HomeMy WebLinkAboutKFB Minutes 2018-11-27Keep Friendswood Beautiful Meeting Minutes November 27, 2018 Sherry Goen Paul Marx Todd Mendenhall Leslie Peralta Tim Anderson Kaye Cory Betty Moreno Susan Stephens Michael Fernandez Brandee Fernandez Sally Branson, Council Liaison Natasha McAdoo Patty Steinke James Toney, Director of Parks and Recreation Michael Boyett, Staff Katy Blanchard, Staff 1. Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 6:32p.m. 2. Discussion/Approval October 23, 2018 Susan made a motion to approve the minutes as presented, Patty second the motion and the motion was approved unanimously. 3. Communication/Guest: 4. Volunteer Hours: Sherry asked the board to turn in their volunteer hours. 5. Committee Reports Executive Committee: *Simple Recycling: Sherry reports that council has decided to table to program. Sherry invited the board to come to the council meeting to show council the support that KFB has for the program. KFB will be present to help answer questions and concerns. Show how important textile recycling is now days with the change in fashion people get rid of clothes sooner. We need to be able to show these numbers for the KTB grant because we are up against cities with recycling centers and large companies with recycling programs. The simple recycling truck is not a large garbage truck it’s a utility van and no accidents have been reported since being in the Houston Area. Recycling is big in Friendswood and textile recycling should be too. In short, we should be taking as many measure as we can as a city to help recycle. *Scout Patches: Katy gave the board a patch example to the board. They liked it. *KFB Holiday Party: December 20- The invitations were given out and the meal signup went around. *Creek Cleanup: Sally has brought up doing a creek cleanup in conjunction with the FVFD since they have boats. Pick up trash in the water and on the banks. It could also be used for our grant. Keep Texas Beautiful/Susan Stephens Reports that she is going to the KTB Regional Training in Katy *Fall Sweep/Fall Haul (November 10th): Sherry reports the numbers that were collected at Fall Haul 620 cars, 5,000+lbs of electronics, $901 garage sale. Electronic recycling was a success and the shredding was full. Public Awareness/Natasha McAdoo: *Holiday Decorating Contest: Natasha reports that there has not been much participation. She explained to the board the changes we made to the contest. If we do not see much more participation, we will try to advertise some of the people who have put up lights. *Social Media Update 135 Instagram followers. Natasha explained we are taking on a new youth Instagram “intern” to have someone help attract the youth. Most popular post reached 2,000+ people. Education/Patty Steinke: *Spring Workshop: We are set for the container gardener for April 6 at 10:00am at the library. Karolyn Gephardt will be presenting and Master Gardeners will be collaborating with us. Katy says she will get a flyer together for the event. *Bird house update: Patty asked when we be able to move forward with the birdhouses and James Toney said it would be closer to spring. Beautification/Kaye Corey: *Pollinator Garden Update: Kaye reports that the garden is moving along. The soil, path, and edging has been done. Larry Jones in donating time a materials for the Pollinator Garden. The water was installed and donated by Cornerstone. Bluebonnet seed will go in as soon as possible because they need to go in during the fall and possibly in the spring. The arbor is being built and installed in January. The timeline has been extended into the spring because some plants can’t be planted in the winter. *Tree Giveaway-January 19: Todd tell the board all the different trees that are available to us for the Tree Giveaway. The board votes to get the Drummond Maple, Kay Paris Magnolia, Chinese Fringe, and Live Oak. Parks/FDEDC Report/Paul Marx: Update: Paul reports Parking lot at the Old City park is almost finished and will be ready for Santa in the Park. James Toney lets the board know that there will be surveillance cameras in Stevenson Park and eventually throughout all parks. He reminded the board that the disc golf course will hopefully be relocated between Stevenson and Old City Park. *FDEDC: Paul is working with Planning and Zoning to standardize the consistency lighting in the downtown district. He mentions that they are looking into making the light specifications an ordinance. Sherry expresses that in the past we have come up with the lighting and sidewalk criteria and those selections were made for concrete reasons. So he plans to work with Planning and Zoning to help with the issue of inconsistency. Environmental Action/ Michael Fernandez: *Business Beautification Award: Michael reports that we have the awards and it will be presented soon. *Recycling Club: Michael and Brandee will go to deliver more goodies to the club tomorrow 6. Median Maintenance: James Toney reports that we have gotten continued complaints about the 2351 medians. Specifically, the rose bushes. He said we would look into removing more rose bushes from the medians. Sherry mentions we need to consider these complaints with redoing the 518 medians to prevent future complaints. She asked for people to come up with more “Driver friendly” suggestions of plants to go in the 518 medians. 7. Santa in the Park *Sign-Up Sheet: Sherry went to each sign up and asked people to sign up. *KFB Booth? Scratch the booth and using the Volunteer booth. There was suggestion to add lights to the volunteer and ticket booth tent. 8. New Business: None 9. Adjournment: Patty motions to adjourn. Natasha second the motion meeting was adjourned at 8:13 PM. Approved by: Kimberly Ramirez Date: January 22, 2019