HomeMy WebLinkAboutKFB Minutes 2019-01-22Keep Friendswood Beautiful Board Meeting Minutes January 22, 2019 Betty Moreno Susan Stephens Kaye Corey Sherry Goen Patty Steinke Natasha McAdoo Michael Fernandez Todd Mendenhall Jeff Smith Ashley Mannschreck Brandi Fernandez Paul Marx Tim Anderson Lisa Lundquist, P & Z Liaison James Toney, Director of Parks and Recreation Katy Blanchard, Staff Kimberly Ramirez, Staff 1. Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 6:33pm 2. Discussion/Approval of November 27, 2018 minutes: Natasha made a motion to approve the minutes as presented, Susan seconds the motion and the motion was passed unanimously. 3. Communications/Guest A. Volunteer Hours: Sherry informed the group to turn them in. B. Committee Reports (Oral and Written) **Executive Committee-Sherry Goen: **Simple Recycling Program and Implementation: The program will start on March 4th; mailers will go to the residents the week before. **2018 Governor’s Community Achievement Award Grant: The executive committee is working on the grant now. State of the City Luncheon/Presentation Table: We are present at the State of the City, will be giving away garden tools, mats or shovels. Todd made a motion to purchase garden mats for State of the City in the amount of $200, Betty second the motion and the motion passed unanimously. KFB Calendar: The sales for the calendar were very low this year, Kaye made a motion to suspend the calendar sale, Patty second the motion and the motion passed unanimously, Consideration of Presentation by Ron Cox on Plans for Downtown: Ron will make a presentation on the new branding for Downtown Friendswood at next month’s meeting. Keep Texas Beautiful/Susan Stephens: We’re looking at applying for the community grants on April 13th. We have an adopted a highway now at Eagle Lakes. We’re looking at having the recycle club helps us out as well; first cleanup is scheduled during Spring Sparkle. **Public Awareness-Natasha McAdoo: 2018 recap on social media, we have 2091 followers, 23% increase over last year. The most popular post was the pollinator garden, new mural, pollinator garden, downtown decorating contest. We’re now on Instagram and have 177 followers, working on a youth intern for social media. We’re looking for sponsors for photo contest, **Education-Patty Steinke (Spring Workshop): Patty stated the spring workshop is still scheduled, Feb 2nd we’re going to have a table. Susan and Kaye will help at the table. April 6th presentation at the library. Plant sale is February 16th. **Beautification/Kaye Corey-James stated that Parks has been added sod to the gazebo drive in Stevenson Park. Parks will be watering the sod. Kaye stated that soil was added at the pollinator garden, rocks have been added and the water feature has been added as well. The electrical will be turned on soon. Anthony at Barber nursery in Alvin has donated plants to KFB for the pollinator garden. The arbor has started being built; Katy is going to do our signs for us. Susan and Kaye have planted bluebonnet seed. Pollinator Garden Project Update **Parks: The dog park is coming along and hopes its ready this year, there will be a doggie splash pad and Old City, a pavilion and restroom building will be built soon, everything is finally coming together. **Environmental Action: Michael informed the board that Friends Uncorked was happy to receive the quarterly beautification award. Keep your eyes out for the next quarter recipient. Michael and Brandee will be at the recycle club tomorrow. C. Median Maintenance: FM2351 job is completed. FM518 is still on hold. D. Keep Friendswood Beautiful: **Santa in the Park Update: Even with the bad weather, the event went very well. The entire layout was moved to the Fire Station parking lot and behind City Hall. Sherry stated that staff did an outstanding job with the last minute move of the event, everything turned out great. **Tree giveaway update: Tree giveaway is going on rain or shine, behind city hall. 4. New Business: Susan stated she is resigning as vice chair and will still be on the board thru the Fall, Sherry is resigning as well as chair and will stay on thru the end of the year. Jeff made a motion to approve Natasha as the new chair, and Michael and Patty as the co-chairs Susan second the motion and the motion was approved unanimously. 5. Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 7:24p.m. Approved by: Kimberly Ramirez Date: February 26, 2019