mikes Minute for KFB.
Education: Container garden program is April 6th, starts at 10:30, Sherry stated we’re giving
away 3 container gardens in a raffle.
Training modules: April 14th Mary Queen is having their annual earth day event from 8:30-
11:30. We want to put educational material, in a folder, we can give out when were at
community meetings. Sherry made a motion to spend $300 on white folders for an educational
hand out, Patty second the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
Beautification: Kaye stated that she would like the back of signs to be landscaped at the
Pearland entrance sign, she contact Kim on having the property by Bayou Garden Florist
mowed and Walgreens mowed as well and both those lots have been mowed. Curb on 518 by
the museum to be fixed. Kaye requested a mural to be painted on the Stevenson park wall,
Kimberly will follow up with that request. Popup signs that we’re seeing everywhere, putting
them into the right always, we need them taken down. KFB requested to volunteer to help the
city remove the signs. Kimberly will get with Code Enforcement to see if that is an option. Kaye
stated that 20 years we want a street sweeper. Kimberly informed the board that we currently
have a contract on street sweeping TxDot roads in Friendswood. Look into a Decision
packages, Sally Branson inform the board that the Texas Music Fest uses Megan Jacobs to
clean up the lot at Captains Corner. Pollinator garden; we’re buying plants, planting and
watering, Larry will be installing solar lighting soon. We need volunteers twice a month to weed
beds, junior gardeners planting this past weekend. Additions we are looking at adding benches,
bird bath, and an education area. Hoses will be put back in when we’re finished planting.
Matching Grant, Kaye stated I got one call from a lady in Hidden Cove. They’re not sure if their
ready yet. Business beautification, Shawn stated that the last award was presented Lary’s
designs. Shawn requested a list of last year winners. Shawn made a motion to award the 2nd
quarter recipient to DC Stanley photography, Patty second the motion and the motion was
passed unanimously.
Parks: James informed the board, the pool in under renovation, buildings will be installed on
Friday. The giant palm trees at the pool, we were able to relocate them to the dog park. Bob
Kessel donated 15 to 16 foot full grown trees that will be installed at the dog park this week.
Dog Park still currently under construction. Dog art work will be installed next week at animal
control. Canoe launch, Sally it’s still on their radar they were behind due to the rain but will be
coming soon. Bird houses and bat houses will be installed next month,
Environmental action: Friendswood is recycling 13%, nationally is about 30%. Try to identify
more information thru a survey.
Medians: Natasha stated that we met with Ethan with TxDot, he was very apologetic. He
offered to redo all of the medians, he asked for grandiose and our simple idea, we all decided to
go with adding 4 to 5 ft. of brick at the end caps for a nice uniformed look, and plants. It was
worth the wait.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15p.m.
Approved by:
Kimberly Ramirez
April 23, 2019