HomeMy WebLinkAboutKFB Minutes 2018-09-25Keep Friendswood Beautiful
Meeting Minutes
September 25, 2018
Board members in attendance:
Susan Stephens
Todd Mendenhall
Tim Anderson
Patty Steinke
Kaye Corey
Mary Wise
Jeff Smith
Shawn Potter
Natasha McaDoo
Leslie Perlata
Brandee Fernandez
Michael Fernandez
Paul Marx
James Toney, Director of Parks and Recreation
Kimberly Ramirez, Staff
Sally Branson, Council Liaison
Betty Moreno, Visitor
1. Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 6:32p.m.
2. Discussion/Approval August 28, 2018 Minutes: Jeff made a motion to approve the minutes as
presented, Susan second the motion and the motion was approved unanimously.
3. Communication/Guest: Sherry informed the board that Betty Moreno, a visitor and potential board
member is back joining us for the meeting, board welcomed her.
4. Volunteer hours: Sherry informed the board that we have 1400 for the year so far, please turn in
your hours to her.
5. Committee Reports:
Executive Committee:
Simple Recycling Program Approval: Mary made a motion to approve recommending the Simple
Recycling program to City Council and offer this free textile recycling program to Friendswood residents,
Susan second the motion and the motion was approved unanimously. Sherry stated it would be
something good for Friendswood, The program is free and I think it would be a win, win.
Stevenson Park Art Sculpture and Fig Trees: Sherry stated their doing a sculpture in Stevenson Park on
the corner of Shadwell and FM518, it will be install on Oct 17. Fig trees will be planted after the art
sculpture will be planted.
Keep Texas Beautiful/Susan Stephens: Registered for the Fall Sweep in conjunction with Fall Haul.
Public Awareness/Natasha: Sept 2017, we had 2023 followers that’s a 28 percent increase. We started
an Instagram account today. Most popular post was the Fall Banners, second was Heritage Gardeners
winning the grant. Downtown Christmas decorating contest, we’re planning on talking to downtown
business 3 weeks before Thanksgiving. Chiquita resigned from the board due to an ill family member.
Education/Patty Steinke: Patty stated, with the help of Betty we’re going to write a bird article and
forward to Kimberly for publication. Send to the reporter as well. Have another speaker come and talk
about container gardening. Kaye is going to check with Master Gardeners. Construct container gardens,
wish list on materials they needed and have door prizes. Could cost around $40-$75. Texas Commission
of Environmental Quality, contact Patty when they come in. Use info to publicize on our FB or website.
Beautification/Kaye Corey: Pollinator garden had to be designed and locations, due to the proposed
carousel, it’s across the sidewalk in Stevenson Park fence. Met with city workers on irrigation and
electricity and we moved a small tree off the site, we went to Joshua’s and purchased a water feature.
We have secured a builder to build an arbor, and we are writing a grant and the timeline starts in
November. Texas New Mexico asked if we win they want to be part of the project as volunteers to help
build the project. We hope to start the soil layout October or November. Tree giveaway, which will be in
January we would like to propose to have an educational seminar before we giveaway the trees, since
we’re purchasing the trees we would like to educate the public before we give them away Justin with
Friendswood Firewood will give the seminar. Todd is in charge of selecting the trees. Sherry suggested
to create a subcommittee on the event.
Parks update: Paul stated the pool restrooms will be on the agenda, new lifeguard building as well. City
purchased additional property for more parking. 1776 Park, most of it is FEMA buyout property. The
Galveston County Drainage district is turning it into a detention area, will have a walking trail going
around it. Mary asked if there’s any type of drawing on this, James stated no. Timeline? James stated no.
Stevenson, city will be installing security cameras in the park and monitored by the police department
and will be starting this next month. 1776 Park, drainage district will be putting in a canoe launch, joint
project with the city and the Friendswood Rotary club. FDEDC, landscape architect, 5.3 million dollars
for improvements to the downtown area including brick pavers, street lights and decorative signage.
Applied for a grant thru HGAC, if we do get it, it will pay for 80% of the project. Next month, branding
of the downtown area will be on the next council agenda. Sally stated Oct 21st, Rotary Regatta is
scheduled at the 1776 new canoe launch and will end in Countryside Park in League City. She informed
the board for more information or to register to go Rotary Regatta.com.
Environmental Action: Michael stated that they’re going to meet with Katy next month on getting
together with the recycle club and we’ll need to find another business for the beautification award.
Possibly Ranchos, Friends Pub or Lary’s Florist.
6. Median Maintenance: Sherry stated that they will be laying sod in Stevenson in a couple weeks,
before the fall events start. Color in Stevenson will start in October. FM2351 sod will start in November
or next year. FM518, we’re at the mercy of TX dot, cleanup has started with clearing weeds.
7. Santa in the Park: We’re go for Santa in the park, we’re starting to get sponsors, and Kimberly has
secured 60 of the 70 vendors she needs to get. Everyone that participate last year are coming back for
this year’s event. Nov 5-11th start with Christmas decorations outside, for the inside the company has
asked for $3,000 to decorate the interior. Kimberly and Katy will decorate the trees, KFB offered to
8. Fall Haul: Nov 10th, Kimberly has secured electronic recycling this year. We confirmed a shredder as
10. New Business: KFB was such a hit at the ice cream social, they have been invited again to
participate next year. Board accepted the invitation, Sherry will report back to them that we’re in.
11. Adjournment: Meeting is adjourned at 7:2pm
Approved by:
Kimberly Ramirez
October 23, 2018