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HomeMy WebLinkAboutKFB Minutes 2017-06-27Keep Friendswood Beautiful
Board Meeting
June 27, 2017
Board members in attendance
Sherry Goen
Tammy Zurwaski
Natasha McAdoo
Todd Mendenhall
Martha Cotton
Kaye Corey
Susan Stephens
Frank Garza
Paul Marx
Patty Steinke
Jeff Smith
Rhonda Neel
Guest, Chiquita Taylor
James Toney, Director of Parks and Recreation
Kimberly Ramirez, Staff
Katy Blanchard, Staff
Girl Scouts, Guest
1. Call to order: Meeting was called to order at 6:32 p.m.
2. Discussion/Approval of May 23, 2017 minutes: Martha made a motion to approve the minutes as
presented Tammy second the minutes and minutes were approved unanimously.
3. Communications/Guest: The Girl Scout troop was in attendance with their silver project, little library
and brought their project was just started and brought to the meeting for KFB’s input. Door and the
front needs to be completed. Door has Plexiglas, it will be weatherproofed. Todd asked if they’re going
to be shelves in it. They said no shelves, strictly kids’ books. They had a dance and collected books and
ready to put them in the library house. After the project is complete they are going to leave the
responsibility up to the Parks for future maintenance. Todd stated the Girl Scouts should continue to
maintain the little library house. The Girl Scouts stated that they would like to have a ribbon cutting
ceremony. Patty stated that the education subcommittee will help with the responsibility of
maintaining the little library. Possibly combining it with a summer camp outing. Sherry stated the
education committee will help set up on, July 14th.
A. Volunteer Hours: Email volunteer hours to Sherry
B. Committee Reports (Oral and written): Sherry stated we had a great conference and met a lot of
people. Jr Master Gardeners received 2nd place at the youth awards.
**Executive Committee-Conference Highlights: TxDot celebrated 100 years. Lots of great sessions and
good information out. Natasha stated what’s the biggest thing about the grant we need to use all
organizations that help clean up or beautify our community.
**Keep Texas Beautiful-Susan Stephens: TxDot celebrated a big milestone. Sherry stated she would
like to thank the city for letting us go.
**Public Awareness-Natasha McAdoo: Natasha stated one thing she took from the conference was a
session to get kids out in nature. What kind of things we can do to get the kids outdoors. Other city’s
used an outdoor bill or rights. We would like to do this in the future and will have a really good impact
for our community. Sherry stated it’s more of an awareness type of project. Kaye stated the schools
have gardens. Nature rocks Texas, highlight things on what kids can do outdoors. Todd stated why don’t
we adopt this bill of rights and put it on our FB page. Kaye likes the idea of a photo contest. Katy
suggested doing a weekly contest. Sherry asked if we want to pursue this and board stated yes,
**Education-Patty Steinke: Sending information on contacts for Scout troops.
**Beautification-Kaye Corey: Kaye stated our grant from Water smart people didn’t come thru. Asking
the city for their action on a Monarch Host City. Solar lights, Matt Bell has a company in China and
trying to get us the components for our solar lights. James stated if it doesn’t work, we can do the
remaining 14 different from what we have in the park. Board stated we need to move forward with
installing the solar lights. FM 528 and San Joaquin, it’s an isore they don’t mow it or maintain it our code
enforcement officer has been out numerous times to enforce owner to clean up the area. She is asking
if KFB would like to send them a letter. Rhonda suggested that they could mention it at the next P & Z
meeting. She reported the entrance sign on 518 and it was fixed. Butterfly project, we have not heard
from Barbara. Morad has not heard from her either so we’re going to let Rotary move from here. KFB is
bowing out.
**Parks-Tom Goodwin-Trees at lake near power lines needs to be addressed.
**Environmental Action-Paul Marx-Cease the Grease, Tammy wrote a letter of recommendation to
have businesses take the grease during the holidays thru crawfish season,
C. Median Maintenance (518 Update on Irrigation Issues on 2351): Paul Stacy has contacted TxDot on
plant and tree loss on FM518, waiting for a response for FM518. FM2351, all is taken care of, roses have
been trimmed, and there were driver distraction issues. Susan stated it looks great. We are going to be
adding mulch to 518 for 4th of July.
D. Keep Friendswood Beautiful
**KTB Awards Update: See committee reports
**Simple Recycling (City is looking into this project): Simple Recycling Morad met with him, he informed
Simple Recycling that the city is not looking to add this service at this time.
**Stevenson Solar Lights: See beautification
**Consideration of joining Keep America Beautiful: Enrollment time, Kaye made a motion to join Keep
America Beautiful, Martha second the motion. James stated we will need a subcommittee to help us out
on the reporting required for KAB and the added responsibilities to staff, Todd stated that during 4th of
July is supposed to shine like a penny and we’re not and he thinks we’re failing, He stated he thinks we
spreading ourselves too thin.
Staff has requested on not having a June meeting due to 4th of July prep.
**New Teacher Luncheon gifts: Staff is working on ideas for the teacher luncheon gifts.
4. New Business-Cancel July Meeting
Budget update: $1,000 promotional items, KTB Affiliate signs in areas where signs are missing, Purchase
2 signs KFB affiliate, new teacher luncheon gifts. Patty made a motion to spend up to $300 on teacher’s
luncheon gifts. Susan made a motion to purchase Scout patches, bags and gloves for Recycle Club, Patty
second the motion and the motion was approved unanimously. James and Kimberly suggested
purchasing lighted reindeers in front of city hall. Will bring more info to the next meeting on cost and
5. Adjournment meeting: Meeting adjourned at 8:12 P.M.
Approved by:
Kimberly Ramirez
September 26, 2017